From: Theresa Miller Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 1:53 PM To: Lee, Chris Subject: Regarding 1550 N. Prospect Avenue To the Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development Committee: Honorable Ald. Bohl, Coggs, Kovac, Rainey and Stamper Dear Lady and Gentlemen: I urge you to reject the proposed change in zoning at 1550 N. Prospect Avenue. Given the current proposal, and the lack of justification for such a huge departure from the city’s zoning standards — not to mention the grotesque changes to the lot — “no” is the reasonable response. Naturally, I have a personal interest. If this building were constructed as envisioned, I could literally pass the salt to my new neighbors. They wouldn’t need to speak up to ask, and I wouldn’t need to put any mustard on the pitch — there would be a scant 3+ feet between my property line and their building. Consider that: Roughly a yardstick. Reasonable? I won’t dwell on the inescapable damage to the historic Goll Mansion, with two more moves than such a building can safely tolerate. While that is not your present concern, your names will be associated with changing this historic site. You can ensure that it is done right, or allow it to be done wrong, or extravagantly wrong. The latter is what’s on the table. Even before anyone could move a toothbrush into this sidewalk-to-bluff behemoth — more than three times the density the city’s own standards deem appropriate — the necessary traffic control would be daunting. Think Prospect Avenue is bad now? Wait until this major thoroughfare needs to be closed for safety during pile driving. Normally such closures would take place at night, but that would not be an option with all the nearby residences. Have you considered the circus that would ensue should a portion of Lincoln Memorial Drive need to be closed during pile-driving on the bluff? Certainly, the pedestrian and bike path below would need to be closed. What a mess. If built, the addition of all these extra residents and their cars would be difficult for the neighborhood to safely absorb. They won’t be coming alone; they’ll have guests and require services. The proposed guest parking of two spaces is laughable. Lack of a turnaround means large trucks will be backing in for deliveries, or backing out afterwards. Either way renders Prospect Avenue impossible. There is a long list of reasons to say no to this proposal, including damage to nearby foundations and to the bluff. If excavation involves a significant amount of soil, subsidence will be of great concern to the neighboring 1522 N. Prospect. If there is pile driving west of the bluff, there will be damage to 1522. As to pile driving on the bluff itself, what slope stability analysis has been done? What sort of vibration and subsidence monitoring is planned? None of these concerns touches on the irreversible loss of the view that all the other neighbors have worked to preserve through generous setbacks; the view that made us choose to live here. But shouldn’t you consider that, too? Of course development is sought on this prime property. Of course it will be higher density than the single beautiful stone mansion that now graces it. But this? No. This can be done only once. We trust you to insist that it’s done right. Thank you for your work. Theresa Miller 1522 N. Prospect Ave., Unit 1504 Milwaukee, WI 53202