From: Carol Raasch Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 5:59 PM To: Lee, Chris Cc: Marcoux, Rocky; Bauman, Robert; Mayor Tom Barrett;; Subject: Proposed Building for 1550 N. Prospect. Ave. Honorable Members of the Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development Committee: I reside at 1522 N. Prospect. Ave. I wish to submit my concerns and objections to the proposed building at 1550 N. Prospect Ave. 1. The structure is too massive for the lot. The city's suggested zoning standard for this building site is 112,000 sq. ft. The developer proposes a building of 360,000 sq. ft., over three times the city's density standard. 2. The developer's plans show that the building would be built far out over the steep bluff. To support the structure massive amounts of pile driving would be required. There is the potential for damage to surrounding buildings. The developer has not offered nor the DCD required a geologic/engineering study be done before construction begins on the bluff. The developer should be required to monitor those buildings and provide financial assurances to cover damages should it be required. 3. No turnaround drive has been included in the proposed plan. Moving vans will have to park on Prospect Ave. blocking traffic. Other trucks and visitor's cars will have to back out of the driveway and cross the sidewalk to enter busy Prospect. Ave. This presents a serious safety issue. This is an exceptional building site. It includes the Goll Mansion, proximity to the lake and is located in a historic neighborhood close to downtown. The principles included in Milwaukee Zoning Code of Ordinances, section 295-103 need to be applied here. I request that the ZND Committee reject the change to a new Detailed Planned Development for a multi- family residential development at 1550 N. Prospect Ave. Respectfully, Carol K. Raasch Trtee. Raasch Revocable Trust