From: Stephanie Van Alyea Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2016 10:41 PM To: Lee, Chris Cc: Marcoux, Rocky; Mayor Tom Barrett; Douglas Hagerman; Mary Ertl Dettmann Subject: Reject the change in zoning to a new detailed planned development of a multi-family residential development at 1550 N Prospect Ave By Email c/o Chris Lee: Dear Honorable Members of the Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development Committee, Please reject the change in zoning to a new planned Development for a multi-family residential development at 1550 N. Prospect Avenue for many reasons, including the following: The scale of building is too big for its lot size... its size is not carefully considering its neighborhood and neighbors, in addition, it calls for the building to be way too far out obstructing and destroying Milwaukee’s uniquely beautiful bluff. No Space for safety and rescue and Delivery Vehicles. Today in the day of Peapod and Amazon Prime I believe this development has not given mindful to space FOR MOVING AND DELIVERY TRUCKS, FIRE AND EMERGENCY VEHICLES, TAXIS, UBERS and GUEST PARKING. There is not room for a truck to drive on to the lot. Prospect Avenue can not have one of its congested lanes be a full time stop for moving in and out. Obvious result will be ongoing double parking on N. Prospect Ave in the vicinity of Albion St. (note also that Albion St. is a narrow two-way street that was previously designated a one-way (West only) street, but now allows Eastbound traffic making lefts onto Prospect, with limited visibility South onto Prospect, while Prospect traffic can make left turns onto Albion. Now take away the right lane on N. Prospect and reimagine traffic congestion at N. Prospect and Albion, and consider bike and pedestrian traffic. The current 1550 lack of parking and lack of room for moving trucks is likely to injure future pedestrians, bicycle riders, motorcyclists, and increase traffic accidents at Albion and N. Prospect as a result of the ensuing congestion on N. Prospect. If one looks at, Park Lafayette Towers, Moving vans and Fed-x and other delivery vehicles now regularly illegally double-park at Lafayette and Summit The end result is congestion, a safety cost for the neighborhood. In positive contrast, compare the 1550 N. Prospect proposal to the St. John’s development on N. Prospect. St John’s has adequate parking, sufficient guest parking as well, and can accommodate large moving vans, delivery vehicles and related, all on-site, without any double-parking on N. Prospect. St. John’s units typically exceed one million dollars, and they have an extensive waiting list. Note that the building footprint is only a fraction of the overall site footprint, with the remainder open space and parking. St, John’s achieves the ideal for parking. 1550 N. Prospect does not. From my perspective, rather, the 1550 N. Prospect proposal is an affront to the type of considered development that went into the St. John’s project. Parking is insufficient. This development does not have enough parking spaces for residents and visitors. Parking is a major issue on Prospect Avenue. Parking is already scarce. Our tenants are driving already around the neighborhood for hours for parking or pay $175 and up for a monthly spot. Safety issues re bluff Please call for an engineering and geological study conducted prior to approval. The bluff may collapse and other buildings compromised. Milwaukee Quality of Life Issues While there are so many alternate sites in our beautiful city for a new building. Why move a historically protected building to build a high rise that is so unsuited for its site. Consider our lakefront a masterpiece. A piece of Milwaukee more valuable than any jewel or work of art. To destroy our bluff, challenge our neighbors, create unsafe delivery, make more parking challenges does not seem the right message to send our citizens who are flooding back to Milwaukee for the unique city life only Milwaukee has to offer. It seems like we are making a unique statement to Wisconsin residents who have already come and bought and or rented apartments in Milwaukee saying something to the effect of “your opinions and your apartments and lives don’t matter to us. What matters are the real estate developers opinions and their projects instead.” The bottom line for me is this proposed high rise is way too big for its lot. It will create extreme unsafe traffic situations. It is not welcome by neighbors. It will make more parking problems for the Prospect Avenue neighborhood. It will also destroy the light and views for the tenants in neighboring buildings and the tenants at our historic home. Committee: Please reject the change in zoning to a new planned Development for a multi- family residential development at 1550 N. Prospect Avenue Sincerely, Stephanie Van Alyea Quirk 1537 N Prospect Ave 414 224 5155 (Since 1929, My family has owned and managed the acclaimed Milwaukee architect Eschweiler designed, historically designated mansion across the street from the Goll House, with 5 units, at 1537 N. Prospect (Prospect and Albion NW corner).