From: Bohl, James
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2013 8:21 PM
To: Lee, Chris
Subject: Fwd: ZND Meeting 10-29-2013

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Begin forwarded message:

From: marva herndon <>
Date: October 25, 2013 at 1:00:02 PM CDT
To: "Ald. W. Wade" <>, "Ald. J. Bohl" <>, "Ald. M. Coggs" <>, "Ald. R. Bauman" <>, "Ald. T. Witkowski" <>, "Ald. M. Murphy" <>
Subject: ZND Meeting 10-29-2013         

Subject:  #130901 Resolution authorizing the sale of a City-owned property at 2760 N. 1st Street
Dear Common Council Members,
I am writing as a concerned citizen and taxpayer.   I ask that the ZND approves and support this transaction put forth by MPS.
The Milwaukee Public School Board of Directors made a decision to sell this property in a manner that protects we (taxpayers) and also remain cognizant of future growth of the public school system.   If you deny this legislation, you put the city on the road to a "DETROIT".  A city cannot survive by selling off the publicly owned property to private entities, without any recourse.  Once sold, a property is controlled by the owners, who may or may allow public access.  If expansion of public schools is needed in the future, will the City or the State of Wisconsin fund new buildings?  I think not!  We have no funds.
Furthermore, far too many private schools are being closed by the State or by choice.  If these schools had purchased MPS buildings, they would be empty and foreclosed.  The transaction MPS has before you provides protection that is needed for the Citizens of Milwaukee. 
You and the MPS Board of Directors were elected to protect the interest of the Milwaukee citizens.
If you are totally compelled to deny this resolution, at the very least your should only LEASE the buildings.  In that way the citizens of Milwaukee are protected today and in the future.  School populations are too transient to make the drastic decision of selling off our properties. 
Marva Herndon
5651 N. 86th Place
Milwaukee WI  53225