1                       CITY OF MILWAUKEE  
 3   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 4   In the Matter of:
 5   LANDRY, Norman G., Class B Tavern and Tavern Dance 
     renewal applications for "Blue Gardenia" at
 6   408 East North Avenue.
 7   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
 8                      COMMITTEE MEMBERS
 9                ALD. JAMES BOHL, JR. - Chairman
10                Ald. Joe Davis, Sr. - Vice Chair
11                      Ald. Paul Henningsen
15               CITY CLERK'S OFFICE by LEO WAGNER
18                 Proceedings had and testimony given in 
         the above-entitled matter, before the UTILITIES & 
         the 19th day of May, 2003, reported by Donna 
20       Gulczynski of Milwaukee Reporters Associated, Inc. 
 1                    P R O C E E D I N G S
 2                 (NOTE:  All City Personnel Were Sworn Under 
 3       Oath Prior to These Proceedings.)
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  We are going to go back to 
 5       the 10:15 agenda for Norman Landry.  Mr. Landry, one 
 6       moment while we page through the 10:15 agenda here.  
 7       Alderman Henningsen, have you got this here?  
 8                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Yes, I do, the Blue 
 9       Gardenia.  
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  There's two.  That's the 
11       second of the two.  Norman One Step is the first.  
12       He's got two applications before us.  Okay.  I'll read 
13       it into the record.
14                 Norman G. Landry, Class B Tavern and Tavern 
15       Dance renewal applications for Norman One Step at 3218 
16       West Cameron Avenue.  In fact, what I'll do is, I will 
17       have Alderman Davis move for reconsideration of not 
18       only that item, but for also Norman G. Landry, Class B 
19       Tavern and Tavern Dance renewal applications for the 
20       Blue Gardenia at 408 East North Avenue.  Hearing no 
21       objection, so ordered.
22                 We'll take the first item up before us here.  
23       That's Norman G. Landry, Class B Tavern and Tavern 
24       Dance renewal applications for Norman One Step at 3218 
25       West Cameron Avenue in the 1st District.  Mr. Landry, 
 1       thank you for coming and for your patience this 
 2       afternoon.  Could you please raise your right hand, 
 3       Mr. Landry?  
 4                 (Whereupon Mr. Landry was sworn under oath.)
 5                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And Mr. Landry, do you 
 6       acknowledge receiving notice of today's meeting with 
 7       the possibility that your application could be denied 
 8       due to an item in the police report?  
 9                 MR. LANDRY:  I do.  
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Going around the horn, 
11       Health Department?  
12                 MR. HULBERT:  Health Department has no 
13       objection.  
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Neighborhood Services?  
15                 MS. JACOBS:  Are we looking at both right 
16       away?  
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  We're going to look at just 
18       the first item right now.  
19                 MS. JACOBS:  No objection.  
20                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Sergeant Hogan?  
21                 SERGEANT HOGAN:  The items on the police 
22       attachment are relevant to the other establishment, so 
23       I don't know if you want to hear them now or not.  
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Please, why don't we go 
25       ahead and do that.  
 1                 SERGEANT HOGAN:  At the applicant's other 
 2       premises at 408 East North Avenue, there were three 
 3       incidents.
 4                 On September the 8th, 2002, officers were 
 5       sent to the premises for a gun complaint; found two 
 6       males on the premises, both of whom had handguns 
 7       concealed on them.  One of these individuals was 
 8       observed to drop a black bag containing what appeared 
 9       to be crack cocaine onto the floor.  One individual 
10       was charged with felony possession of a firearm.  The 
11       other individual was charged with carrying a concealed 
12       weapon and possession of a controlled substance with 
13       intent to deliver while armed.
14                 The other incident was on September the 
15       25th, 2002, at about 8:40 p.m.  The officers observed 
16       suspicious activity of numerous persons loitering in 
17       front of the Blue Gardenia Tavern.  They appeared to 
18       be young in appearance, and they would enter and leave 
19       occasionally.  Officers entered the tavern after about 
20       30 minutes of observation and found three underage 
21       persons on the premises.  A citation was issued to the 
22       bartender for presence of underage as well as the 
23       underage individuals, and there was a finding of 
24       guilty on that.
25                 On September 13th, 2003, at about 11:20 
 1       p.m., officers conducted a tavern check and observed a 
 2       young-appearing male at a table with cans of beer and 
 3       empty shot glasses in front of him.  He turned out to 
 4       be 18 years old.  The bartender stated that this 
 5       patron produced identification as proof of age, 
 6       although the 18-year-old had no identification on his 
 7       person.  The bartender was given a warning regarding 
 8       presence of underage, and the underage person was 
 9       cited.
10                 And lastly, on April the 8th, 2003, at about 
11       1:30 in the morning, officers responded to a shooting 
12       at Blue Gardenia Tavern.  The licensee and the 
13       bartender stated that someone shot five times through 
14       the front door.  The fire department treated an 
15       individual who turned out to be underage.  She was 
16       shot in the leg.  Investigation revealed that there 
17       was an argument on the premises between two women.  
18       One of them left with three males, and moments later 
19       someone fired five shots through the door.  Citations 
20       for presence of underage to the bartender and to the 
21       licensee are pending in municipal court.  That's all.  
22                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Mr. Chairman, as to the 
23       underage, you understand that the committee cannot use 
24       that in a renewal decision.  
25                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Correct.  And it also 
 1       pertains to the other establishment as well, too.  
 2                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Right.  
 3                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Landry, all of these are 
 4       events that occurred at the Blue Gardenia and not at 
 5       the licensed location that we have before us, the 
 6       Norman One Step.  Unless the committee asks otherwise, 
 7       I'll just ask him to respond to that when we take the 
 8       next item up here at this point.  
 9                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Brief question.  
10       What's the one on Cameron like?  
11                 MR. LANDRY:  Pardon?  
12                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  What's the place on 
13       Cameron like?  What's your capacity?  What's your 
14       clientele.  How long -- 
15                 MR. LANDRY:  It's 30 capacity.  
16                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Huh?
17                 MR. LANDRY:  It's 30 capacity.
18                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  All right.  How long 
19       have you run that one?  
20                 MR. LANDRY:  This will be the third year.  
21                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  And there's been no 
22       police problems, no calls?  
23                 MR. LANDRY:  None whatsoever.  
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  With that, any other 
25       questions?  With that, Alderman Henningsen will move 
 1       approval of the licensed application for the Norman 
 2       One Step, the Class B Tavern and Tavern Dance.    
 3       Hearing no objection, so ordered.
 4                 The next item before us is Norman G. Landry, 
 5       Class B Tavern and Tavern Dance renewal applications 
 6       for Blue Gardenia at 408 East North Avenue.  We'll go 
 7       around the horn.  Health Department?  
 8                 MR. HULBERT:  Health Department has no 
 9       objection.
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Neighborhood Services?  
11                 MS. JACOBS:  No objection.  However, we'd 
12       like him to be aware of outstanding building code 
13       orders on the property.  
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  And Mr. Landry, you 
15       heard the report as it was just read in by Sergeant 
16       Hogan here.  I'm going to give you an opportunity to 
17       respond to any -- raise any questions or relay any 
18       feelings you have about any of the items that were 
19       read into the record here just a moment ago.  
20                 MR. LANDRAY:  No, I know of the record.  I 
21       met with Policeman -- I think it's Flores, the police 
22       captain of the 4th District.  He had me to come in and 
23       talk with him, and he asked me what I would do to 
24       alleviate the problem that I was having there.  And 
25       I've been in the tavern business for about 35 years, 
 1       and this is the first time that I've come up with 
 2       problems like this.  So one solution was I had to 
 3       terminate the bartender.  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  You're stating for 
 5       the record that the bartender who -- 
 6                 MR. LANDRY:  Yeah, that was on duty at that 
 7       time.  Well, I had to terminate him.  And I will be 
 8       working myself to make sure that these things will not 
 9       occur again.  
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  
11                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Mr. Chairman.  
12                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Henningsen.  
13                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  So you fired the 
14       bartender.  With all due respect, this place has been 
15       a hot spot for a number of years, correct?  It's been 
16       sort of a jumping joint, right?  
17                 MR. LANDRY:  Not really.  
18                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Not really?  What's 
19       your capacity?  
20                 MR. LANDRY:  They have a 30 capacity there.  
21                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  A 30 capacity.  And 
22       it's been open for 35 years?  
23                 MR. LANDRY:  No, this one haven't been.  The 
24       Blue Gardenia was on Hubbard and Vine, and then I 
25       moved there about three years ago.  
 1                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  So the Blue Gardenia's 
 2       been in business, but not at this location, for 30 
 3       some years? 
 4                 MR. LANDRY:  No, not at this location.  It's 
 5       a different location.  
 6                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  All right.  With all 
 7       due respect, you're getting on to the twilight years, 
 8       so to speak.  
 9                 MR. LANDRY:  That's right.  
10                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Is this a little tough 
11       for you to handle by yourself?  Do you have any 
12       security?  
13                 MR. LANDRY:  Well, I don't have to be open 
14       every night.  
15                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  All right.  Do you 
16       have any security?  
17                 MR. LANDRY:  Security?  
18                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Yeah.  
19                 MR. LANDRY:  No.  
20                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Do you wand or check 
21       for metals or weapons at the door?  
22                 MR. LANDRY:  No.  
23                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Why did you have these 
24       problems?  There's four major police problems in the 
25       last year.  If that happened downtown, the guy would 
 1       be hearing bloody murder from me, I know that.  
 2                 MR. LANDRY:  I don't know.  I guess it's a 
 3       different clientele, different in the area, that would 
 4       create the problem.  Another thing I can do is up the 
 5       age limit, you know, because the police said it was 
 6       perfectly all right for me to raise the age limit to a 
 7       higher age limit.  
 8                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Is that legal?  I 
 9       don't think so.  If they're over 21, they can get in, 
10       right?  
11                 MR. COPELAND:  Right.  
12                 MR. LANDRY:  Well, I talked to Captain 
13       Flores about it, and he said you can put the age limit 
14       to whatever you want.  
15                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  You can B.S. about it, 
16       25 and over, but I mean if I came and I was 21, you'd 
17       have to let me in.  Right?  
18                 MR. COPELAND:  That's correct.  
19                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  All right.  Now, this 
20       is two in September, one in February, one just a month 
21       ago, which was shootings into the bar because 
22       something happened to kick someone out, and they came 
23       back and retaliated.  What the heck was that about?  
24       What was the victim -- She had a bunch of boy friends 
25       with guns?  
 1                 MR. LANDRY:  It was two ladies arguing.  I 
 2       was there that night.  
 3                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Yeah.  Both minors.  
 4                 MR. LANDRY:  Yeah, and they all left.  
 5       Everybody left.  
 6                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Both minors, these 
 7       ladies?  
 8                 MR. LANDRY:  Both what?  
 9                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Minors.  
10                 MR. LANDRY:  No, they wasn't no minors.  
11                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  One of them was, it 
12       says in the police report.  
13                 MR. LANDRY:  Not that incident.  The guy 
14       that got shot was a minor.  
15                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  A reminder to the committee, 
16       because there have not been two convictions within the 
17       year, you cannot use the underage piece of this.  
18                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Can you use it as an 
19       incident?  
20                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  No.  
21                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Underage you can't.  
22                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  No, 125.12.  No, no, no.  
23       Unless there's two in one year.  
24                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  It's a police call.  
25                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Look, I'm only the lawyer.  
 1       Do what you want to do.  
 2                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Go ahead, Alderman. 
 3                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  How would you 
 4       characterize this past year?  This is the worst 
 5       one of your career, you've never had any of these 
 6       problems before. 
 7                 MR. LANDRY:  The worst of my career.  
 8                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  So tell the committee 
 9       generally what you're going to do about it to prevent 
10       this next licensed year be a repeat.  
11                 MR. LANDRY:  Well, what I'm going to do is 
12       I'm going to work myself.  I'm not going to have 
13       anybody else to work.  I'll be there personally 
14       myself.  
15                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  I know, but that's -- 
16       You're going to work and no other employee?  Are you 
17       going to have any other employees?  
18                 MR. LANDRY:  I may have somebody to help me, 
19       you know, and not me just steady work myself, but it 
20       more than likely would be a woman.  
21                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Do you check 
22       identification cards at the door --  
23                 MR. LANDRY:  Oh, yeah.  
24                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  -- all the time?  How 
25       many do you confiscate on any average weekend?  
 1                 MR. LANDRY:  Usually they turn around.  If 
 2       they come around and don't have an I.D., or if they 
 3       have one that's fake, and I say it's a fake, they will 
 4       turn around and go away.  
 5                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Okay.
 6                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Other questions by 
 7       committee at this time?
 8                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Chair.  
 9                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Davis.
10                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Landry, is Derry Gross 
11       the same as who is referred to in Item No. 4 as Gary 
12       Gross?  
13                 MR. LANDRY:  They're the same.
14                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Those are the two same -- 
15                 MR. LANDRY:  That's the same person, yeah.
16                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  And you stated before that 
17       you have terminated his employment because of this 
18       incident?  
19                 MR. LANDRY:  As of tonight.
20                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Excuse me?  
21                 MR. LANDRY:  Tonight is his last night of 
22       work.
23                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Tonight is his last night?  
24                 MR. LANDRY:  Right.
25                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Is it because of -- Well, 
 1       how long has he been employed by you, sir?  
 2                 MR. LANDRY:  For about a year.
 3                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  For about a year?  
 4                 MR. LANDRY:  Yeah.
 5                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  And when you have a 
 6       bartender, is he pretty much the manager of your 
 7       establishment?  Is he responsible for who comes and 
 8       adhering to the law?  
 9                 MR. LANDRY:  He's definitely responsible.
10                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Because I do have some 
11       concerns with these four incidences that you had at 
12       your tavern, there's no doubt about it.  Particularly 
13       the one that had to deal with firearms, and the one 
14       incident that had to do with a shooting.  So, we just 
15       had to give another establishment a 10-day suspension, 
16       Mr. Chair, and I would move that -- 
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  One moment.  I do have a 
18       follow-up question, Alderman Davis, before we get to 
19       that here.  Are you finished in terms of your 
20       questioning here?
21                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Yes.  
22                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay, thank you.  
23       Mr. Landry, what's the capacity of the Blue Gardenia?  
24                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Thirty.  
25                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  This one is 30, and your 
 1       other establishment is how much?  
 2                 MR. LANDRY:  It's 30 or either 25.  I think 
 3       25 is the other one.  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  So these are two small 
 5       places.  
 6                 MR. LANDRY:  They're small places, yeah. 
 7                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  You indicated you were here 
 8       on one of the nights on which one of these incidents 
 9       occurred.  
10                 MR. LANDRY:  I was.  
11                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Do you spend more of your 
12       time running the other establishment that you own?  
13                 MR. LANDRY:  No.  I spend more time at that 
14       one because I live there.  I live above the tavern 
15       there at 408.  
16                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  You live above -- 
17                 MR. LANDRY:  I live above the tavern, yes.  
18                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  And 408 is the Blue Gardenia?  
19                 MR. LANDRY:  Right.  And I live at 410, 
20       above the tavern.  
21                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Would you say that, 
22       in your words, that you've had a fair number of 
23       problems here at this establishment in the last year?  
24                 MR. LANDRY:  I've had more problems 
25       there than I ever had anyplace, even when I was at 
 1       another location.  I've only had problems since I've 
 2       been there.  I never had any problems with anyplace 
 3       before.  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And how would you 
 5       characterize -- This 410 East North Avenue, is that -- 
 6       is that east or west of the river?  Is that west of 
 7       the river?  
 8                 MR. LANDRY:  That's west of the river.
 9                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  All right.  That's all that 
10       I have in terms of questioning.  Any other questions 
11       of Mr. Landry?  
12                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Mr. Chairman, for the 
13       city attorney.  
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Go ahead, Alderman 
15       Henningsen.  
16                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Describe what the 
17       policy should be as to progressive discipline as you 
18       have mentioned before.  
19                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  There is no -- Alderman, I 
20       can stop you there.  There is necessarily no such 
21       thing.  That's something that the committee can take 
22       under their purview.  There is no -- Mr. Schrimpf, if 
23       you want to ad-lib on me, -- 
24                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  No, you're correct.  
25                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  All right.  You're 
 1       quoting him accurately.  I mean we're not going to get 
 2       beat up by him later.  Okay.
 3                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  There is no particular --
 4                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Well, I would second 
 5       Alderman Davis' motion, but I think it should be 
 6       longer.  I think it should be a 30-day, because this 
 7       is quite amazing, these four serious incidences, and 
 8       you just said that the bartender was released just 
 9       recently.  The same bartender was on the premise late 
10       last fall, and you didn't get rid of him then, so I 
11       don't think you've been completely straight with this 
12       committee, because you should have gotten rid of him 
13       last fall, not just in April.  
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  I'll allow you to answer 
15       that, Mr. Landry.  Go ahead.  
16                 MR. LANDRY:  Well, if you want me to explain 
17       that, the best way I can explain it to you, when he 
18       had the gun, the -- he had to do time, and the jury 
19       let him go out under the Huber Law where he could 
20       still work and pay his child support, because he was 
21       paying his child support on a payroll basis, and I 
22       thought if the judge thought he was decent enough to 
23       go out and still work, that I would let him work up 
24       until that time, up until he had finished doing his 
25       time, which was last week.  
 1                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Mr. Chair?
 2                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Henningsen.
 3                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Doing his time meaning 
 4       probation?  
 5                 MR. LANDRY:  Yeah, working under the Huber 
 6       Law.  
 7                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Right.  So in 
 8       September, when he was found to have -- 
 9                 MR. LANDRY:  A firearm.  
10                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  -- to be carrying a 
11       gun, -- 
12                 MR. LANDRY:  Yeah.  
13                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Why wasn't he revoked?  
14                 MR. LANDRY:  I don't know.  
15                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Okay.  Well, you then 
16       knew that he was carrying a handgun on his person.  
17                 MR. LANDRY:  No, I did not know that.  I 
18       didn't know it until then.  
19                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Till then.  
20                 MR. LANDRY:  No, I did not.  
21                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  So why didn't you 
22       dismiss him at that time?  He was charged with felony 
23       possession of a firearm, and even Johnny Cochran says 
24       you ought to do time.  
25                 MR. LANDRY:  I tried to explain that to you 
 1       just now.  
 2                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  What?  
 3                 MR. LANDRY:  I said that I did not dismiss 
 4       him then because when he went to court, they gave 
 5       him -- I think it was 60 days under the Huber Law, 
 6       which in turn he had to pay his child support.  That 
 7       was the jury that decided that.  And for him to pay 
 8       his child support, well, he had to still work.  
 9                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Well, I know that, 
10       sir, but he's also affecting your license, and I think 
11       first things first.  We're here to deal with your 
12       license and not his financial position.  But I would 
13       hope that maybe Alderman Davis would take, as a 
14       friendly amendment, a motion to suspend for 30 days, 
15       and then we'll hopefully work for some improvement in 
16       the next year.  
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Alderman Davis, the 
18       court is yours here at this point.
19                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Chair, I'm going to 
20       accept Alderman Henningsen's recommendation or his 
21       amendment.  You know, these are serious charges, 
22       and I was hoping that Mr. Landry would give me the 
23       information that he was previously terminated.  But to 
24       tell me that today would be his last day with these 
25       egregious offenses, I want to give you a little bit of 
 1       time to work on it.  And also I'm more interested in 
 2       making sure that the people who patronize your 
 3       business are safe, also, so I will accept that as a 
 4       friendly amendment.  
 5                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  The motion we have 
 6       before us is for renewal of the Class B Tavern 
 7       application with a 30-day suspension.  
 8                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  That's the Tavern and Tavern 
 9       Dance, Mr. Chairman?  
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Do they have a Tavern and 
11       Tavern Dance?  
12                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  For the Blue Gardenia they do.
13                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  That would be correct.  That 
14       would be a 30-day suspension for the Tavern and Tavern 
15       Dance.  Are there any comments on that?  Are there any 
16       objections to it?  Hearing none, so ordered.  
17                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Mr. Landry, the committee is 
18       going to be doing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of 
19       Law recommending to the full Common Council that your 
20       Class B Tavern and Tavern Dance License for the 
21       premises at 408 East North Avenue, the Blue Gardenia, 
22       be renewed with a 30-day suspension.  You'll receive a 
23       copy of that recommendation.
24                 You'll have an opportunity to submit written 
25       objections to that recommendation, and you'll have an 
 1       opportunity to appear before the full Common Council 
 2       when it meets at approximately 9 a.m. --  
 3                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  On June 3rd.  
 4                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  -- on June 3rd, 2003, to take 
 5       this matter up, and you'll have an opportunity to 
 6       argue your cause at that time.  Okay?  
 7                 MR. LANDRY:  Okay.  
 8                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you, Mr. Landry.
 9                          * * *
                       )  ss:
 6                 I, DONNA GULCZYNSKI, of Milwaukee Reporters
 7       Associated, Inc., 5120 West Bluemound Road, Milwaukee,
 8       Wisconsin, certify that the foregoing transcript,
 9       consisting of pages 2 through 21 inclusive, is a
10       full and complete transcript of the proceedings taken 
11       in this cause.
17                         Donna Gulczynski - Court Reporter
22       Dated this        day of                , 2003
23       Milwaukee, Wisconsin