00001 1 2 CITY OF MILWAUKEE 3 UTILITIES & LICENSES COMMITTEE 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 In the Matter of a Class "B" Tavern Application for: 6 DOROTHY F. CASH CASTAWAYS OF WISCONSIN, Inc., 7 (Pieces of Eight) 550 N. Harbor Drive 8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9 COMMITTEE MEMBERS 10 ALD. JAMES BOHL - Chairman ALD. FREDERICK GORDON - Vice Chairman 11 ALD. JEFFREY PAWLINSKI ALD. JOSEPH A. DUDZIK 12 LICENSING DIVISION by JAMES COPELAND 13 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES by KAREN JACOBS HEALTH DEPARTMENT by KEVIN HULBERT 14 POLICE DEPARTMENT by SEARGENT JOHN HOGAN OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY by ATTORNEY BRUCE SCHRIMPF 15 16 17 Proceedings had and testimony given in 18 the above-entitled matter, before the UTILITIES & 19 LICENSES COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE, on 20 the 29th day of April, 2003. 00002 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Dorothy F. Cash, Agent 3 for "Castaways of Wisconsin, Inc." Class 'B' 4 Tavern application with change of agent for 5 "Pieces of Eight" at 550 North Harbor Drive in 6 the Fourth Aldermanic District. This item has 7 been cited for a special letter. Good morning, 8 Ms. Cash. 9 THE APPLICANT: Good morning. 10 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Could you please raise 11 your right hand? 12 MS. ELMER: Do you solemnly swear to 13 tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but 14 the truth, so help you God? 15 THE APPLICANT: I do. 16 CHAIRMAN BOHL: And, Mrs. Cash, do you 17 acknowledge receiving receipt of - - a notice of 18 today's meeting with the possibility that your 19 license application could be denied, and I will 20 cite for the following reasons, neighborhood 21 objection to the attached police report indicates 22 that the nominated agent will not, in fact, have 23 full power, authority and control over the 24 licensed premises, but a Wisconsin State 25 Statutes, 125.04, one and two, it states, "Agent, 00003 1 no corporation or limited liability company 2 organized under the laws of this state or any 3 other state or foreign country may be issued an 4 alcohol beverage license or permit unless the 5 entity first appoints an agent in the manner 6 prescribed by the authority issuing the license 7 or permit conditioned to qualifications under - - 8 under subset five, and that the entity vest in 9 the agent by properly authorizing an executed 10 written delegation full authority and control of 11 the premises prescribed in the license or permit 12 of the entity, and the conduct of all business on 13 the premises relative to alcohol beverage, that 14 the entity licensee or permittee could have and 15 exercise if it were a natural person." Have you 16 received that? 17 THE APPLICANT: Yes, I have. 18 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Thank you. We'll go 19 around the horn. Neighborhood services? 20 DNS: No objections. 21 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Health department? 22 HEALTH DEPARTMENT: No objections. 23 CHAIRMAN BOHL: And, Sergeant Hogan? 24 SERGEANT HOGAN: You pretty much said 25 it all. The concern - - The concern is that the 00004 1 app - - Ms. Cash, here is not concerned or 2 empowered to actually running the place, and we 3 don't know who is. 4 THE APPLICANT: Well, I just - - We 5 just appointed a new agent. She's - - She's 6 filling out papers when she was downstairs 7 yesterday. Her name is Theresa Windmar. She's 8 the manager now, the new manager we just got, and 9 she is applying for the agent. 10 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Ms. Cash, if - - if 11 that's the case, what you're saying here before 12 the committee is that your application is not 13 necessary. Is that - - I don't want to put words 14 in your mouth. 15 THE APPLICANT: Well, no, I have to be 16 - - I'm in - - I don't have to be the agent, but 17 I am the stockholder with Castaways. 18 MR. COPELAND: Mr. Chairman. 19 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Mr. Copeland. 20 MR. COPELAND: This license - - This 21 can be held, because the license doesn't expire 22 until June 30th. Therefore, we can get a new 23 police report on the new agent as amended. 24 THE APPLICANT: Fine. 25 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. And we'll go 00005 1 ahead and do that, and if - - When the new agent 2 comes before us, then we'll take that up at that 3 time. Okay. So this item will be held to the 4 call of the Chair, and the motion will be made by 5 Alderman Dudzik. There being no objections, so 6 ordered. So. What we'll do is, is we will wait 7 until this new agent makes the application. The 8 license for "Pieces of Eight" does not expire, so 9 there will still be time for that person to make 10 the application and for us to take it up. 11 THE APPLICANT: Right. Okay. 12 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Before then. Okay. 13 Thank you. Thank you for your time. I don't 14 know if it was necessary you came down here, but 15 I appreciate your patience. 16 THE APPLICANT: Well, they told me I 17 had to be here, so I came. 18 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. Have a great 19 day, okay. 20 THE APPLICANT: Thank you. 21 * * * * * * 00006 1 STATE OF WISCONSIN) 2 MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) 3 4 I, JEAN M. BARINA, of Milwaukee Reporters 5 Associated, Inc., do certify that the foregoing 6 transcript was reduced to writing under my direction 7 and that it is a true and accurate transcription of 8 the Utilities & Licenses Hearing held on April 29, 9 2003. 10 11 12 JEAN M. BARINA - COURT REPORTER 13 Dated this day of May, 2003. 14 15