1 CITY OF MILWAUKEE COMMON COUNCIL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In the Matter of: BREW HOUSE STOJAN CORALIC, "BREW HOUSE" 2936 South 13th Street * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Proceedings had and testimony given in the above-entitled matter before the COMMON COUNCIL CITY OF MILWAUKEE on the 15th day of June, 2010. 2 1 * * * * * 2 3 I N D E X 4 5 Mr. Schrimpf...................................... 3 6 Mr. Halbrooks..................................... 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 1 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 2 PRESIDENT HINES: For this next item, 3 and a number of later items, we will use the 4 services of the court reporter. Let the record 5 reflect that the court reporter has been sworn in. 6 Are there any items of unfinished 7 business to be dealt with and discussed at this 8 time? 9 CITY CLERK: There is one item of 10 unfinished business, Common Council File No. 11 100226, motion relating to the recommendations of 12 the Licenses Committee regarding the Class B 13 Tavern and Tavern Dance License of Stojan Coralic 14 for the Brew House, 2036 South 13th Street. The 15 Common Council voted at its regular meeting on May 16 4, 2010, to nonrenew these applications, 17 notwithstanding the recommendations of the 18 Licenses Committee. Upon review by the Circuit 19 Court, this matter has been returned to the Common 20 Council for further consideration. 21 PRESIDENT HINES: We will now hear from 22 the office of the city attorney concerning this 23 matter and ask that he limit his remarks to five 24 minutes. 25 MR. SCHRIMPF: Thank you, Mr. President. 4 1 Bruce Schrimpf from the City Attorney's Office. 2 The remand back to you deals with the 3 following situation: On the floor of the Council 4 when this matter was up, during discussion by the 5 Council members, Alderman Bohl made reference to 6 -- I'm locating it in the transcript here, "What I 7 will say is after review of the finding of facts, 8 and really review of the statements made, a motion 9 was made by Alderman Kovac to nonrenew. On 10 reflection of that, I actually second guessed a 11 motion that I made for a 90-day suspension, for 12 the motion I supported, and for two reasons: One 13 because I think the evidence demonstrated that 14 this is a place of multiple shootings, multiple 15 beatings and was extremely problematic. But to 16 the larger part, and the larger concern was, it is 17 exactly this, that the individual operator is 18 hands off in terms of his operation of the 19 establishment." 20 While this matter was being reviewed by 21 the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County, the 22 licensee raised the point that there was no 23 evidence of a shooting within the last license 24 year, and there was no evidence of multiple 25 beatings. 5 1 There was one additional concern, and 2 that was that Alderman Bohl, during the course of 3 the discussion on the floor of the Council, stated 4 that he was really on the fence on this, and the 5 argument was by the licensee that he never said 6 that at committee, and he represented on the floor 7 of the Council that he had said at Committee he 8 was on the fence on this. Actually, this is what 9 Alderman Bohl said, and this was at the committee 10 hearing, "I will say for the record my preference. 11 I will also -- we're in a 2/2 tie. My feeling, at 12 this point, I will just state for the record is, I 13 think that something substantial, and perhaps my 14 real suspicion right now is to support a 90-day 15 suspension of the Class B. And I would not have 16 supported any license without at least the 17 admission of eliminating the Tavern Dance. So 18 that's where I stand. So the motion will fail on 19 a 2/2 vote." That is the exchange. And because 20 of those three considerations, the Circuit Court 21 actually, I think it's before Judge Sosney, 22 recommended that perhaps it could come back to the 23 Committee so that the appellant has a chance to 24 correct that information that was stated on the 25 floor of the Council and anything else that he 6 1 might want to add. And Judge Sosney seemed to be 2 happy with that. 3 At the moment, there is no injunction 4 regarding this place. At the moment, the place is 5 closed. We're simply here to reconsider in light 6 of the correction of those remarks, whatever 7 actions this Council wishes to take on the 8 license. 9 And that's really all I have to say 10 unless there are specific questions. And I think 11 Mr. Coralic, the licensee, by counsel will address 12 you after I'm done. 13 PRESIDENT HINES: Are there any 14 questions of Assistant City Attorney Bruce 15 Schrimpf? Any clarification? Any questions 16 relative to why this matter is before us? 17 ALDERMAN KOVAC: Mr. President. 18 PRESIDENT HINES: Yes. The chair 19 recognizes Alderman Kovac. 20 ALDERMAN KOVAC: Mr. Schrimpf, do we 21 have the option of taking action today or sending 22 it back to committee, all options on the table? 23 MR. SCHRIMPF: I don't see any 24 prohibition against sending it back to committee. 25 ALDERMAN KOVAC: But we could also take 7 1 action today? 2 MR. SCHRIMPF: Yes, you can also take 3 action today. 4 PRESIDENT HINES: Thank you, Alderman. 5 Any additional questions? Yes, the chair 6 recognizes Alderman Murphy. 7 ALDERMAN MURPHY: Bruce, is it the 8 court's opinion that Alderman Bohl's comments 9 would in some way have interfered with the overall 10 voting on the floor? Because I'm not so sure that 11 would be the case. That was the inference? 12 MR. SCHRIMPF: The court made no such 13 findings. It was simply the argument on the part 14 of the appellant that it could have influenced the 15 Council. And there is no court findings that it 16 did influence the Council, nothing like that. 17 ALDERMAN MURPHY: The only issue is 18 that, you know, all of us have to read the record, 19 we have to make a decision based on the facts 20 and -- 21 MR. SCHRIMPF: Which I pointed out to 22 the court. 23 ALDERMAN MURPHY: -- whether one 24 alderman feels one way or another doesn't mean a 25 hill of beans to me. I mean, no offense to 8 1 anybody here, but the reality is, I base my 2 decision on the facts of the case. So, you know, 3 all of us, not just elected officials, don't 4 always have perfect memory, so. I mean, that's 5 why you have the written record to read. So I -- 6 we're not setting a precedent here in terms of, 7 you know, every attorney now reviewing every 8 single comment on the floor of the Council to see 9 if they misstated one small fact or something. 10 MR. SCHRIMPF: I think that -- first of 11 all, to answer your specific question, no, I don't 12 think it is setting a precedent. And that is why, 13 precisely your point that people do forget things, 14 or something may not be entirely correctly stated, 15 or misstated, and that is precisely why you have 16 hearings, and that is precisely why you have the 17 opportunity to submit written objections. 18 ALDERMAN MURPHY: Thank you. 19 PRESIDENT HINES: Thank you, Alderman. 20 The chair recognizes Alderman Jim Bohl. 21 ALDERMAN BOHL: Thank you, Mr. 22 President. Mr. President, I will be very careful 23 to form leading questions because I understand 24 we're at a point, but I also wanted to respond to 25 the remand as well, too. And I'll just say, Mr. 9 1 Schrimpf, are you aware that as chairman of that 2 committee, I, like others, receive findings of 3 fact and conclusions of law that are provided to 4 me? 5 MR. SCHRIMPF: Yes. 6 ALDERMAN BOHL: Are you aware that as 7 chairman of the committee, I also keep findings 8 and facts at my desk in case there are additional 9 questions here in the council chamber? 10 MR. SCHRIMPF: I'm not aware of that. 11 ALDERMAN BOHL: Okay. My answer would 12 be, the answer is, yes. 13 PRESIDENT HINES: No asking the question 14 and answering your own question, Alderman. 15 ALDERMAN BOHL: Mr. Schrimpf, is it 16 possible that I had the finding of facts open at 17 my desk on that particular day and was reviewing 18 them in addition to my previous review and used 19 the term "shootings" because my jargon is 20 different from others? Where some persons could 21 say "shots fired," and others may use the term in 22 saying there was a "shooting" as opposed to -- 23 MR. SCHRIMPF: Well, to address the 24 issue that you've raised, and I pointed this out 25 to the court, and I think the court was somewhat 10 1 solicitous of this, I said, "Well, the difference 2 between, the parsing, the term 'shooting' and 3 'shots fired' is some poor individual getting in 4 the way of the bullet," and the judge completely 5 agreed with me, so. 6 ALDERMAN BOHL: There was video footage, 7 there was a gentleman who actually presented video 8 footage of -- I'll use the proper term this time, 9 of shots fired that the Committee did see. 10 MR. SCHRIMPF: Well, there was video 11 footage of activity -- 12 ALDERMAN BOHL: Where you could hear 13 "pop, pop, pop." 14 MR. SCHRIMPF: -- going on outside of 15 the bar. Yes, you heard sounds since that would 16 be consistent with shots fired. 17 ALDERMAN BOHL: And the testimony of 18 that individual was that they were indeed shots 19 that were being fired on that occasion? 20 MR. SCHRIMPF: Yes, that is correct. 21 ALDERMAN BOHL: And was there indeed 22 testimony that there had been shots fired on other 23 occasions? Do you have that recollection? 24 MR. SCHRIMPF: I believe there was, yes. 25 ALDERMAN BOHL: That was my reference, 11 1 Mr. President. That's what I wanted to do in 2 terms of my clarifying the record. Thank you. 3 PRESIDENT HINES: Thank you, Alderman. 4 Any additional questions of Attorney Bruce 5 Schrimpf? 6 MR. SCHRIMPF: Thank you. 7 PRESIDENT HINES: If not, thank you. We 8 will now hear from the attorney for the applicant. 9 I would ask that he, too, limit his remarks to 10 five minutes. Please do identify yourself for the 11 record. 12 MR. HALBROOKS: Thank you, Mr. 13 President, members, aldermen. I am Attorney David 14 Halbrooks. 15 Just to kind of explain our angle on the 16 questions that have come up, the problem is not 17 what was said on the floor. We expect that all of 18 you will be advocates for a position and argue 19 strongly for what you believe should be the 20 result. The problem that is arising these days is 21 that what is said on the floor that is different 22 than what is presented before the Committee is 23 presented after the applicant has a chance to 24 correct the record. 25 So unlike any other resolution that goes 12 1 to the mayor, an ordinance that goes to the mayor, 2 there is the opportunity for individuals to still 3 have input before the mayor makes his signature on 4 the document. In this instance, there is no 5 opportunity. And so, what we're left with is the 6 circumstance where, essentially, we were satisfied 7 with what happened at the Committee. Filing an 8 objection, coming here and wasting your time is 9 not always, does not always seem to be the 10 appropriate result. Now, obviously, that is not 11 the case. 12 Let me tell you what happened in this 13 particular circumstance. The reason that there 14 was this confusion, the reason this has happened 15 was that the Committee recommended a 90-day 16 suspension. The Committee also accepted the 17 removal of the Tavern Dance License. 18 Now, I've watched some hearings lately, 19 and I could see the handwriting getting closer to 20 the wall, and it appeared that the Tavern Dance 21 License was the problem, appeared that was the 22 problem of the Committee, and so, we voluntarily 23 pulled that at the Committee. I believe that the 24 action would have been nonrenewal on that based on 25 what went into the evidence. 13 1 We also have, on a number of occasions, 2 seen the Committee scorn over plans that come in 3 at the last minute and say, "Well, this is an 4 eleventh-hour plan. We're not going to give that 5 any credibility." Or "You gave us a plan and you 6 haven't followed through." 7 Being of the opinion that Mr. Coralic 8 needed to hire a manager, needed to create a 9 business plan before he could open, we essentially 10 agreed that there would be no change, that he 11 wouldn't open until he got competent management, 12 until he got the business plan in place. So we 13 thought that it was a responsible thing to come to 14 the Committee to say, here is the circumstance: 15 We give up the license for the Tavern Dance, and 16 we change the entire format of the facility such 17 that it will operate under a business plan, and it 18 will not operate until the business plan is 19 approved by the Committee." Which is why a 90-day 20 suspension was acceptable, and we didn't appear. 21 But then the difficulty is that when -- 22 and again, all of us have difficulties with our 23 memories. And I don't know how, when the numerous 24 statements are made, that cannot, you know, the 25 numerous hearings that are held, keeping all of 14 1 them straight I think is a difficult task. I 2 don't think we all realized until afterwards what 3 the term "shootings" meant to us. 4 So I don't necessarily have a problem 5 with what happened on the floor. The problem is 6 we don't have a chance to have our due process 7 rights to chime in. So that's why we thought the 8 90 days was acceptable. That's why we didn't show 9 up and object to it. And I think that it still is 10 acceptable, and we would ask that you follow the 11 recommendations of the Committee. 12 Just in closing, we work very hard at 13 these committee meetings. I think that they are 14 aggressively worked on by both sides. In this 15 case, I will refer to Attorney Zielinski who was 16 moving for the nonrenewal this time, but we worked 17 very hard. And at the end, the Committee votes 18 based on what they have. And it's difficult then 19 for this Council, I think to, you know, deal with 20 it in a short period given what we present during 21 that time. So I understand the problem. I just 22 would suggest that -- and actually, Alderman 23 Kovac's question about returning to Committee, 24 that if there is something different or something 25 new admitted, that returning it to the Committee 15 1 would be the proper way to do it. And we actually 2 have an e-mail from Mr. Schrimpf to Alderman 3 Zielinski about that, that if things are going to 4 be put in, that's the proper way to handle it. 5 So we would ask that you follow the 6 Committee's recommendation of 90 days. I think 7 that it was presented in a way that justified 8 that. The equities also dictate that that is the 9 proper determination. Thank you. 10 PRESIDENT HINES: Thank you. 11 Are there any questions that any members 12 have of the attorney? Any questions of Attorney 13 Halbrooks? If not, thank you, sir, do appreciate 14 that. 15 Alderman Bohl now moves that the 16 Committee of the Whole rises. Hearing no 17 objections, so ordered. Are there any motions 18 with respect to this matter? Are there any 19 motions with respect to this matter? Yes, before 20 I recognize, I do want to remind the Council 21 members that the original recommendation of the 22 Licenses Committee was a renewal with a 90-day 23 suspension. With that being the case, the chair 24 recognizes Alderman Kovac. 25 ALDERMAN KOVAC: Thank you, Mr. 16 1 President. And thank you, too, to Attorney 2 Halbrooks for clarifying, in this case, the 3 definition of "shootings," and in the other case, 4 I now know the exact definition of the word 5 "mayhem." So it's been an educational experience 6 for me in many ways being on the Licenses 7 Committee. 8 I made this same motion at Council last 9 time, and in weighing whether or not to send this 10 back to Committee, I think the reason to send it 11 back to committee would be if there is new 12 evidence. In this case, there is not any new 13 evidence. The bar hasn't even been open in this 14 interim. The issue is, frankly, the judge wanted 15 us to make sure that we understood what the 16 existing evidence was. And I think after the 17 presentations from the two attorneys, there is no 18 question what the evidence was. There was video 19 footage at the original hearing for revocation 20 going back several months, which was also open and 21 allowed for the full Committee and Council to 22 consider at the renewal hearing. And at that 23 hearing, there was also testimony from the police 24 captain about the nature of this bar. And the 25 motion I made was based on the neighborhood 17 1 testimony and the police department testimony, and 2 I make the same motion here for nonrenewal. 3 PRESIDENT HINES: Thank you. That's an 4 appropriate motion. Is there any discussion on 5 the motion put forth by Alderman Kovac? Any 6 discussions, any questions? Okay. The chair 7 recognizes Alderman Puente. 8 ALDERMAN PUENTE: Thank you, Mr. 9 President. What was the vote last time? 10 PRESIDENT HINES: We'll get that for 11 you, sir. That information is being gathered at 12 this time point in time, it's just not as 13 quickly -- 14 ALDERMAN BOHL: Mr. President. 15 PRESIDENT HINES: Yes, the chair 16 recognizes Alderman Bohl. 17 ALDERMAN BOHL: Thank you, Mr. 18 President. I believe that there was one member 19 excused, Alderman Zielinski abstained. So I 20 believe it may have been a 13 -- there may have 21 been one vote against. I don't know if Alderwoman 22 Coggs voted against, so it may have been a 12/1. 23 PRESIDENT HINES: We're going to try to 24 get the accurate count. 25 ALDERMAN BOHL: 12 to 1 with 1 excused. 18 1 PRESIDENT HINES: While we seek to 2 gather that information, maybe we can respond to 3 Alderman Hamilton. Alderman Hamilton, do you have 4 a question, please? 5 ALDERMAN HAMILTON: Thank you, Mr. 6 President. If at the same time -- 7 PRESIDENT HINES: Or statement, I'm 8 sorry. 9 ALDERMAN HAMILTON: Yeah, it's also a 10 question. I just want to make sure that we have, 11 while we're getting that information, if we can 12 also get what the vote was at Committee, as when 13 it came out of Committee, when it came to the 14 floor? 15 PRESIDENT HINES: Yes, and if I am not 16 mistaken, the Committee may have been 2/2 based 17 upon the statements that were said, but we can get 18 that clarified with Alderman Bohl. And, again, a 19 2/2 tie is what made it fail, I believe, but we'll 20 get that as well. 21 The question relative to what was the 22 vote in Council, and we have that one, but the 23 vote as it pertains to the Committee hearing. I 24 believe the vote at the Council, I can address 25 that one first. 10 in favor, 3 opposed, 1 19 1 excused, 1 abstention, total of 15. So ten of 2 them were in favor. 3 The other question was the number of 4 what was the vote count at Committee, and I 5 believe the vote count at Committee was 2/2. It 6 was 3/1. It was 3/1. Three in favor of the 7 90-day suspension, one in objection to a 90-day 8 suspension, and then one was either excused -- 9 okay. 10 Any additional questions? Are there any 11 additional comments relative to the motion? The 12 chair recognizes Alderman Puente. 13 ALDERMAN PUENTE: I just want to make 14 sure that that vote pertained to the revocation 15 versus the 90-day suspension, or the other way 16 around? 17 PRESIDENT HINES: Well, the vote that 18 was taken here was for the nonrenewal. So once it 19 got to Council, it was a nonrenewal. Coming out 20 of committee, it was a 90-day suspension. The 21 chair recognizes Alderman Kovac. 22 ALDERMAN KOVAC: Mr. President, I 23 believe there was a motion at Committee for a 24 nonrenewal that failed 2 to 2, and then there was 25 a subsequent motion for a 90-day suspension that 20 1 passed 3 to 1. 2 PRESIDENT HINES: Thank you. That does 3 appear to be correct, Alderman. The chair 4 recognizes Alderman Witkowiak. 5 ALDERMAN WITKOWIAK: Thank you, Mr. 6 President. Just a correction on your agenda, 7 unfinished business. They have the address wrong. 8 They have it as "2036 South 13th Street," which 9 would put it right in the middle of the 12th 10 District; it's actually 14th. The correct address 11 should be 2936 South 13th Street. 12 PRESIDENT HINES: 2936 South 13th 13 Street. We'll make certain that the address for 14 the record is corrected. Have it in its proper 15 place, no additional appeals. Thank you. 16 Any additional comments? Again, the 17 motion before us is nonrenewal. That's on the 18 table from Alderman Kovac. Let's take a roll call 19 vote on the motion as put forth by Alderman Kovac 20 of a nonrenewal. 21 CITY CLERK: On the motion for 22 nonrenewal, Alderman Hamilton. 23 ALDERMAN HAMILTON: No. 24 CITY CLERK: Davis. 25 ALDERMAN DAVIS: Aye. 21 1 CITY CLERK: Kovac. 2 ALDERMAN KOVAC: Aye. 3 CITY CLERK: Bauman. 4 ALDERMAN BAUMAN: Aye. 5 CITY CLERK: Bohl. 6 ALDERMAN BOHL: Aye. 7 CITY CLERK: Coggs. 8 ALDERWOMAN COGGS: No. 9 CITY CLERK: Wade. 10 ALDERMAN WADE: Aye. 11 CITY CLERK: Donovan. 12 ALDERMAN DONOVAN: Aye. 13 CITY CLERK: Puente. 14 ALDERMAN PUENTE: No. 15 CITY CLERK: Murphy. 16 ALDERMAN MURPHY: Aye. 17 CITY CLERK: Dudzik. 18 ALDERMAN DUDZIK: Aye. 19 CITY CLERK: Witkowiak. 20 ALDERMAN WITKOWIAK: Aye. 21 CITY CLERK: Witkowski. 22 ALDERMAN WITKOWSKI: Aye. 23 CITY CLERK: Zielinski. 24 ALDERMAN ZIELINSKI: Abstain. 25 CITY CLERK: Mr. President. 22 1 PRESIDENT HINES: Aye. 2 CITY CLERK: 11 ayes, 3 nos, 1 3 abstention. 4 PRESIDENT HINES: 11 ayes, 3 nos, 1 5 abstention. The motion carries. Are there any 6 other items of unfinished business? 7 CITY CLERK: There are none. 8 PRESIDENT HINES: Are there any 9 additional motions relative to the matter or these 10 matters? 11 ALDERMAN ZIELINSKI: I'd like to 12 abstain. 13 PRESIDENT HINES: Let the record reflect 14 Alderman Zielinski's abstention. For which items, 15 sir? 16 ALDERMAN ZIELINSKI: Individually. 17 PRESIDENT HINES: Which items? Again, 18 just for the record, let's clarify, Club Envy? 19 ALDERMAN ZIELINSKI: Club Sugar and Brew 20 House. 21 PRESIDENT HINES: Club Sugar and Brew 22 House. We're going to make sure that the record 23 reflects Alderman Zielinski's abstention. Any 24 further discussion on the committee report, I'm 25 sorry, on the file? Okay. If there is no further 23 1 discussion, I request a vote of those council 2 members present to approve the recommendations of 3 the Licenses Committee, the recommendations as 4 contained in File No. 091651. Will the city clerk 5 please call the roll? 6 CITY CLERK: On the file as amended, 7 Alderman Hamilton. 8 ALDERMAN HAMILTON: Aye. 9 CITY CLERK: Davis. 10 ALDERMAN DAVIS: Aye. 11 CITY CLERK: Kovac. 12 ALDERMAN KOVAC: Aye. 13 CITY CLERK: Bauman. 14 ALDERMAN BAUMAN: Aye. 15 CITY CLERK: Bohl. 16 ALDERMAN BOHL: Aye. 17 CITY CLERK: Coggs. 18 ALDERWOMAN COGGS: Aye. 19 CITY CLERK: Wade. 20 ALDERMAN WADE: Aye. 21 CITY CLERK: Donovan. 22 ALDERMAN DONOVAN: Aye. 23 CITY CLERK: Puente. 24 ALDERMAN PUENTE: Aye. 25 CITY CLERK: Murphy. 24 1 PRESIDENT HINES: Excused. 2 CITY CLERK: Witkowiak. 3 ALDERMAN WITKOWIAK: Aye. 4 CITY CLERK: Witkowski. 5 ALDERMAN WITKOWSKI: Aye. 6 CITY CLERK: Zielinski. 7 ALDERMAN ZIELINSKI: Aye. 8 CITY CLERK: Mr. President. 9 PRESIDENT HINES: Aye. 10 CITY CLERK: 13 ayes, 2 excused. 11 PRESIDENT HINES: 13 ayes, 2 excused. 12 The filed is adopted as amended. Is there any 13 further discussion on the committee report? 14 Hearing none, Alderman Bohl moves for the adoption 15 for the remainder of the report of the Licenses 16 Committee. Will the city clerk please call the 17 roll? 18 CITY CLERK: Hamilton Alderman. 19 ALDERMAN HAMILTON: Aye. 20 CITY CLERK: Kovac. 21 ALDERMAN KOVAC: Aye. 22 CITY CLERK: Bauman. 23 ALDERMAN BAUMAN: Aye. 24 CITY CLERK: Bohl. 25 ALDERMAN BOHL: Aye. 25 1 CITY CLERK: Coggs. 2 ALDERWOMAN COGGS: Aye. 3 CITY CLERK: Wade. 4 ALDERMAN WADE: Aye. 5 CITY CLERK: Donovan. 6 ALDERMAN DONOVAN: Aye. 7 CITY CLERK: Puente. 8 ALDERMAN PUENTE: Aye. 9 CITY CLERK: Witkowiak. 10 ALDERMAN WITKOWIAK: Aye. 11 CITY CLERK: Witkowski. 12 ALDERMAN WITKOWSKI: Aye. 13 CITY CLERK: Zielinski. 14 ALDERMAN ZIELINSKI: Aye. 15 CITY CLERK: Mr. President. 16 PRESIDENT HINES: Aye. 17 CITY CLERK: 13 ayes, 2 excused. 18 PRESIDENT HINES: 13 ayes, 2 excused. 19 The committee report is adopted. We will now 20 excuse the court reporter. Thank you for your 21 service. 22 23 24 25 26 1 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) SS: 2 COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE ) 3 4 5 I, KAREN RENEE, Court Reporter and 6 Notary Public in and for the State of Wisconsin, do 7 hereby certify that the above hearing of the COMMON 8 COUNCIL CITY OF MILWAUKEE was recorded by me on June 9 15, 2010, and reduced to writing under my personal 10 direction. 11 I further certify that I am not a 12 relative or employee or attorney or counsel of any of 13 the parties, or a relative or employee of such attorney 14 or counsel, or financially interested directly or 15 indirectly in this action. 16 In witness whereof I have hereunder set 17 my hand and affixed my seal of office at Milwaukee, 18 Wisconsin, this 18th day of June, 2010. 19 20 ___________________________ 21 Karen Renee Court Reporter and Notary Public 22 In and for the State of Wisconsin 23 24 My Commission Expires: March 11, 2012. 25