From: Bohl, James Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 2:51 PM To: Lee, Chris Subject: FW: Zoning File #150133 - Oppose Zoning for Private School From: Lawrence Hoffman [] Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 1:02 PM To: Bohl, James; Perez, Jose; Wade, Willie; Bauman, Robert; Kovac, Nik Cc: Zielinski, Tony Subject: Zoning File #150133 - Oppose Zoning for Private School To: Chair Bohl, Aldermen Perez, Wade, Bauman, and Kovac From: Lawrence M. Hoffman, resident of Dist. 3 Re: Proposed zoning changes for Gus Ramirez’s government-funded private school (File #150133) at the July 16 Zoning Committee meeting From the perspective of wealthy property owners who support voucher schools, this item should be a slam dunk. On the other hand, from the perspective of Milwaukee residents who realize that our public schools are being pushed to a financial tipping point, this item requires a “No” vote. Is “Gus” Ramirez, whose given name is Agustin, naming the school he’s proposing St. Augustine, after himself? Saint Gus?