CITY OF MILWAUKEE LICENSES COMMITTEE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In the Matter of: North Avenue Entertainment, LLC Class "B" Tavern and Tavern Dance License THOMAS HOLMES, Cajun Cuisine Jazz and Blues 3041 West North Avenue * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The above-entitled cause, taken under and pursuant to Section 804.05 of the Wisconsin Statutes, before KAREN RENEE, Court Reporter and Notary Public in and for the State of Wisconsin, on July 11, 2011. 2 1 * * * * * 2 I N D E X 3 4 Testimony By: Page 5 Mr. Terry......................................... 3 Mr. Ingvoldstad................................... 5 6 Ms. Lee........................................... 7 7 Exhibit Identified: (None) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 1 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 2 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Our next matter is for 3 Thomas Holmes, agent for North Avenue 4 Entertainment, LLC, Class "B" Tavern and Tavern 5 Dance License, as agent for Cajun Cuisine Jazz and 6 Blues at 3041 West North Avenue. 7 Good morning. We'll swear you in. 8 THE CLERK: Do you solemnly affirm under 9 the pains and penalties of perjury in the State of 10 Wisconsin that the testimony you are about to give 11 is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the 12 truth? 13 MR. TERRY: I do. 14 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Sir, could you provide 15 us your name and address for the record, please? 16 MR. TERRY: My name is Keith Terry. My 17 address is 4415 West North Avenue. I am the 18 property owner, and we're asking that you hold 19 this matter. That request should be coming from 20 Mr. Stanley, but I don't see where he is. 21 MR. STANLEY: Sorry. 22 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Right here. Sometimes 23 you're waiting, and all of a sudden, boom, it just 24 ends quick. 25 Mr. Stanley, you have been previously 4 1 sworn in. If you could just identify yourself for 2 the record in this matter, please? 3 MR. STANLEY: Keith Stanley, assistant 4 to Alderman Willie Hines. 5 CHAIRMAN BOHL: There is a request from 6 the property owner to hold this matter. I was 7 wondering if there is any desire on the part of 8 Alderman Hines to do so? We don't have to grant 9 that. 10 MR. STANLEY: President Hines has 11 informed me also for the matter to be held. He is 12 in agreement with the property owner. 13 CHAIRMAN BOHL: All right. Is there any 14 objection here that if we have individuals that 15 are present that we take their testimony so that 16 they do not have to come back? 17 Are there -- let me see a show of hands. 18 Are there individuals who are present in our 19 audience wishing to provide testimony regarding 20 the Class "B" Tavern and Tavern Dance License 21 application for 3041 West North Avenue? Show of 22 hands. Two individuals. 23 Did you wish to provide your testimony 24 now and then not necessarily have to come back at 25 the re-hearing, or do you wish to come back when 5 1 this matter is rescheduled? 2 MR. INGVOLDSTAD: Maybe we should do it 3 now. 4 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. Why don't you 5 come forward here? 6 I'm going to make the specific request 7 that their testimony be provided in transcript as 8 part of the record here the next time this item is 9 scheduled. 10 So if you wish to come forward, please 11 do so. If you can use the standing microphone; 12 otherwise, that's fine, grab a seat here. We'll 13 need to swear you both in. If you could please 14 raise your right hand at this time? 15 THE CLERK: Do you solemnly affirm under 16 the pains and penalties of perjury in the State of 17 Wisconsin that the testimony you are about to give 18 is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the 19 truth? 20 ALL: I do. 21 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Sir, I'll need your name 22 and a mailing address for the record, please. 23 MR. INGVOLDSTAD: My name is David 24 Ingvoldstad, I-N-G-V-O-L-D-S-T-A-D, and mailing 25 address is 3117 and 19 West North Avenue. 6 1 CHAIRMAN BOHL: And your testimony, sir. 2 MR. INGVOLDSTAD: I have -- I know the 3 establishment where they're applying for this 4 license, and the last place that was in there just 5 had a terrible time with the patrons. I've had to 6 replace front windows with bullet holes. I've 7 seen someone -- I mean, a lot of people here know 8 what all happened in that establishment. What I 9 understand is that this license is for the same 10 kind of establishment, and I don't want to see it 11 there. I've just lived through too much. It's 12 been really nice for about a year with nothing in 13 there. I mean, if it was just a restaurant that 14 just served wine or beer or something like that, 15 but that's not what I understand is going to 16 happen. 17 CHAIRMAN BOHL: All right. Thank you. 18 Questions by Committee of this witness? 19 Sir, in terms of, you've indicated that 20 your understanding is that it's going to be more 21 than that, is that based on the notice indicating 22 that a tavern dance license has been applied for? 23 Do you have any other information to believe that 24 there is going to be more of the dance club 25 atmosphere than I think was there at the previous 7 1 establishment? 2 MR. INGVOLDSTAD: Just kind of based on 3 the notice that I got, and then I believe it's the 4 same type of license that was there previously. 5 As far as a restaurant is concerned, I haven't 6 seen anything that I can tell from the outside 7 structure that says that, you know, there are 8 stacks or vents for a kitchen, or anything. I 9 haven't been in the place, so I don't know, but I 10 don't believe that's in existence. 11 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay, thank you. 12 Are there questions by Committee? 13 Thank you, sir. Thank you for coming 14 down for your testimony. 15 Good morning. 16 MS. LEE: Good morning. My name is Kim 17 Ho Lee, and my mailing address is 3117 West North 18 Avenue. My concern about giving the application 19 to the liquor and dance club is the fear that I've 20 lived through dealing with the previous business. 21 There were shootings; witnessed death right in 22 front of my house. Times -- because the light, 23 the building that is located right on the bend of 24 the alley, and to access entering my car into the 25 alley in and out, I have to go through the alley. 8 1 And a lot of times when the business was on, I 2 can't get to my house. And if I have an emergency 3 having to leave my house, I can't leave because 4 cars are parked illegally. And cars, sometimes I 5 can get parked into my alley, I'm in fear of 6 having it damaged. And there has been a lot of 7 problems in that area dealing with a nightclub 8 scene because -- the question was -- and that 9 place is a very large space, and so you can hold a 10 lot of people, and when the bar let's out, it's a 11 mess. And I'm sure you have records in the past 12 that problems that you have with the previous 13 business. 14 And so given the -- I just want the 15 court to consider it very, very carefully to your 16 decision to allowing another nightclub to go into 17 that area. I really hope that the neighborhood 18 would grow and change, but how do we grow and 19 change with the business that is put in there? It 20 needs to be carefully considered. 21 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. Thank you, 22 Ms. Lee. One moment. 23 Questions by Committee of this witness? 24 I'm going to make a request of Sergeant 25 Raden on this matter. Please get him publically, 9 1 because I want to say it to him. 2 Sergeant, I'm going to request when this 3 matter is held and rescheduled that a complete 4 police report be provided. This police report is 5 incomplete. Mr. Holmes had a previous 6 establishment in the City of Milwaukee that I 7 recall had probably 30 or 40 items on the police 8 report. Those items should be in this police 9 report in addition to a complete police report 10 from the previous licensed establishment. We may 11 only read the last year, the last two years, but I 12 want a complete report from both the previous 13 location located at this address as well as 14 Mr. Holmes', who has been an operator in the City 15 of Milwaukee at a previous location. I want his 16 complete police report for the record. I want it 17 provided to the License Division, please, so that 18 it can be suitably mailed out to the applicant and 19 be included in the record for the next time. 20 SERGEANT RADEN: Yes, sir. 21 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Thank you. 22 Thank you, ma'am. 23 Any other questions by Committee? All 24 right. Then at this point here, we'll entertain a 25 motion to hold this matter at the call of the 10 1 chair. 2 ALDERMAN HAMILTON: Mr. Chair, I would 3 move to hold this item. 4 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. Motion by 5 Alderman Hamilton is to hold this matter to the 6 call of the chair. Hearing no objections to that, 7 so ordered. Thank you. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 1 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) SS: 2 COUNTY OF WALWORTH ) 3 4 5 I, KAREN RENEE, Court Reporter and 6 Notary Public in and for the State of Wisconsin, do 7 hereby certify that the above hearing of the LICENSES 8 COMMITTEE was recorded by me on July 11, 2011, and 9 reduced to writing under my personal direction. 10 I further certify that I am not a 11 relative or employee or attorney or counsel of any of 12 the parties, or a relative or employee of such attorney 13 or counsel, or financially interested directly or 14 indirectly in this action. 15 In witness whereof I have hereunder set 16 my hand and affixed my seal of office at Burlington, 17 Wisconsin, this 8th day of November, 2011. 18 19 ___________________________ 20 Karen Renee Court Reporter and Notary Public 21 In and for the State of Wisconsin 22 23 My Commission Expires: March 11, 2012. 24 25