From: Robert Bauman
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 9:09 AM
To: Patrick Curley
Cc: Barry Zalben; CC_ALL
Subject: RE: RTA Update
I infer from this development that the city's representative will vote for a KRM only dedicated funding source today at the RTA meeting contrary to the resolution approved by the Steering & Rules Committee last Thursday. If this is true, I will be introducing another resolution putting the council on record in opposition to the car rental fee for KRM and by implication in opposition to KRM itself.
Bob Bauman

From: Patrick Curley
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 8:56 AM
To: Willie Hines Jr.; Willie Wade; Robert Bauman; Robert Donovan; Michael Murphy; Michael D'Amato; Tony Zielinski; James Bohl; Michael McGee Jr.; Terry Witkowski; James Witkowiak; Joe Davis Sr.; Ashanti Hamilton; Joseph Dudzik; Robert Puente
Cc: Kimberly Montgomery
Subject: RTA Update

Late yesterday afternoon, there was a conference call involving the mayors and county executives from the RTA region. Mayor Barrett was on the call for the first 20 minutes. It was clear that the county executives from Milwaukee and Racine will not be supporting a sales tax increase of any increment. The Kenosha County Executive reported that the WISDOT Secretary asked that the RTA, at this point in time, to withhold action on vehicle registration fees. It was reported that The Governor's rep to the RTA received a call from the Secretary of Administration asking that the RTA withhold action on the sales tax. Mayor Barrett stated that the Counties should opt out of the incremental sales tax increase and allow the municipalities to use the revenues for public safety or, if they so choose, getting transit off the property tax levy [ the cities of Racine and Kenosha operate transit in their respective communities. In Milwaukee County, the sales tax needed to get transit off the levy equals .15 percent.] With Racine and Milwaukee county voting no and, quite possibly the governor's representative, there are not enough votes [this morning] to get transit off the levy through an increase in the sales tax or to have the opposing counties opt out. The County Executives opposing a sales tax increase were asked to develop alternatives. County Executive Walker said that he and Jeff Stone would continue to pursue a carve out of the existing sales tax on automobiles.
The alternative funding proposed for KRM is to increase the car rental fee.
Patrick T. Curley
Chief of Staff
Office of Mayor Tom Barrett
414-708-3489 [cell]