PUBLIC COMMENT -FILE 191963 A substitute ordinance relating to enforcement of communicable disease orders
Owczarski, Jim
Mon 4/20/2020 3:05 PM
  • Polanco, Joanna

For the file.





Jim Owczarski, CMC

City Clerk



From: Joe Duncan []
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 2:59 PM
To: Murphy, Michael (Alderman)
Cc: Borkowski, Mark; Owczarski, Jim;
Subject: PUBLIC COMMENT -FILE 191963 A substitute ordinance relating to enforcement of communicable disease orders



1260 N. 43rd St.,

Milwaukee, WI 53208-2721




Raymond Duncan

1260 N. 43rd St.,

Milwaukee, WI 53208-2721





Monday, April 20, 2020


My name is Joe Duncan and I am a Milwaukee resident at ‪‪1260 North 43rd Street. Today I am contacting you in my private capacity. I am a Milwaukee Police Officer in good standing with the city of Milwaukee. 


In the past I have voiced opposition to 2019 Assembly Bill 365 / Senate Bill 385. 


Many people point to the change in Milwaukee PD non-pursuit policy as when pandora box was open. The date that empowered lawlessness on our roads, on our streets, and on our highways. I’m writing you today to give you a new date:  Tuesday May 15th 2012. 


A memo drafted Tuesday May 15th 2012 Milwaukee County Sheriff Deputy Inspector Kevin Nyklewicz, at the direction of Municipal Judge Derek Mosley and Milwaukee County Chief Judge Jeffrey Kremers ordered until further notice DO NOT ARREST SIMPLY FOR MUNICIPLE WARRANTS. 


Why is this important?


Milwaukee just like many other cities in Wisconsin are allowed to adopt Wisconsin state statue as Municiple ordinances.  These are the tickets for moving violations that are not worth the paper it’s printed on. But it wasn’t always so. 


Who knows about this ridiculousness?  Why would you create new legislation, I.e. red light camera, when MILWAUKEE doesn’t enforce what’s on the books now?


"The mission of the municipal court is to impartially adjudicate ordinance violation cases such that legal rights of individuals are safeguarded and public interest is protected."


How is this current policy of giving persons new court dates three times, only if they are caught, and arrested, and take to the district police station protecting the public interest?


I had request that the state legislature take no action on speed and red light cameras until the city of Milwaukee enforces existing Wisconsin State Statue and it adopted city ordance 101-1 with respect to vehicles, pedestrians, and traffic.


Furthermore, I had requested to the state legislature that due to Milwaukee inability to live up to General Municipal Law Chapter 66, The City of Milwaukee shall be prohibited from adopting any Wisconsin Law where a violation is a forfeiture or imprisonment. 


Now that I have learned that Milwaukee is yet again adopting a Wisconsin state statute in this case 252.25 -Violation of law relating to health. 


Milwaukee city leaders continue to ignore poor choices made years ago which should be reversed.  This resolution and it’s adopted ordinance will also not be worth the citation paper it’s printed on.


It’s important to note that this communication is NOT to file any complaint with the Milwaukee Police Department and past communication to my lieutenant has contributed significantly to the public’s understanding of the residency requirement for city of Milwaukee employees, retaliation in the workplace, and EEOC complaints.


Joe Duncan