From: Charles Camilli Sent: Monday, July 11, 2016 8:52 PM To: Lee, Chris Cc: Marcoux, Rocky; Bauman, Robert; Mayor Tom Barrett;; Subject: Concerns and Objections to the Proposed Development at 1550 N. Prospect Avenue Honorable Members of the Zoning, Neighborhoods and Development Committee” We are requesting the Zoning, Neighborhoods and Development Committee to reject the change in zoning to a new Detailed Planned Development for a multi-family residential development at 1550 N. Prospect Avenue. Simply put, the proposed building is too large for the lot. The Goll Mansion will be moved to the front of the lot and almost half of the footprint of the building will extend past the crest of the bluff, resulting in the foot of the building over thirty vertical feet below the crest. This will be necessary because the lot size is only 27,900 square feet. Compare this to the proposed Mandel project at 1350 N. Prospect which will have 40-45 more units but the building will be built on a lot of almost 75000 square feet. We believe the proposal will contribute to additional chaos in the neighborhood. Every visiting car and truck that turns into the driveway will have to back out because of the lack of a turn around drive. 212 parking places for 192 units with 350 bedrooms is inadequate. Contrast this to the Mandel project which will provide 358 parking places for 235 apartments. Residents looking for street parking together with visitors looking for street parking will be contributing to the chaos as they search for a finite number of parking places, especially in the late afternoon and extending through the night. Large moving vans and delivery vans will be forced to double park on the street , also contributing to the congestion. We can personally speak of the difficulties, visitors to our residence encounter as they try to find a parking place. This may be acceptable for younger residents, but we are in our 70s and many of our friends are of the same age and parking is a serious issue. These issues deserve careful attention. Safely issues pose a serious concern. The developer has provided no engineering or geological studies on the possible harmful effects on the bluff and on the surrounding buildings. What are the guarantees that altering the shape and location of the bluff along with massive pile drivings to accommodate the massive building will have no harmful effect? This also deserves serious consideration by the committee. The aesthetics of the neighborhood will be changed forever. We chose to live in this beautiful diverse urban neighborhood with many high density developments. The existing buildings have created a beautiful sight line on top of the bluff. Building a massive building through the bluff and ending a few feet from the Oak Leaf Trail will create a white elephant. We are not against developing the Goll Mansion property. We are against this development. The developer was informed his original proposal was too large and needed to be modified. I attended a later meeting in which the developer was asked why his revised proposal had basically the same massive footprint and number of units. His response was classic developer--because it is necessary to make it “economically feasible.” The city should assist the developer to secure a much larger lot on which his economically feasible building can be realized. Thank you for your time and consideration. Charles and Priscilla Camilli 1522 N. Prospect Avenue Unit 705 Milwaukee, WI 53202