1                       CITY OF MILWAUKEE  
 3   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 4   In the Matter of:
 5   MC PIKE, Eloise E., Agent for "Charles D Productions,
     Inc.", Tavern Amusement (Cabaret/Nite Club) application 
 6   for "Focused" at 3500 West Park Hill Avenue. 
 7   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
 8                      COMMITTEE MEMBERS
 9                ALD. JAMES BOHL, JR. - Chairman
10                Ald. Joe Davis, Sr. - Vice Chair
11                      Ald. Paul Henningsen
19                 Proceedings had and testimony given in 
         the above-entitled matter, before the UTILITIES & 
         the 19th day of May, 2003, reported by Donna 
21       Gulczynski of Milwaukee Reporters Associated, Inc. 
 1                    P R O C E E D I N G S
 2                 (NOTE:  All City Personnel Were Sworn Under 
 3       Oath Prior to These Proceedings.)
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  We're now going to move 
 5       forward to Eloise McPike, Agent for Charles D 
 6       Productions, Incorporated, Class B Tavern, Tavern 
 7       Amusement (Cabaret/Nite Club) and Tavern Dance 
 8       applications for "Focused" at 3500 West Park Hill 
 9       Avenue, represented by the infamous Karma Rodgers.
10                 MS. RODGERS:  Yes.
11                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And I didn't know that you 
12       joined Gonzalez, Saggio & Harlan here.  
13                 MS. RODGERS:  Yes, I did.  
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Congratulations to you on 
15       that.  
16                 MS. RODGERS:  Thank you.  
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Before we begin that, we 
18       have two new committee members, so I just will need 
19       both Alderman Henningsen and Alderman Davis to affirm 
20       that they have read through the transcripts of the 
21       previous hearing as it was held on March 11th of 2003.  
22                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Mr. Chair, I read the 
23       transcript and did watch in my office, actually, too.  
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.
25                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  And Mr. Chair, I have read 
 1       the transcript.  
 2                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Likewise.  Okay.  And we can 
 3       move forward.  You are Miss McPike then here?  
 4                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes.
 5                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And, sir, you are?  
 6                 MR. JONES:  I am Johnny Jones.  
 7                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  You are one of the 
 8       corporate --  
 9                 MR. JONES:  Correct.  
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Could you both please raise 
11       your right hand?  
12                 (Whereupon Ms. McPike and Mr. Jones were 
13       sworn under oath.)
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  And do you, Miss 
15       McPike, acknowledge receiving notice of today's 
16       meeting with the possibility that your Tavern, Tavern 
17       Dance applications could be denied based on items in 
18       the police report, as well as -- and I'll read this 
19       again into the record, -- neighborhood objections to 
20       the granting of these licenses will lead to loitering, 
21       littering, loud music and noise, disorderly conduct, 
22       public urination, traffic problems, operating another 
23       business on the Class B tavern premises is not allowed 
24       under state law, concentration of alcohol beverage 
25       outlets in the area, past history of the previous 
 1       licensed premises and conduct which is detrimental to 
 2       the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood?  
 3                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes.  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  We did this before.  
 5       We'll just in deference, it's not going to hurt us, 
 6       just go around the horn.  Health Department?  
 7                 MR. HULBERT:  Health Department needs an 
 8       inspection of the premises.  
 9                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Neighborhood Services?  
10                 MS. JACOBS:  Hold for occupancy.  
11                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  The police report 
12       was already read into the record, and this is a 
13       continuation, so we won't need to do that, unless 
14       Mr. Schrimpf tells me otherwise.  
15                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Nope.  
16                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Murphy, we were 
17       behind on the hearing date here a number of cycles ago 
18       as we are today.  Are there any other residents to 
19       your knowledge that are here to testify who have not 
20       provided previous testimony?
21                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  There are those who are 
22       opposed who have not provided earlier testimony.  
23                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  If you provided testimony 
24       already, we're not going to hear from you again.  
25       Could I see a show of those hands again of individuals 
 1       who were here -- who were not here last time, that are 
 2       here to provide testimony in opposition today?  Three 
 3       of you?  Four of you.  Okay.  We'll have you raise 
 4       your right hands.  We'll swear you in en masse here at 
 5       this point.
 6                 Miss Rodgers, if you don't have objections, 
 7       what we're going to do is we'll hear from those four 
 8       individuals, and then we'll move to your side here and 
 9       anyone who's here to testify in favor.  At that point 
10       you'll be allowed to cross-examine Miss McPike or 
11       anyone else if you should so desire.  
12                 MS. RODGERS:  That's fine.  I just want to 
13       point out, I believe there were only three people 
14       rather than four, because I believe -- I believe 
15       you're in favor of it.  
16                 AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Right.
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  You know, if anyone 
18       who is here to testify either in favor or against, 
19       please raise your right hand.  That way we can clear 
20       this up.  Okay.  Go ahead.
21                 (Whereupon all individuals present to 
22       testify were sworn under oath.)
23                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Would the individuals 
24       who are here in opposition, if they could come up one 
25       by one here and pull the microphone up close, and if 
 1       you could provide first your name and your address and 
 2       any testimony.
 3                 Now, what I will state for the record, and I 
 4       want to state it clearly, is for those who were unable 
 5       to stick around last time, we have heard a fair amount 
 6       of testimony to this date.  We've heard testimony with 
 7       people saying that there's not adequate parking, that 
 8       there were concerns with the previous establishment 
 9       which had a license at this location, that there was 
10       garbage and there was other debris, and there were 
11       needles among other things there at that location.
12                 What I'm asking for is that we not get to 
13       the point where we have redundant testimony where 
14       we're hearing the same things over again.  Because 
15       some of this is new, I will allow -- if one person 
16       comes and says loud noise and loud music, if the 
17       second person coming to testify is going to say the 
18       same thing, that they just state their name and their 
19       address and "I substantially agree or disagree," 
20       unless you have new testimony that has not yet been 
21       heard, so -- Thank you.  Ma'am, if you could provide 
22       us your name and your address, please.  
23                 MS. GREENE:  My name is Doris Greene.  I 
24       live at 534 North 33rd Street.  
25                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  I'm sorry.  You said it was 
 1       Doris --
 2                 MS. GREENE:  Doris Greene, the color with an 
 3       E.  I live at 534 North 33rd Street.
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you.  Go ahead, ma'am.  
 5                 MS. GREENE:  Okay.  I actually brought some 
 6       documents against the hearing.  I'm opposed, and it's 
 7       got a map of the general area and the parking that I 
 8       was going to do in my presentation today.  
 9                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  If you could provide a copy 
10       to counsel here, that would be appreciated.  
11                 MS. GREENE:  Okay.  I've got plenty.
12                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And Alderman Davis will move 
13       to make this item part of our record.  Hearing no 
14       objection, so ordered.  
15                 MS. RODGERS:  I'm sorry.  Alderman Davis 
16       will move what?  
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  To make this item a part of 
18       our record.  
19                 MS. RODGERS:  This item?  
20                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Yes, the map and the 
21       associated letter.  
22                 MS. RODGERS:  Before we do that, I'd like an 
23       opportunity to review what we have here.  
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Absolutely, absolutely.  
25       Miss Greene, could you just pause one moment in your 
 1       testimony?  
 2                 MS. GREENE:  Sure.  I would like to make one 
 3       comment.  I --
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Why don't you just 
 5       hold on one moment, please, okay?  
 6                 MS. GREENE:  Okay.  
 7                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you.  
 8                 MS. RODGERS:  Insofar as this is purported 
 9       to be Miss Greene's testimony, I would just ask her to 
10       testify without the use of the documents from her own 
11       memory.  If she would use the document to refresh her 
12       memory, then that would be fine as far as I'm 
13       concerned.  
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  We'll get into the 
15       testimony here as to where this was derived.  Miss 
16       Greene, did you create this own map of your own here, 
17       or is this something that you pulled off the computer 
18       somewhere?  
19                 MS. GREENE:  I was able to obtain the map, 
20       and then I put that together, the colors and all that, 
21       myself.  
22                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Where did you obtain this 
23       map from?  
24                 MS. GREENE:  I believe -- I'm not sure where 
25       it came from, but it was given to me by my husband.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  To your knowledge is this a 
 2       representation of the neighborhood, including the 
 3       parcels thereof --
 4                 MS. GREENE:  Yes.  
 5                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  -- on these blocks?  Did you 
 6       unwittingly alter any of these documents in your own 
 7       volition?  
 8                 MS. GREENE:  No.  Whatever you see is 
 9       exactly what's on that page.  
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And to your knowledge all 
11       the information contained herein is accurate?  
12                 MS. GREENE:  Yes.  
13                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Please proceed.  
14                 MS. GREENE:  Okay.  I did not know the exact 
15       address of the building, so that is not listed on the 
16       document.  If that could be added to this, -- It's 
17       3500, I believe, West Park Hill is the actual address 
18       of the application.  
19                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  And that would 
20       probably be the red -- Is that the red --
21                 MS. GREENE:  Can I look at the document?
22                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Well, I think we can state 
23       that's the address, 3500 West Park Hill Avenue.  We're 
24       not going to argue it, or we'll be here till two in 
25       the morning if we go about it that way.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Yeah, okay.  Please go on.
 2                 MS. GREENE:  Can I look at this document 
 3       now?  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Sure.  Absolutely.  
 5                 MS. GREENE:  Okay.  The address is on Park 
 6       Hill.  It's at the bottom.  The 3500 is the corner 
 7       address of the tavern in question.  As you'll notice, 
 8       this Park Hill runs along I-94 going west.  You have 
 9       an on-ramp and an off-ramp of I-94 which is high-
10       lighted in yellow.  There's no parking on that side 
11       of the street.  Okay.
12                 As you see yellow throughout 35th Street and 
13       on 36th Street, there's no parking available.  You 
14       know, there's businesses along that street, and as you 
15       can see in the brown, there's also bus stops, and in 
16       the blue you have two gas stations.  One of the gas 
17       stations has an entrance off of Park Hill and an 
18       entrance off of 35th Street, so there's very limited 
19       parking there.  The other gas station is on Mount 
20       Vernon, and again you have an entrance on Mount Vernon 
21       and again on 35th Street.  
22                 MS. RODGERS:  Mr. Chairman, I'm going to 
23       object to this line of testimony in that Miss Greene 
24       is not an expert or traffic engineer, so I mean I can 
25       understand that she's trying to educate us as to what 
 1       that area looks like, but she's not an engineer, and I 
 2       would rather just have her testify as to what her -- 
 3       based on her personal knowledge, what the -- what her 
 4       concerns are about this bar.  We understand she has a 
 5       concern about parking.  
 6                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Miss Rodgers, your objection 
 7       will be duly noted.  I think that that's what she's 
 8       doing, and what she's providing here, I guess we will 
 9       all say that the committee will take into 
10       consideration as her opinions here based on what she 
11       has seen and marked on the map, and whether what she's 
12       saying is true, we're not going to say that this is 
13       the official city guide here to that.  
14                 MS. GREENE:  Okay.  My objections to the 
15       license is based on not enough parking, and if you -- 
16       There are existing two taverns in a three-block area.  
17       This would make the third tavern, and they're all 
18       going to be competing for parking in this small area.  
19                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Any questions?
20                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Chairman.
21                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Davis.
22                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  You had mentioned that I 
23       moved that this be part of the official record.  I 
24       will not move that this be part of the official 
25       record.  If any other committee member would like to, 
 1       but this is -- and the reason why is that it's not to 
 2       scale, and it doesn't give me an exact figure, -- or 
 3       it doesn't give me data that's true, so I would accept 
 4       this as information, but I would not -- And it gives 
 5       me information on what Mrs. Greene is trying to relate 
 6       to the committee, but I will not move to make this 
 7       part of the official record because it is not to 
 8       scale, and I don't know if in fact these are the 
 9       guidelines as it deals with the no parking guidelines 
10       along these corridors.  
11                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay, Alderman.  We've 
12       already moved to make this part of the record. 
13                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  I'll so also move. 
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  It's already happened, 
15       Alderman Henningsen.  I did actually move to make this 
16       a part of the record.  If Alderman Davis wants to 
17       raise objections, we'll note that after the fact, but 
18       I did move to make this part of the record.  That's 
19       when you raised questions about the information that 
20       was herein contained, so --
21                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  So, Mr. Chair, -- 
22                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Go ahead, Alderman.
23                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  I'm asking a question.  I 
24       did not move to make this a part of the record; is 
25       that correct?  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Davis, what happens 
 2       here on the Common Council, -- and I'm not certain 
 3       what happened on the County Board, because I don't --
 4                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Chairman, --
 5                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Davis, as the 
 6       chairman, please, -- 
 7                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  I understand.
 8                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  -- I would ask for due 
 9       deference here at this point.  I don't know what 
10       happens on the County Board, -- 
11                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  We're not on the County 
12       Board, Chairman, so please don't refer to the County 
13       Board.  
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  I'm going to call for a 
15       five-minute recess.  
16                 (Recess held.)
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  We are now reconvened 
18       at 3:30.  I will have Alderman Davis move for 
19       reconsideration of having the map and associated 
20       letter as part of our file.  Hearing no objection, 
21       so ordered.  
22                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Then I would move -- 
23                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  I will then have Alderman 
24       Henningsen move approval, -- 
25                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  No, no.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Or move that this item be 
 2       made a part of our record.  Are there any objections 
 3       to that?  Hearing none, so ordered.  Can we now move 
 4       forward here?  Is there any other testimony from you, 
 5       Miss Greene?  
 6                 MS. GREENE:  Well, as I mentioned earlier, 
 7       I'm concerned because there are two taverns.  There's 
 8       one on 35th Street which is right down the street, and 
 9       then there's one on 36th Street, and they're all going 
10       to be competing for all this parking area.  And with 
11       my understanding of their capacity to how many people 
12       they have, with the limited parking, it's going to 
13       channel throughout all the homes in the area, and it's 
14       a quality of life issue for us.  
15                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Questions by committee?
16                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Mr. Chair?  
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Henningsen.  
18                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  As a resident 
19       of the neighborhood, do you know how long this 
20       establishment's been closed?  
21                 MS. GREENE:  Yes.  
22                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  And it was closed for 
23       four or five years before this applicant, and at that 
24       time it was only operated for a year or so?  
25                 MS. GREENE:  About one to two years.  
 1                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  And then how many 
 2       years prior to that was it vacant, ten?  
 3                 MS. GREENE:  I don't recall.  
 4                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  At least ten?  
 5                 MS. GREENE:  It was a while possibly.  
 6                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Eight to ten?  
 7                 MS. GREENE:  Eight to ten.  
 8                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  That's my 
 9       recollection.  My district is across the street, so I 
10       do note that it's been vacant for some time and only 
11       run in the interim just a short period of time.  
12                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Mr. Chairman?  
13                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Schrimpf.  
14                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Thank you.  Ma'am, directing 
15       your attention to the green areas on the map, you 
16       colored those areas green?  
17                 MS. GREENE:  Yes, I did.  
18                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  And you indicate that those 
19       are child care centers?  
20                 MS. GREENE:  Yes.  
21                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Do you happen to know what 
22       the hours of operation of those child care centers 
23       are?  
24                 MS. GREENE:  No, I don't.  
25                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  That's all I have.
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Any other questions 
 2       by committee?  Miss Rodgers, do you have any questions 
 3       of Miss Greene?  
 4                 MS. RODGERS:  Yes, I do.  Miss Greene, 
 5       directing your attention also to the green area where 
 6       you've indicated that there's a child care center, 
 7       that is approximately how many blocks from the Park 
 8       Hill address?  
 9                 MS. GREENE:  The child care area?  Well, one 
10       is right next door, and one is on the corner of Park 
11       Hill.  
12                 MS. RODGERS:  The light green or the dark 
13       green you're referring to?  
14                 MS. GREENE:  The dark green.  The light 
15       green is the actual park.  
16                 MS. RODGERS:  That's the Merrill Park?
17                 MS. GREENE:  That is Merrill Park.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And there is a child 
19       care facility two doors away; is that correct?  
20                 MS. GREENE:  Next door, and then one is on 
21       the corner.  
22                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And the child care 
23       center is only open during the day; is that correct?  
24                 MS. GREENE:  I imagine.  I cannot say that.  
25                 MS. RODGERS:  Have you seen the child care 
 1       center open at night at all?  Have you seen the child 
 2       care center open at night?  
 3                 MS. GREENE:  Open at night?  
 4                 MS. RODGERS:  Yes.  
 5                 MS. GREENE:  I have not seen any children 
 6       outside if that's what you're relating to.  
 7                 MS. RODGERS:  Well, now I'd -- Have you seen 
 8       it open is my question.  
 9                 MS. GREENE:  No.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  And you have not seen any 
11       children outside, either.  
12                 MS. GREENE:  No.  
13                 MS. RODGERS:  You indicated, Miss Greene, 
14       that you didn't know the address of the bar, but you 
15       created this map anyway without knowing the address; 
16       is that correct?  
17                 MS. GREENE:  That's correct.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  Did you -- Have you 
19       ever made an attempt to talk with Miss McPike or 
20       Mr. Jones?  
21                 MS. GREENE:  Yes, I have.  
22                 MS. RODGERS:  And have you talked with them?  
23                 MS. GREENE:  Yes, I did.  
24                 MS. RODGERS:  And what was your conversation 
25       with them?  
 1                 MS. GREENE:  I talked with them the night 
 2       that -- on Valentine's Day, the night that Alderman 
 3       Murphy had a meeting at Merrill Park, and I advised 
 4       them at that time I was concerned about parking and I 
 5       would not support the license.  
 6                 MS. RODGERS:  And your concern is about 
 7       parking, and you won't support the license.  
 8                 MS. GREENE:  Uh-hmm.  
 9                 MS. RODGERS:  Did you talk with them at all 
10       about whether or not -- how they were going to run the 
11       bar?  
12                 MS. GREENE:  I didn't go into any details.  
13       I listened to what they had to say.  
14                 MS. RODGERS:  Do you know anything about 
15       Miss McPike and her ability, or Mr. Jones and his 
16       ability, to run the bar?  
17                 MS. GREENE:  Run a bar?  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  Run that bar.  
19                 MS. GREENE:  They mentioned they had 
20       experience.  
21                 MS. RODGERS:  You never talked to them about 
22       their experience?  
23                 MS. GREENE:  I didn't go into any depth on 
24       that.  It was quite established at the meeting their 
25       experience.  
 1                 MS. RODGERS:  But that doesn't make a 
 2       difference to you.  
 3                 MS. GREENE:  As far as --  
 4                 MS. RODGERS:  It doesn't make a difference 
 5       to you whether they can run the bar well or not?  
 6                 MS. GREENE:  Yes, it does.  
 7                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  But you believe that 
 8       they could run the bar well, or do you believe -- what 
 9       do you think about their ability?  
10                 MS. GREENE:  I have mixed emotions about 
11       that.  
12                 MS. RODGERS:  Why do you have mixed 
13       emotions?  
14                 MS. GREENE:  I have mixed emotions in that 
15       one of them is -- Some of the things that have 
16       happened since they went for the license.  The party 
17       at the bar.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  Do you know anything about 
19       that so-called -- the alleged party at the bar?  
20                 MS. GREENE:  Just through hearsay.  
21                 MS. RODGERS:  Mr. Chairman, could you ask 
22       the people in the back to stop moaning and groaning?  
23       It does effect the way the witness will testify and 
24       the way I ask questions.  
25                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Yes, Miss Rodgers.  
 1       Testimony should be left to those who are here.  
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  Excuse me.  I'm sorry, I 
 3       didn't hear.  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  I said testimony should be 
 5       left to only those here at the table.  So thank you, 
 6       Miss Rodgers.  Please proceed.  
 7                 MS. RODGERS:  Oh, so --
 8                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Miss Rodgers, I'm not going 
 9       to have you run my hearing, either, so please proceed.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  Mr. Chairman, that's exactly 
11       what I was going to do is continue asking questions of 
12       the witness.  Just calm down, please.  
13                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Please proceed.
14                 MS. RODGERS:  I mean I didn't mean to -- 
15       I know it's a difficult time for you, but I mean I'm 
16       not trying to challenge -- 
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Miss Rodgers, would you 
18       proceed, please.  
19                 MS. RODGERS:  Yes, I will, Mr. Chairman.  
20                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you.  Go ahead.  Do 
21       you have any other questions?  
22                 MS. RODGERS:  Yes, I do.  
23                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Please go ahead.  
24                 MS. RODGERS:  Miss Greene, how close is your 
25       home to this bar?  
 1                 MS. GREENE:  About six, seven blocks.  
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  Six, seven blocks away?  
 3                 MS. GREENE:  Uh-hmm.  
 4                 MS. RODGERS:  That's a yes, isn't it?  
 5                 MS. GREENE:  What do you mean it's a yes?  
 6                 MS. RODGERS:  You said uh-hmm.  I assume you 
 7       meant yes.  
 8                 MS. GREENE:  Oh, I'm sorry.  Yes.  
 9                 MS. RODGERS:  I have no further questions.  
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  
11                 MS. RODGERS:  Excuse me just a moment.  
12                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you, Miss Greene.  
13                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  She's going to ask 
14       another question.  
15                 MS. RODGERS:  Just one moment, Your Honor.  
16                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.
17                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Mr. Chairman, while we're 
18       waiting; Miss Greene, how long have you lived in the 
19       neighborhood?  
20                 MS. GREENE:  I've been in the neighborhood 
21       since 1968.
22                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Okay.  
23                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Miss Rodgers, did you have 
24       any follow-up?  
25                 MS. RODGERS:  Yes, I do.  Just one question.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Go ahead.  
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  Miss Greene, did you ever say 
 3       to Miss McPike that you would have no objection to her 
 4       opening the bar that used to be called DBR's?  
 5                 MS. GREENE:  No, I never said -- I never 
 6       mentioned anything about DBR's.  
 7                 MS. RODGERS:  You never said that you would 
 8       have no objection to that location, but you may have 
 9       an objection to the Park Hill address?  
10                 MS. GREENE:  That is incorrect, no.  
11                 MS. RODGERS:  Thank you, Miss Greene.  
12                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Thank you very much.  
13       The next witness, please.  Sir, same parameters; name, 
14       address.  
15                 MR. DRAEVING:  My name is David Draeving.  
16       My address is --
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Sir, could you spell your 
18       last name?  
19                 MR. DRAEVING:  D-r-a-e-v-i-n-g.  My address 
20       is P.O. Box 16578, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53216.  
21                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Mr. Chairman?  
22                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Yes, Alderman Henningsen.
23                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  That isn't sufficient.  
24       You have to give a street address.  
25                 MR. DRAEVING:  Okay.  
 1                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  You can give it as 
 2       approximate.  The chairman will rule on that.  
 3                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  I don't know if that's 
 4       general practice, sir, but we would prefer if you 
 5       could provide your home address. 
 6                 MR. DRAEVING:  Well, that's our business 
 7       address.  
 8                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Your business address would 
 9       be fine if that's in the area.  
10                 MR. DRAEVING:  Okay.  3530 West Park Hill, 
11       Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53208.  
12                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay, Mr. Draeving, please 
13       proceed.  
14                 MR. DRAEVING:  We own the corner daycare 
15       that they were talking about.  Since this place was 
16       closed, I'm not picking up a lot of filthy items like 
17       condoms and beer bottles every day, pornography.  
18       Since this establishment's been closed, the place -- 
19       the quality of life in the neighborhood is a lot 
20       better.  I can park my car.  There isn't trashed 
21       vehicles parked in front of my house.  And we're 
22       running a daycare, and children are outside during 
23       the daylight hours.  Maybe not at night because it's 
24       against the law.
25                 The children are out there.  Like I said, 
 1       they pick up items, and that's something I don't like 
 2       picking up is glass and used condoms and beer bottles.  
 3       You don't know what's in the beer bottle.
 4                 I've been there -- This has been a family 
 5       home for 52 years.  We might move back because of our 
 6       other businesses, and I don't really feel I need 
 7       another establishment when I have a tavern on one 
 8       corner, a tavern on -- I don't know how many taverns 
 9       you have around your house, but I don't need three and 
10       four bars around my house.  
11                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Draeving, you indicated 
12       that this daycare has been in your family for 52 -- 
13                 MR. DRAEVING:  No, the home has been in our 
14       family.  
15                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  The home.
16                 MR. DRAEVING:  We've been in that 
17       neighborhood --
18                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  You have a daycare out of 
19       your home; is that correct?  
20                 MR. DRAEVING:  Right.  
21                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Questions by 
22       committee?  
23                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Mr. Chairman?  
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Schrimpf.  
25                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Just so that it's clear from 
 1       your testimony, -- Mr. Draeving, is it?  
 2                 MR. DRAEVING:  Yes.  
 3                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  When this establishment was 
 4       operating as a tavern, -- I'm talking now about 3500 
 5       West Park Hill, -- was it your experience to pick up 
 6       litter such as broken glass and beer bottles and used 
 7       condoms and that kind of thing?  
 8                 MR. DRAEVING:  Yes, and pornography.  
 9                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  And pornography.  And what is 
10       the age of the children you service at this daycare 
11       center?  
12                 MR. DRAEVING:  Let's see.  I believe it's 
13       six months to 12 years.  
14                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  And are the children 
15       permitted out to play in the yard?  
16                 MR. DRAEVING:  Yes.  It's a fenced-in play 
17       area, but they do go out onto the sidewalk.  
18                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Did you observe the items 
19       that you testified to, the broken glass, the beer 
20       bottles, the used condoms, the pornographic material, 
21       inside the fenced-in area?  
22                 MR. DRAEVING:  Sometimes.  
23                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  That's all I have.  
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Other questions?
25                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Mr. Chair.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Henningsen.  
 2                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Quickly, as a 
 3       neighbor, how long has it been closed since -- how 
 4       long has it been since the previous operation was 
 5       open?  
 6                 MR. DRAEVING:  I believe a couple years.  
 7                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Is that all?  Okay.  
 8       Prior to that how long was it closed?  
 9                 MR. DRAEVING:  I really wouldn't know 
10       because like I said, --  
11                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Oh, you moved back.  
12       All right.  
13                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Other questions by 
14       committee?  Miss Rodgers?  
15                 MS. RODGERS:  Yes.  Mr. Draeving, what are 
16       your hours of operation for the daycare?  
17                 MR. DRAEVING:  Six to six.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  I'm sorry?  
19                 MR. DRAEVING:  Six a.m. to six p.m.  
20                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And how long ago -- I 
21       didn't quite -- Maybe you said this and I just don't 
22       remember.  How long ago was it that you picked up 
23       these items that -- 
24                 MR. DRAEVING:  The last time the 
25       establishment was open.  
 1                 MS. RODGERS:  And that was two years ago?  
 2                 MR. DRAEVING:  I believe about two.  
 3                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And do you know where 
 4       those items came from?  
 5                 MR. DRAEVING:  Wherever they were drinking 
 6       closest to.  
 7                 MS. RODGERS:  And is that closer to one of 
 8       the other bars in the area?  
 9                 MR. DRAEVING:  Well, the other bar would be 
10       on Mount Vernon.  The other one was on 35th Street.  
11                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  Do you have any way of 
12       knowing whether or not the patrons from those bars -- 
13                 MR. DRAEVING:  Well, at the time the bar 
14       was -- Okay.  Let's clear the record then.  It was gay 
15       material, the bar was known as a gay bar, so whoever 
16       brought the stuff was gay.  
17                 MS. RODGERS:  Well, you have to make that 
18       assumption.  Some people who are not gay may have gay 
19       materials.  
20                 MR. DRAEVING:  I don't know why they would 
21       throw it over there.  And like I say, you'd find used 
22       condoms and all that.  That's not desirable.  
23                 MS. RODGERS:  Do you know anything about the 
24       two people who are the applicants here?  
25                 MR. DRAEVING:  I know none of them.  
 1                 MS. RODGERS:  And you believe that they -- 
 2       the activities of the previous owner should be imputed 
 3       to these two people?  
 4                 MR. DRAEVING:  No, but my wife talked to 
 5       the person, and she said that there was going to be 
 6       an outreach program, and -- 
 7                 MS. RODGERS:  I'm sorry.  I don't want --
 8                 MR. DRAEVING:  Excuse me.  You asked a 
 9       question.
10                 MS. RODGERS:  I mean I would like to know 
11       what you talked to people about rather than what your 
12       wife talked about.  
13                 MR. DRAEVING:  Well, that's the one they 
14       addressed, and I'm showing up for the meeting.  
15                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.   You indicated that 
16       you've lived at the address 3530 West Park Hill.  
17                 MR. DRAEVING:  Yes.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  For how long?  
19                 MR. DRAEVING:  Fifty-two years.  
20                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  I have no further 
21       questions.  
22                 MR. DRAEVING:  Off and on.  Four years in 
23       the service, so -- 
24                 MS. RODGERS:  I'm sorry, I didn't hear the 
25       last thing.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  He said off and on for four 
 2       years when he was in the service.  
 3                 MS. RODGERS:  Thank you.  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you, Mr. Draeving.
 5                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Mr. Chairman.  
 6                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Schrimpf.  
 7                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  I just want to make sure that 
 8       I understand.  You saw these materials when the bar 
 9       was operating the last time, forgetting who was 
10       frequenting the bar.  
11                 MR. DRAEVING:  Right.  
12                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  And you haven't seen these 
13       materials since the bar ceased operating.  
14                 MR. DRAEVING:  Right.  
15                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  That's all I have.
16                 MR. DRAEVING:  Quality of life, like I said. 
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Next witness, please.  
18       Last one.  You're in opposition.  Sir, your name and 
19       address.  
20                 MR. CONLON:  My name is Jim Conlon.  I live 
21       at 523 North 32nd Street.  
22                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And Mr. Conlon, the spelling 
23       of your last name, please.  
24                 MR. CONLON:  C-o-n-l-o-n.
25                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Go ahead, sir.  
 1                 MR. CONLON:  I'm the president of the 
 2       Merrill Park Community Association, and we did send 
 3       a letter, and I'm really just here to affirm the 
 4       contents of the letter that at -- we discussed it at 
 5       the meeting.  There was a concern by members at the 
 6       meeting -- I mean even though we're Merrill Park, 
 7       which is technically -- it's hard to say what's in the 
 8       neighborhood, but I think we're definitely in the 
 9       neighborhood.
10                 We certainly had some of our residents 
11       concerned about this license, and so that -- I mean 
12       hearing them and the concern about parking, the 
13       concern about noise, the concern that there had been 
14       some times that the bar had been open even when it had 
15       no license recently.  That's just hearsay on my part, 
16       but these were community residents.
17                 So I'm just here to kind of affirm that our 
18       Merrill Park Community Association talked about this, 
19       and we were -- went on record as being unanimous 
20       against the granting of the license.  
21                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Because the last time 
22       we were here, Bob Greene came forward, and there was a 
23       question of whether he was acting on behalf of himself 
24       or the association, because you had not formally met.  
25       And is what you're testifying to today is that the 
 1       association has formally met?  
 2                 MR. CONLON:  Yes, since Bob testified at the 
 3       last hearing here, yes.  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And the official position is 
 5       that the association is in opposition to the license.  
 6                 MR. CONLON:  Yes.  
 7                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Other questions by 
 8       committee?
 9                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Chair.  
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Davis.
11                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  I just have a question for 
12       the city attorney, and that is -- I know it's noticed 
13       here where the application may be denied because of 
14       the following reasons; and we're hearing testimony as 
15       it deals with past history of the previous occupant.  
16       Is it germane for us to take that into consideration 
17       based upon what's before us?  
18                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Certainly.  I mean the 
19       history of a premises and how it has operated in the 
20       past is something that is routinely brought to the 
21       attention of the committee.
22                 Even though it may have been different 
23       licensees, the fact of the matter is is that if a 
24       location has experienced difficulties in the past, 
25       that is certainly something that the committee can 
 1       consider in a decision to grant a license or different 
 2       licenses at the same location.
 3                 For example, I can cite a case involving the 
 4       Blue Canary where testimony along very similar lines 
 5       was received by the committee and used by the 
 6       committee as part of its licensing decision, and that 
 7       was a case that went all the way to the 7th Circuit 
 8       Court of Appeals in Chicago.
 9                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Thank you, Mr. Chair.  
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Any other questions by 
11       committee at this time?  Miss Rodgers?  
12                 MS. RODGERS:  Yes.  I'd like to just state 
13       for the record I have objected to the testimony of 
14       what happened -- you know, the history of the location 
15       because these applicants had nothing to do with what 
16       happened previously.  These applicants obviously can 
17       only be held responsible for what these applicants 
18       will do if granted the license.  
19                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Miss Rodgers, are you 
20       referring to the testimony -- or the hearsay testimony 
21       on the part of Mr. Conlon about the party on New 
22       Year's Eve or -- 
23                 MS. RODGERS:  I'm responding to Alderman 
24       Davis's comments -- questions to the city attorney, 
25       and then my response to the city attorney's comments.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  I have perhaps just one or two 
 3       questions of Mr. Conlon.  You indicated that although 
 4       Merrill Park, your association, is not technically 
 5       in -- that this particular address is not technically 
 6       in the Merrill Park District, you still had some 
 7       concerns because you are close by, and you discussed 
 8       this at your meeting, and your testimony said that 
 9       your association had some concerns about this license.  
10       Could you elaborate on what you mean by concerns about 
11       this license?  
12                 MR. CONLON:  Concerns about parking, 
13       concerns about -- what was the main concern for our 
14       neighborhood.  35th Street, our neighborhood goes to 
15       35th Street, so the bar would be on the other side, so 
16       it's not that far, but our main concern was parking, 
17       and that would involve some late-night noise.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  Did your association 
19       talk about the fact that this would be a gay bar?  
20                 MR. CONLON:  I think some of our people had 
21       been to this hearing last time, and they were offended 
22       because they were accused of being homophobic, so they 
23       talked about it in that -- in terms of feeling kind of 
24       abused by certain members that were at this last 
25       meeting, but I don't think in terms of what the issue 
 1       was, that didn't come up.  
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And just to make sure I 
 3       understand, you indicated that you had a vote of your 
 4       association, so all the members of your association 
 5       were opposed to this application?  Is that what you 
 6       said?  
 7                 MR. CONLON:  The board, yes.  
 8                 MS. RODGERS:  So the board acting on behalf 
 9       of all the members of the association?  
10                 MR. CONLON:  Yes.  
11                 MS. RODGERS:  No further questions.  
12                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Conlon, was that a 
13       unanimous vote of the board, or was there dissension? 
14                 MR. CONLON:  It was unanimous.  
15                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And how many people comprise 
16       the board?  
17                 MR. CONLON:  I think 12.  
18                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  All right.  
19                 MR. CONLON:  Two from each bureau, yes, 12.  
20                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you, Mr. Conlon.  
21                 MS. RODGERS:  One follow-up question.  Were 
22       all 12 members there?  
23                 MR. CONLON:  No.  
24                 MS. RODGERS:  How many members were there 
25       that voted unanimously?  
 1                 MR. CONLON:  I didn't -- There were 
 2       certainly enough for a quorum, but I don't remember.  
 3                 MS. RODGERS:  And your quorum is what?  
 4                 MR. CONLON:  Eight.  
 5                 MS. RODGERS:  Thank you.  
 6                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  At this point here, Miss 
 7       Rodgers, we'll turn over to you.  You can bring 
 8       forward individuals who are here in support of the 
 9       license.
10                 Again, we would ask that you pull the 
11       microphone close, that you provide your name and your 
12       home address, and then your reason for supporting the 
13       license.  Miss Rodgers, did you just want to do it 
14       haphazardly, or do you have any order or preference in 
15       terms of bringing people up, or -- 
16                 MS. RODGERS:  I generally prefer not to do 
17       it haphazardly, but -- 
18                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  I was just going to say, 
19       Mr. Chairman, Miss Rodgers does nothing haphazardly.  
20                 MS. RODGERS:  Thank you, Mr. City Attorney.  
21                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  However you want to proceed 
22       here.
23                 MR. RUTLEY:  Good afternoon.  My name is 
24       Mervin Rutley.  I reside at 3124 West Juneau, 
25       Milwaukee, 53208.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Rutley, thank you.  The 
 2       spelling of your last name, too.
 3                 MR. RUTLEY:  R-u-t-l-e-y.  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you.  Go ahead, sir.  
 5                 MR. RUTLEY:  I have a few concerns.  I was 
 6       hearing that at 3530 is the daycare camp, and they 
 7       were talking about the parking being an issue, and I 
 8       can certainly understand that with the children there, 
 9       but for a brief moment my concern was the children.  
10       If they're fenced in, and they're allowed to play on 
11       the sidewalk, the concern would be not the issue of 
12       the bar, but the concern that the children are right 
13       next to traffic.  So that was a little disturbing to 
14       me, so I don't think that was of great concern.
15                 Also, I heard something about gay material.  
16       I have been a -- what you would call a practicing 
17       homosexual for 22 years.  There's no such thing as gay 
18       material.  There's no such thing as a gay bar.  There 
19       are bars that cater to men who have sex with men, as 
20       well as women who have sex with women.  And bars are 
21       open to the public.  The purpose of getting a license 
22       is to sell and serve us liquor.  It's not about the 
23       lifestyle.  It's about providing an outlet for people 
24       to go and do what they choose to do.
25                 I'm in support of the bar.  I do know Eloise 
 1       McPike and Johnny.  I have had no problems with them 
 2       in the past.  I did, however, support the last 
 3       establishment, and as I've heard on several occasions, 
 4       those individuals are not around, they are not 
 5       associated with Focused, and it seems kind of 
 6       prejudicial that since Alderman Henningsen has stated 
 7       on numerous occasions that the bar has been open on 
 8       various interims, and to say that you find gay 
 9       material, there's no such thing as gay material.  
10       Condoms are used by all sexes and lifestyles, as well 
11       as pornography, that caters to what you call gay and 
12       none-gay individuals.  
13                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  
14                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Question.  
15                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Yes, Alderman Henningsen.  
16       And Mr. Rutley, thank you for your testimony.  I just 
17       will say rather than provide cross testimony in 
18       responses to people who spoke before, I would prefer 
19       that the testimony be germane to support of the 
20       license, and that is why Miss Rodgers is allowed to 
21       provide that cross testimony at the time and can 
22       buttress and raise those issues, but thank you.  
23                 MR. RUTLEY:  Thank you.
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Henningsen.
25                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Do you know what the 
 1       capacity is of the establishment?  
 2                 MR. RUTLEY:  I'm sorry, I don't know.  
 3                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  What is your thoughts 
 4       on where the parking is going to be?  
 5                 MR. RUTLEY:  The parking in my thought, or 
 6       in my experience of going to that area, is behind the 
 7       bus stop on 35th Street, but not to block the driveway 
 8       of what I believe was a dental or some type of medical 
 9       facility.  You can park across the street which is 
10       part of where the MATC Local 587 Union meets.  That's 
11       parking on the street which is, I want to say, north 
12       of the gas station.  
13                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  On Mount Vernon?  
14                 MR. RUTLEY:  No, on 35th Street.  
15                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Okay.  
16                 MR. RUTLEY:  It's across the street, but -- 
17       Not on the gas station lot, but north of there.  That 
18       parking is there.  There's also parking on Park Hill, 
19       with the exception of -- I believe there is a daycare 
20       right next to the establishment, but there's a drive- 
21       way there which is no parking, and any individuals 
22       that would park in those areas, it's their 
23       responsibility for the ticket that they would incur.  
24                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  So how many off-street 
25       spaces do you think are in the immediate area besides 
 1       this old optometrist place which no longer is going to 
 2       allow parking?  
 3                 MR. RUTLEY:  You can park on Park Hill, the 
 4       3400 block, comfortably, which I've done before.  You 
 5       can park across the street north of the gas station on 
 6       the --  
 7                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  East side.  
 8                 MR. RUTLEY:  -- east side.  You can park on 
 9       the west side maybe two or three cars from the bus 
10       stop up until the driveway.  You can park on 35th 
11       Street from --  
12                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Okay.  Could I direct 
13       your attention to that map?  
14                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  For the record, Mr. Chairman, 
15       this is the map drawn by -- 
16                 MS. RODGERS:  Miss Greene.  
17                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Yes, Miss Greene.  
18                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Instead of going block 
19       by block, could you look at the map and focus on the 
20       areas that are marked in yellow?  
21                 MR. RUTLEY:  Okay.  
22                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Those on the index up 
23       top are said to be no parking areas because there's an 
24       on-ramp to I-94, there's an off-ramp from I-94, 
25       there's bus stops, etcetera.  Do you agree with the 
 1       location of those yellow areas as being none -- no 
 2       parking?  
 3                 MR. RUTLEY:  With the on-ramp --  
 4                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  No.  Is the yellow, 
 5       which is no parking, does that match your recollection 
 6       as to where the no parking areas are?  
 7                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Henningsen, I --  
 8                 MR. RUTLEY:  The off-ramp, yes.  The 
 9       off-ramp is very accurate.  The on-ramp, no.  The 
10       vacant lot I'm not familiar with.  And as you go into 
11       the private property areas, I'm not familiar with that 
12       because I wouldn't have a reason to be in those areas.  
13                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Okay.  Thank you.
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Any other questions by 
15       committee at this point?
16                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Mr. Chairman?
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Murphy.
18                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Sir, you live in the 3100 
19       block of Juneau?  
20                 MR. RUTLEY:  3124, yes, sir.
21                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  How many blocks is that 
22       from this establishment?  
23                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Six or seven.  
24                 MR. RUTLEY:  Probably eight comfortably.
25                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Thank you.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you, Mr. Rutley.  
 2                 MR. RUTLEY:  Thank you.
 3                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  The next person, please.  
 4       Good afternoon, sir.  
 5                 MR. DANIELS:  Good afternoon.  My name is 
 6       Charles Daniels.  My address is 203 North 35th Street.  
 7                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Go ahead, Mr. Daniels.  
 8                 MR. DANIELS:  I actually am for this bar.  
 9       I've been gay comfortably, as the last individual 
10       stated, since I can remember.  I'm 34 years old now.
11                 This establishment will bring a lot of 
12       comfortability to our community.  As of now we don't 
13       have anyplace to go as a community.  We do events at 
14       hotels, we do events in community centers.  Now our 
15       people are going to other clubs, meaning clubs that 
16       cater to heterosexual people, -- what we consider, you 
17       know, -- but they don't want us there.
18                 A lot of our, quote-unquote, gay individuals 
19       are jumped on, beat up.  Since this has happened, I 
20       park my car on the street right outside my house.  My 
21       window -- my light window was smashed in.  I had the 
22       neighbors coming up the street just walking past my 
23       house just looking, trying to, you know, find things.  
24       And as far as the materials outside, -- I have a lot 
25       of concerns that we, you know, as a community are 
 1       being treated unfairly.
 2                 This meeting -- I was at that meeting, and I 
 3       spoke on behalf of this club.  There was testimony 
 4       there by the owner of the optical place nextdoor who 
 5       made a statement that it's a known fact by a study 
 6       done by Marquette that gay people drink more than 
 7       heterosexual people.  I was offended, and at that time 
 8       I thought Alderman Murphy should have stopped him 
 9       because it was not a gay forum.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  Mr. Daniels, you 
11       indicated that you had events at hotels.  Have you 
12       ever had any trouble at any of those hotels in terms 
13       of the kind of testimony that we've heard today about 
14       the incidents -- any of those incidents related to 
15       condoms or beer bottles or any negative --  
16                 MR. DANIELS:  No, because we provide 
17       security at all our events.  We work also in 
18       conjunction with the facility that we are having the 
19       events at, so no, we haven't had that type of problem.  
20                 MS. RODGERS:  Now, what is your association 
21       with Charles D Productions?  
22                 MR. DANIELS:  Actually I am the executive 
23       director of HIV/AIDS Prevention Services; not only 
24       just for Charles D Productions, but I also do outreach 
25       with the CDC, Center for Disease Control, and I'm also 
 1       with the PHIV Project, Prevention of HIV and Positive 
 2       Persons Project, which is a statewide campaign that 
 3       works around preventing HIV and testing of those 
 4       people who are HIV-infected.  
 5                 MS. RODGERS:  And how long have you been 
 6       doing that?  
 7                 MR. DANIELS:  I've been doing that for ten 
 8       years.  
 9                 MS. RODGERS:  And have you received -- Has 
10       the organization, through Miss McPike and through 
11       other individuals of the organization, received 
12       commendations and citations from elected officials?  
13                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, we have.  We've received 
14       commendations and recommendations from the governor 
15       and from the mayor.  We have campaigns of -- our 
16       statewide campaign.
17                 We have also received declarations from the 
18       Urban League, Human Rights League, for what we do in 
19       the community.  We've also received commendations 
20       from other organizations; the LGBT Community Center 
21       and many other organizations that are working in the 
22       community.  
23                 MS. RODGERS:  Now, what involvement will you 
24       have with Focused?  
25                 MR. DANIELS:  Besides being a patron there, 
 1       I want to be there to let those people know -- because 
 2       we don't have a place to where we can get that 
 3       information out, and being in this -- being in the gay 
 4       life, you have to give them information where they'll 
 5       take it, and we have no outlets in order to give it to 
 6       our people, and within the state of emergency, 
 7       African-American men, or men who have sex with men, 
 8       are the highest rate of individuals who are HIV 
 9       positive, and that's -- we want to get it to them 
10       where they'll be, and right now we have no way of 
11       doing that, and we need that.  
12                 MS. RODGERS:  And your organization provides 
13       educational information?  
14                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, it does.  
15                 MS. RODGERS:  And that's the information 
16       you're talking about from time to time that you would 
17       give out?  
18                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  We work in conjunction 
19       with AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin and also AIDS 
20       Network of Madison, the Urban League of Madison, and 
21       they do -- also the Division of Health, and they do 
22       our testing, and they provide the condoms and all of 
23       that thing.  
24                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And what's the 
25       proximity to where you live and this bar?  
 1                 MR. DANIELS:  Actually I live above the bar, 
 2       so that's how I know what -- you know, as far as what 
 3       I say about individuals coming around, and that's how 
 4       I know because I live above the bar.  
 5                 MS. RODGERS:  At one point were you a 
 6       director or officer of Charles D Productions?  
 7                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, I was.  Actually I 
 8       founded the organization ten years ago, so I was the 
 9       founding partner of the organization.  But being in 
10       the work that I do, the state has a mandate that you 
11       cannot be a board of director and provide the same 
12       services with getting compensation.
13                 And I love my people.  I want to provide 
14       this service, so we had board meetings.  The state was 
15       at our meeting.  They recommended that I step down.  I 
16       was no longer put in charge.  I was no longer on the 
17       board of directors.  I became the executive director 
18       of HIV/AIDS Prevention Services.  
19                 MS. RODGERS:  And when did that happen, 
20       Mr. Daniels?  
21                 MR. DANIELS:  That happened in June of this 
22       year.  Actually last year, I'm sorry.  
23                 MS. RODGERS:  June of 2002?  
24                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  
25                 MS. RODGERS:  So you have not been on the 
 1       board, nor have you been an officer of the 
 2       corporation, since June of 2002; is that correct?  
 3                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  I've just been providing 
 4       services through the Division of Health and through 
 5       LGBT Community Center and the PHIV Project.  And I 
 6       also provide capacity-building for other organizations 
 7       that work around HIV and technical assistance.  
 8                 MS. RODGERS:  I have no further questions.  
 9                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Mr. Chairman?  
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Before we begin, again, if 
11       anyone has a cell phone or pager on, it's disturbing 
12       to the committee.  If you could please turn those off 
13       while you're here in the room.  If you need to make a 
14       phone call, go on out in the hallway.  But while 
15       you're here, we'd appreciate if you turn those off.  
16       Questions by committee?  At this point, Mr. Schrimpf, 
17       hold on.  
18                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
19                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Aldermen Henningsen first.  
20                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Oh, I'm sorry.
21                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Are there going to be 
22       clients of the organization coming to the location 
23       besides customers of the tavern?  
24                 MR. DANIELS:  When you say clients, are you 
25       stating that we will be providing -- giving them, you 
 1       know, counseling and testing?  We won't be doing that.  
 2       There will be time to time that we'll have special 
 3       events, I'm sure, where they will close the club down 
 4       or probably have HIV/AIDS testing.  That happens in a 
 5       lot of local clubs.  
 6                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Okay.  So normally you 
 7       just use the upstairs and your location as an 
 8       office --  
 9                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, I do.  
10                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  -- as an office.  
11                 MR. DANIELS:  No.  Actually I live upstairs.  
12                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  I understand.  But the 
13       AIDS prevention and so forth, that organization is 
14       just using it as an office, or do they have clients?  
15                 MR. DANIELS:  Like I say, we work in 
16       conjunction with other organizations.  We work out of 
17       the LGBT Community Center, also, and the address at 
18       203 North 35th Street, we do some things.  That's a 
19       number where they can contact us.  They can contact me 
20       and other board members as far as, you know, getting 
21       information.  We do referral services, so if that's 
22       what you mean, yes.  
23                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Right, but wait, wait, 
24       wait.  Let me ask you one more time.  Besides the 
25       special events, do clients go to your address? 
 1                 MR. DANIELS:  No, they don't.  We don't have 
 2       clients.  No, we don't.  
 3                 MS. RODGERS:  Mr. Daniels, if you would just 
 4       allow the person to ask the question before you answer 
 5       it.  
 6                 MR. DANIELS:  Okay, yeah.
 7                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you.  Alderman 
 8       Henningsen?  
 9                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  I'm done.  
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Other questions?  
11                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Chair.
12                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Davis.
13                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  I have a question as it 
14       deals with the committee hearing on 3/11 and some of 
15       the testimony.  Mr. Daniels, were you aware of a New 
16       Year's Eve party?  
17                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, I was.
18                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Did you attend that New 
19       Year's Eve party?  
20                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, I did.  It was in my 
21       home.  
22                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  It was in your home?  
23                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  
24                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  There was testimony based 
25       upon the minutes -- Well, I will ask you, were you 
 1       responsible for that particular party?  
 2                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, I was.  
 3                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Did you approve of the 
 4       15-dollar admission fee -- 
 5                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, I did.  Being --
 6                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  -- to attend that 
 7       particular party?
 8                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Let him ask the 
 9       question.  
10                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, I approved of that.
11                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Thank you, Mr. Chair.  
12                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Schrimpf?  
13                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  I think Alderman Henningsen 
14       may have gone as far with it as -- I'm trying to track 
15       down what services are going to be provided in terms 
16       of counseling, referral, information, testing, at 3500 
17       West Park Hill, the tavern.  
18                 MR. DANIELS:  And as I said, we won't be 
19       providing any of those services there.  We will have 
20       other individuals that may come in from time to time.  
21       ARCW has what they consider, as we do, outreach 
22       specialists, and they do bring in individuals to come 
23       in to do questionnaires, sort of that thing like that.  
24       We actually don't provide any testing.  All of that is 
25       done through the work with other organizations.
 1                 We provide capacity-building organizations, 
 2       we do group sessions, we do outreach, and most of 
 3       those things are done through the LGBT Community 
 4       Center.  
 5                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Will any of those things be 
 6       done -- talking about community outreach, talking 
 7       about counseling, -- will any of that be done at 3500 
 8       West Park Hill?  
 9                 MR. DANIELS:  Not counseling.  We will have 
10       individuals, I'm sure, from ARCW, because they ask us 
11       from time to time to bring -- Like we had a big event 
12       last night.  ARCW asked could they come to our event 
13       and do testing, and we provide that.  That is a way of 
14       getting our individuals tested.  So if they want to 
15       come into the organization and say, well, if you have 
16       an event, can we come in and do something of that 
17       sort, I'm sure it will be provided.  
18                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  And that would be done at 
19       3500 West Park Hill if necessary.  
20                 MR. DANIELS:  Not testing.  There's no -- 
21                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  With no exception of testing.  
22                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  There will be people 
23       coming and talking to individuals about HIV and AIDS, 
24       just as they would be doing on the corners.  
25                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Okay.  That's all I have, 
 1       Mr. Chair.  
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  So Mr. Daniels, you are saying 
 3       that -- Well, let me back up and ask you, can you just 
 4       tell us what the acronym of AFCW stands for?  
 5                 MR. DANIELS:  Excuse me?  
 6                 MS. RODGERS:  AFCW.  What does that stand 
 7       for?  
 8                 MR. DANIELS:  ARCW?
 9                 MS. RODGERS:  ARCW.
10                 MR. RUTLEY:  It's AIDS Resource Center of 
11       Wisconsin.  
12                 MS. RODGERS:  And they do testing; is that 
13       correct?  
14                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, they do.  They do provide 
15       testing.  
16                 MS. RODGERS:  And they will ask different 
17       organizations if they may attend a function to do the 
18       testing; is that correct?  
19                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, they do.  
20                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  Now, you talked about 
21       another organization.  You gave another acronym.  What 
22       does that acronym stand for, LG --  
23                 MR. DANIELS:  LGBT Community Center.  It's 
24       the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community Center.  
25                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And what does that 
 1       organization do related to testing?  
 2                 MR. DANIELS:  They do outreach, they provide 
 3       space for our organization, plus other organizations 
 4       to do counseling.  They also are in conjunction with 
 5       us of the statewide thing that we do with the Circle 
 6       of Friends Project.  It's for reaching men of color 
 7       who have sex with men who are HIV positive.  They 
 8       provide space for us for that.  
 9                 MS. RODGERS:  Space for you to do 
10       counseling?  
11                 MR. DANIELS:  Yeah.  We have our meetings 
12       there through the PHIV Project.  It's also actually 
13       ran by the CDC.  The money comes from the CDC, 
14       Division of Health.  
15                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  I have no further 
16       questions.
17                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Mr. Chairman?  
18                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Murphy.
19                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Mr. Daniels, how long have 
20       you been living at this establishment?  
21                 MR. DANIELS:  I've been living there 
22       probably five months.  
23                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Thank you.
24                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  One follow-up, 
25       Mr. Chair.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Henningsen.  
 2                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  You referred to a 
 3       party last night.  Where was that?  
 4                 MR. DANIELS:  At the Hilton.  Do you -- Is 
 5       that all you need to know?
 6                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  That's fine, that's 
 7       fine.  
 8                 MR. DANIELS:  Okay.
 9                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you, Mr. Daniels.  
10                 MR. DANIELS:  Okay.  Thank you.
11                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Miss Rodgers, whoever you 
12       select next here.
13                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Chair, I have -- 
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Davis.
15                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  I just have one more 
16       question for Mr. Daniels.  
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Certainly.
18                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  You just indicated to 
19       Alderman Henningsen that you've been a resident at 
20       this particular location for five months?  
21                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.
22                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Then it would be to my 
23       understanding that you had just moved into the 
24       property when you hosted this New Year's Eve party?  
25                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  Actually, -- Can I go 
 1       on?  
 2                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Certainly.  
 3                 MR. DANIELS:  Okay.  Actually what we do, we 
 4       do a New Year's Eve party every year.  The funds from 
 5       that provide -- go to our -- We give out free 
 6       Thanksgiving baskets to individuals who are HIV 
 7       positive.  We also do HIV picnics that we give -- 
 8       which the proclamations and the awards are from the 
 9       governor and the mayor.  We also do award ceremonies 
10       for individuals who work around HIV and AIDS, so 
11       that's where the money went to.
12                 But at that time, I was informed by Eloise 
13       McPike and Johnny Jones, and they went to the board 
14       that we would have a space, and we had already told 
15       individuals, so they're used to every year that we 
16       have this event, and it's a donation.  So at the time, 
17       they didn't get the license at the time, and we just 
18       said why don't I just have it in my house, so --
19                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Daniels, I'm not 
20       questioning the merit of the event.  What I'm 
21       questioning is the timing.  
22                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.
23                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  And the timing is that when 
24       you first -- when you moved into this particular 
25       space, is that when you hosted the party?  
 1                 MR. DANIELS:  Probably like two months after 
 2       that, so it probably had been like seven months.  Two 
 3       months after that, yeah, because I was there for 
 4       probably two months before that time.
 5                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Who was the owner of the 
 6       property?  
 7                 MR. DANIELS:  His name is -- Eloise?
 8                 MS. JACOBS:  I have that information.  Ron 
 9       Pashefski and Cheryl Mendeloff.
10                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  And Mr. Daniels, did you 
11       have the permission of the owners of that property to 
12       host this particular party?  
13                 MR. DANIELS:  No, I did not.  Can I go on?  
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Please.  Answer the 
15       question.  
16                 MR. DANIELS:  I don't know when I can or 
17       not.  So no, I didn't.  I feel I was paying them rent 
18       and it was my home.  I didn't feel that I had to go -- 
19       Well, I didn't know I had to go get permission of the 
20       owner to have a party in my own house that I'm paying 
21       rent for, so, yeah, I wasn't aware of that.  
22                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Are you finished?  
23                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
24                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Can I follow up on that 
25       line of questioning?  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Murphy.
 2                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Mr. Daniels, was alcohol 
 3       served at that party?  
 4                 MR. DANIELS:  Excuse me?
 5                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Was alcohol served at that 
 6       party?  
 7                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, there was.
 8                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Are you aware that 
 9       citizens in the neighborhood had gone up to the door 
10       of the tavern that night and were told that they were 
11       not to be permitted in unless they paid a 15-dollar 
12       cover charge?  
13                 MR. DANIELS:  Well, I'm aware that they 
14       talked to Eloise, and also aware that the police 
15       did come.  The police spoke with me, and he asked me 
16       who's having a party.  I said it was Charles D 
17       Productions.
18                 The police were actually there.  There 
19       should be a report filed that the police came.  He 
20       said, "We have complaints about the music."  And I 
21       asked him, "Is the music too loud?"  And he said, 
22       "Well, I don't hear it."  It was two officers, one 
23       male, one female.
24                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  So the answer to my 
25       question was yes.  Thank you.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Daniels, I do have a 
 2       follow-up.  
 3                 MR. DANIELS:  Okay.  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Do you know a Janice 
 5       Barnett?  
 6                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  
 7                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And was she a member of 
 8       Charles -- on the board of Charles D Productions?  
 9                 MR. DANIELS:  She is an employee of Charles 
10       D Productions, uh-hmm.  
11                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  She's an employee of Charles 
12       D Productions.  Are you aware that according to her 
13       testimony at the last hearing, -- it's on page 79 of 
14       the transcript, -- she stated, "I used to be in 
15       Charles D Productions.  I resigned, so I can't get 
16       paid from the organization through grants.  I heard 
17       that -- someone was speaking that there was a party 
18       there that night, but it was a private party, okay?  
19       Maybe the club was not supposed to be open, but the 
20       understanding that I get is as long as you're not 
21       serving liquor, you can have a party and you can 
22       charge at the door.  There's no law against that; at 
23       least that's what I know.  So it was a party given 
24       there."  Was she present that evening?  
25                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, she was.  I think maybe 
 1       you should -- because you said that there was alcohol 
 2       served.  Is that meaning -- When we say served, is 
 3       that meaning you're charging for alcohol or you're 
 4       providing alcohol for your guests?  I mean I'm just 
 5       trying to get some type of -- What are you saying, 
 6       we're providing or were we selling it?  
 7                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  I can only tell you what I 
 8       personally gathered from her testimony.  
 9                 MR. DANIELS:  Because there was -- I mean 
10       unless you ask her what she meant by it, because 
11       there's two ways you can take that.  
12                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Are you saying that this -- 
13       How large of an apartment do you have?  
14                 MR. DANIELS:  It's a five-bedroom apartment 
15       up there, plus a living room, dining room, plus the 
16       opening area.  Plus up there is a loft-style attic 
17       upstairs, so it's very huge.  
18                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  All right.  That's all I 
19       have.  Thank you.
20                 MS. RODGERS:  I have just a couple 
21       follow-ups.  I planned for Miss McPike to testify to 
22       these matters, but you are also probably aware of 
23       them, that's why I hadn't brought them up before.  You 
24       did mention that there traditionally is a New Year's 
25       Eve party; is that correct?  
 1                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, there is.  
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  And how long of a tradition is 
 3       that?  
 4                 MR. DANIELS:  That has been a tradition for 
 5       six years.  
 6                 MS. RODGERS:  And you normally have that New 
 7       Year's Eve party at a hotel; is that correct? 
 8                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  And we've also had it at 
 9       the LGBT Community Center one time.    
10                 MS. RODGERS:  At the LGBT Community Center?
11                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.
12                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  You had it there once.  
13       And you normally have it at a hotel, you testified 
14       earlier; is that correct?  
15                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  
16                 MS. RODGERS:  And this time you did not have 
17       it at the hotel because the arrangements were not made 
18       in a timely fashion for whatever reason; is that 
19       correct?  
20                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  
21                 MS. RODGERS:  And then you wanted to 
22       continue to have this party because of the tradition; 
23       is that correct?  
24                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  
25                 MS. RODGERS:  And so since you didn't have a 
 1       location for it, you volunteered your apartment; is 
 2       that correct?  
 3                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, I did.  
 4                 MS. RODGERS:  And how did people enter this 
 5       party?  They entered the party through the bar area; 
 6       is that correct?  
 7                 MR. DANIELS:  There's a side door that goes 
 8       right up to my apartment from there, which is usually 
 9       locked.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  All right.  But you had the 
11       door open one night --  
12                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  
13                 MS. RODGERS:  -- so that you could have 
14       people come up; is that correct?  
15                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes.  Instead of having the 
16       danger of them coming up through my front door, 
17       because that's where -- we didn't want all that 
18       traffic right there.  
19                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And what -- You 
20       indicated that you talked directly to the police 
21       officer; is that correct?  
22                 MR. DANIELS:  Yes, I did.  
23                 MS. RODGERS:  And, again, what did you say 
24       to the police officer, and what did he say to you?  
25                 MR. DANIELS:  The conversation started off, 
 1       he asked, "Who's having this party."  I said, "Charles 
 2       D Productions."  He said, "I got complaints that 
 3       there's loud music."  And I said, "Did you hear -- do 
 4       you hear music now?"  He said, "No, I don't, but" -- 
 5       He said, "Humor me and turn it down."  
 6                 MS. RODGERS:  So he said that to you?  
 7                 MR. DANIELS:  Yeah.  He said, "Can you humor 
 8       me," and the lady was just standing there.  Then he 
 9       said -- The male police officer was just speaking to 
10       me.  The female didn't.  He said, "You guys have a 
11       happy New Year."  
12                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  Thank you very much, 
13       Mr. Daniels.  
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you, Mr. Daniels.  
15       Sir, if you want to come up.  Again, the same 
16       parameters apply.  Your name and address.  
17                 MR. JACKSON:  My name is Joseph Jackson.  My 
18       address is 585 Parkway Drive Northeast, Apartment 139.  
19       This is Atlanta, Georgia.  Zip code is 30308.  
20                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you.  Go ahead.  
21                 MS. RODGERS:  Mr. Jackson, could you just 
22       indicate why you're here testifying today?  
23                 MR. JACKSON:  Well, my reasoning for being 
24       here testifying today is on behalf of Miss McPike and 
25       Mr. Johnny Jones.  I've heard of them in my past as 
 1       far as the things that they are doing here in the city 
 2       and trying to do for the community, as far as the gay 
 3       community, and so I took upon my liberty to come up 
 4       and compete for a competition which was held last 
 5       night at the Hilton Hotel, which is called Mister and 
 6       Miss Mystique.  It's a pageant where you come and 
 7       compete in several different categories and gives 
 8       you -- If you win the competition, you go out for a 
 9       year, you reign as king or queen for a year to service 
10       the community as far as like outreach programs, 
11       raising money, monies for to help people who are 
12       struggling, you know, under-privileged people who are 
13       sick with AIDS.  It's for people also who do not have 
14       families, that you can become a family member for 
15       these type of people.  
16                 MS. RODGERS:  So this is a national 
17       competition; is that correct?  
18                 MR. JACKSON:  Yes, it's a national 
19       competition.  I had heard of the history of it, and so 
20       I took it upon myself to compete, which I traveled 
21       very far, and I also decided to stay over, and I 
22       wanted to come to this meeting.
23                 I was supposed to have gone back, but since 
24       I have heard such wonderful things about these people, 
25       I wanted to be here for them because my reason, I 
 1       think to me, from what I've heard, -- I don't know the 
 2       location pretty much as far as the capacity, how large 
 3       the area is as far as the parking and all that.  I'm 
 4       not too familiar with all that, but I basically have 
 5       been hearing a lot of things the testimony's based 
 6       upon.  You know, preference.  It's basically to me 
 7       about preference, and that's what I'm understanding 
 8       somewhat.  It's about preference and lifestyles.
 9                 I think we all need a place to go, somewhere 
10       to go to have social time, whether you're straight or 
11       gay, heterosexual or gay, bisexual, whatever your 
12       preference in life.  It's up to the individual, and I 
13       think that we should look at that and not so much as 
14       the individuals as to a preference in life, but as to 
15       who you are and what you are and what you care to do, 
16       and I think that's about it.  I think we all need 
17       someplace to attend.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  And the reason, again, for 
19       your testimony is because you've heard about this 
20       organization, that it has a national reputation and a 
21       reputation of being community -- providing community 
22       service; is that correct?  
23                 MR. JACKSON:  Yes.  
24                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  No further questions.
25                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Mr. Chairman?
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Questions by committee 
 2       first?  Go ahead, Alderman Murphy.  
 3                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  I missed part of that, but 
 4       you're testifying to the Charles D Productions Agency 
 5       or -- I missed that.  
 6                 MS. RODGERS:  Miss McPike and Mr. Jones.
 7                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  In terms of their -- 
 8                 MS. RODGERS:  -- their reputation and what 
 9       they have done across the gay community.
10                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Okay.  I think we've tried 
11       to get testimony that it's not an issue about whether 
12       it's gay or not and whether it's a preference.  This 
13       is a liquor license, so I'll finish my thoughts in my 
14       closing statements, but the testimony that's being 
15       elicited is not relative to the license.  
16                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And Mr. Jackson, I will just 
17       say I appreciate your sticking around today as well, 
18       too, as well as your involvement in the community as 
19       well and doing good things.  I will just say that the 
20       hearing here -- we're going to be here until 5:30, 
21       Counsel, unless we take testimony that's relevant to 
22       the licensed application.
23                 We'll go on the record here and say that 
24       Mr. Daniels is a very committed gentleman, that he's 
25       dedicated to doing good in the community.  We want to 
 1       stay as much as we can relevant to the application 
 2       here, so -- I have allowed some leniency in that, 
 3       but we want to try and stick with that as much as 
 4       possible.  
 5                 MS. RODGERS:  Mr. Chairman?  
 6                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Yes.  
 7                 MS. RODGERS:  This is related to Miss McPike 
 8       and Mr. Jones, not Mr. Daniels.  Mr. Daniels has 
 9       testified that he is also involved with doing things 
10       in the AIDS community, but this is related to their 
11       ability to run an organization and how successful the 
12       organization is.  That's what this testimony goes to, 
13       all right?  
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  All right.  As I said, I 
15       think that we're stretching it to a point, but I 
16       appreciate that.  Are there any other questions by the 
17       committee of Mr. Jackson?  Thank you, Mr. Jackson, for 
18       sticking around here as well, too.  I appreciate it.  
19                 MR. JACKSON:  Sure.  
20                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Miss Rodgers, are there any 
21       others here that have yet to testify?  Okay.  Good 
22       afternoon.  
23                 MS. JOHNSON:  Good afternoon.  My name is 
24       Kenya Johnson, and I reside at 3210 West North Avenue.  
25       First I understand what you're saying about keeping 
 1       the testimony to regarding the liquor licensing, but 
 2       as well, I understand how people are kind of straying 
 3       a little bit from that because you're taking a past 
 4       business and comparing it to what Ms. McPike and what 
 5       Mr. Jones will do with the establishment.
 6                 I've been involved in a lot of their 
 7       programs, organizations, their benefits, things that 
 8       they have done, and it's always been safe.  They've 
 9       always been responsible.  I know what you're saying 
10       about the liquor license and like when some people are 
11       saying parking.
12                 Before I moved in Milwaukee I lived in 
13       Racine.  I had to park my car on the other side of the 
14       street every day.  That was my responsibility as a 
15       resident in that area and to be responsible.  And as 
16       far as when I travel to Chicago, I have to park four 
17       blocks away to get to my school.  I know I cannot park 
18       in front of my school because there is no parking.  I 
19       will be towed.  That is my responsibility.  So when I 
20       speak about Miss McPike and Mr. Jones, anything 
21       they've ever done, it was always in a professional 
22       manner.
23                 I've been to the establishment before when 
24       it was open, and I would not collaborate the two 
25       because they're totally two different owners and 
 1       responsibility.  Whereas you have some businesses, 
 2       they come into a community, they don't think about the 
 3       community, but the dollar, that's all.
 4                 Anything Miss McPike has done out of her 
 5       pocket, or as well as benefits and fund-raisers, she's 
 6       put back.  And I figure any alderman would be glad to 
 7       have a business owner that would be responsible as 
 8       well as to help improve their community in that area, 
 9       as well as straight or gay or regardless.  When she 
10       holds benefits, -- like in the summer she holds an 
11       annual cookout, -- it's open to gay or straight.  
12       People bring their children.  She provides games, she 
13       provides safe fun, she provides tournaments, where in 
14       some communities people don't even -- business people 
15       don't get involved.  You have children that don't have 
16       no place to go, and when you have children with no 
17       place to go, you have uncontrolled -- you know, they 
18       have no outlet.
19                 As far as providing -- I mean I'm sure this 
20       has nothing to do with the tavern, but as long as she 
21       has the business, I feel that she would also turn that 
22       back into the community, not just taking money out of 
23       the community, making herself rich or lining her 
24       pockets with money.  It would all go back into the 
25       community to make it -- not so much to make it look 
 1       nice, but to make the community a little more -- how 
 2       can I say, -- sometimes actually a little safe.  
 3       Whenever I've been around her benefits, I feel safe.  
 4       It's always been in a professional manner.  I've never 
 5       felt unsafe or that I was in danger.  I've never been 
 6       to any of her events where I've seen trash, condoms, 
 7       pornography.
 8                 I've been to her benefits where she's had -- 
 9       like she says, different organizations will come and 
10       they set up booths with information, you know, and 
11       lets you know of preventive measures, counseling or 
12       other services.  So I feel that any intake that she 
13       has, she would just also as well return it into the 
14       community.  It wouldn't be as just a tavern there on 
15       the corner making money and having loud parties.  
16       There would also be other positive things there, I 
17       see.  
18                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you, Miss Johnson.  
19                 MS. RODGERS:  No questions.  
20                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Mr. Chairman?  
21                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Questions by committee?  
22       Mr. Schrimpf.  
23                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Thank you.  Ms. Johnson, was 
24       it?  
25                 MS. JOHNSON:  Yes.  
 1                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  You indicated that you had 
 2       attended the premises before when it operated under 
 3       the other license.  
 4                 MS. JOHNSON:  Under a different owner, yes.  
 5                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  And how many times did you 
 6       attend that premises, or what sort of frequency did 
 7       you -- 
 8                 MS. JOHNSON:  Let's see.  Ladies' night used 
 9       to fall every Tuesday, so I'd be there on Tuesdays, 
10       and then occasionally on a Saturday.  And I mean even 
11       though it seemed a little -- Sometimes it was just 
12       someplace to go, an outlet, you know.  Some place to 
13       go.  
14                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Okay.  You indicated that the 
15       operation then, and the operation envisioned by Miss 
16       Pike, will in no way be comparable.  
17                 MS. JOHNSON:  I don't believe so, no.  
18                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Okay.  
19                 MS. JOHNSON:  Because I met the -- well, 
20       the lady that I assumed had the place, I met her and 
21       everything and, you know, you can get a feel of a 
22       person, and I know Miss McPike's experience from 
23       dealing with her.  
24                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Did you observe individuals 
25       at the -- When it was operated previously, did you 
 1       observe individuals engaging in conduct that you 
 2       thought was inappropriate?  
 3                 MS. JOHNSON:  No.  I mean I can understand 
 4       when they say the parking.  Parking was difficult.  
 5       But me and my friends would park two or three blocks 
 6       away.  
 7                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Well, did you see litter?  
 8                 MS. JOHNSON:  On that side of town you see a 
 9       lot of litter.  It's not just on that corner.  
10                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Well, did you see litter like 
11       condoms?  
12                 MS. JOHNSON:  No, I've never -- No. 
13                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Did you see litter like 
14       broken bottles?  
15                 MS. JOHNSON:  Not in that vicinity.  I never 
16       actually walked around and looked on the ground for 
17       broken glass.  
18                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Did you see litter like 
19       pornographic material laying about?  
20                 MS. JOHNSON:  No, no.  
21                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Now, you indicated that 
22       you're familiar with the experience of Miss Pike.
23                 MS. McPIKE:  McPike.
24                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  McPike, I'm sorry.  With 
25       respect to that experience, is it experience that you 
 1       have seen her in terms of the operation of a tavern, 
 2       or has it been in operation of other businesses?  
 3                 MS. JOHNSON:  Well, the operation of other 
 4       business venues, and like I said, events.  And they 
 5       also deal with alcohol, you know.  Not that she sold 
 6       them, but like she said, that they usually have a 
 7       benefit at the Hilton every year.  
 8                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Well, but then she's not 
 9       responsible for the dispensing of it.  
10                 MS. JOHNSON:  Right.  But I think that shows 
11       her responsibility.  If the Hilton would allow what 
12       some may feel is not a very comfortable group of crowd 
13       of people sometimes, that they accepted her there 
14       every year with no problem, and we'd get the Crystal 
15       Room.  
16                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  What wouldn't be comfortable 
17       about it?  I don't understand that.
18                 MS. JOHNSON:  Well, I mean like some places, 
19       some establishments, feel that if you have gay or 
20       lesbian, bisexual people in a group, you're going to 
21       have people having sex in the elevators or in the 
22       basement or back in a dark corner.  I mean this is 
23       just what I'm assuming.  But I've never seen it.  Like 
24       I figure if the Hilton is nice enough to have us there 
25       every year and love to have you back, I could see what 
 1       she could do with her own establishment.  
 2                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Does the Hilton even know 
 3       what the orientation of customers is?  
 4                 MS. JOHNSON:  I'm sure they do because she 
 5       has it every year.  She has other -- like she says, 
 6       other establishments and organizations come, and 
 7       they set up booths for HIV information, lesbian, gay, 
 8       bisexual.  The center, they come and they provide 
 9       counseling or just any type of information, so I'm 
10       sure they probably know.  
11                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  So then as I'm given to 
12       understand it, you have not seen Ms. McPike be in 
13       charge of an operation that is dispensing alcohol; is 
14       that correct?  
15                 MS. JOHNSON:  Not to my knowledge, no.  
16                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  That's all I have.  
17                 MS. RODGERS:  Just one follow-up.  
18                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Certainly.  
19                 MS. RODGERS:  You've indicated that you've 
20       seen her dealing with organizing and managing 
21       different organizations; is that correct?  
22                 MS. JOHNSON:  Yes.  
23                 MS. RODGERS:  And each and every time it's 
24       always been professional.  
25                 MS. JOHNSON:  Yes, very professional.  I've 
 1       actually received a certificate for some of the help 
 2       that I do sometimes if I have time to volunteer in her 
 3       organizations, or like I said, the annual cookout.  
 4       You know, if I can lend a hand, you know, I'm always 
 5       willing to do that because I know it's responsible, 
 6       and actually -- they actually encouraged me to attend 
 7       school.  I'm 32 years old, you know, so I figure that 
 8       outlet is -- a lot of positive things can come out of 
 9       it.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  Everything's always been 
11       professional and well run?  
12                 MS. JOHNSON:  Yes, very.  
13                 MS. RODGERS:  And there's several different 
14       avenues by which you've seen her -- areas you've seen 
15       her in and operate?  
16                 MS. JOHNSON:  Yes.  
17                 MS. RODGERS:  Thank you.
18                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Chair?  
19                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Davis.  
20                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Miss Johnson, you have 
21       indicated that you had attended the previous 
22       establishment before?  
23                 MS. JOHNSON:  Right.
24                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  At any time had that 
25       establishment achieved capacity during any time that 
 1       you were at the establishment?  
 2                 MS. JOHNSON:  I'm not sure of what the 
 3       capacity is.  I mean I've been to plenty of clubs 
 4       where it can -- the crowd can get a little tight, and 
 5       I really never actually -- probably should now with 
 6       the -- I've never really had to know like what the 
 7       establishment -- how many people it could hold in 
 8       capacity.
 9                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Well, I guess I'll ask my 
10       question in this way.  Have you attended the 
11       establishment where it was crowded on the inside and 
12       parking was -- parking in the neighborhood was 
13       extensive?  
14                 MS. JOHNSON:  Well, we always park three 
15       blocks away, so it was always -- you know, to find a 
16       parking spot would be a little trying, but I figure, 
17       too, that goes back to the driver.  We know the rules 
18       of the road.  You know where you shouldn't park.  If 
19       you shouldn't park in front of a bus stop, you can't 
20       hold the establishment accountable because a patron 
21       decided to park in a place that they shouldn't.
22                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Well, I'm not trying to 
23       hold anybody accountable.  I'm just trying to address 
24       some of the neighborhood concerns, -- 
25                 MS. JOHNSON:  Right, I understand that.
 1                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  -- and that's what 
 2       I'm hearing is that parking has been an issue, and 
 3       it's a concern that it will be an issue, and I'm 
 4       trying to determine, based upon the documents that I 
 5       have in front of me, that it potentially may be an 
 6       issue based on past history of the establishment.  
 7                 MS. JOHNSON:  Right.
 8                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  So you have seen parking 
 9       being an issue with you being a patron of the previous 
10       establishment; is that correct?  
11                 MS. JOHNSON:  Parking, because there's none 
12       available in that area; not parking because you 
13       couldn't find a spot.  Parking, because there's some 
14       available.  It's limited, you know, like a couple 
15       spots here behind this bus sign, and then when you get 
16       on the highway, you have parking along there, but -- 
17       you know, so it's limited, but there are parking 
18       spaces if you park responsibly, I mean, so limited.
19                 It's limited because of the bus stops and, 
20       like you say, I-94, but the on-ramp -- there's parking 
21       that goes all the way up, you know.  I've seen that.  
22       So when you say that about the parking, it's just a 
23       matter of like, to me, finding a spot.
24                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Okay.  But when you first 
25       addressed the committee, you did indicate that you 
 1       realize that parking is an issue --  
 2                 MS. JOHNSON:  Right.
 3                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  -- when you used to frequent 
 4       the other establishment, and I just wanted to get that 
 5       clarified for my own purposes.  
 6                 MS. JOHNSON:  Okay.  Yes then.
 7                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  So it has been an issue 
 8       with the previous establishment?  
 9                 MS. JOHNSON:  Yes.  Apparently, yes.  
10                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Thank you.
11                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Murphy?
12                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Yes.  Thank you.  Miss 
13       Johnson, you indicated you live on 32 -- 
14                 MS. JOHNSON:  -- 10.  
15                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  North Avenue?  
16                 MS. JOHNSON:  Uh-hmm.
17                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  So would you say that's 
18       more than a mile away from this location?  
19                 MS. JOHNSON:  I'm not very good at that.  I 
20       get lost a lot.
21                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  So do I.  
22                 MS. JOHNSON:  I guess so.  I never really 
23       paid attention.
24                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  About a mile.  
25                 MS. JOHNSON:  Uh-hmm.
 1                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Okay.  Thank you.  
 2                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Miss Rodgers?  
 3                 MS. RODGERS:  Have you had trouble parking 
 4       anywhere else; downtown, different neighborhoods?  
 5                 MS. JOHNSON:  Yes.  I just got a 50-dollar 
 6       parking ticket for parking at a meter that expired, so 
 7       parking is difficult pretty much, I find, a lot of 
 8       places, not just in that area.  Parking is difficult 
 9       everywhere.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  Thank you.  
11                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you, Miss Johnson.  
12       Good afternoon.  
13                 MISS McPIKE:  Hello.  I'm Tracy McPike.  I 
14       reside at 4344A North 29th Street.
15                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  I'm sorry, what was that 
16       address?
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  4344A North 29th.  Okay.  
18       Go ahead, Miss McPike.  
19                 MISS McPIKE:  Eloise McPike is my mother, 
20       and everything that she does I support.  She's a very 
21       positive person.  Everything that she touches she 
22       makes sure that it has a positive impact, regardless 
23       of if it's involved in her job or the community or her 
24       family.
25                 Now, as far as -- I just think it's a little 
 1       unjust that you are putting off what the previous 
 2       owners of this establishment did before her.  It's 
 3       like you guys are making her prove herself to be 
 4       different when -- It would be different, to me, if she 
 5       already had the establishment, and this problem was 
 6       taking place while she had it.  Then I can see the 
 7       community having the comments and things that they're 
 8       saying.  But as far as she's never owned that facility 
 9       before, how are you guys putting all the mistakes that 
10       the other owner made on her?  It doesn't seem fair to 
11       me.  
12                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Miss McPike, just to answer 
13       that, we haven't put anything off on -- 
14                 MISS McPIKE:  No, but you guys are bringing 
15       it up.  
16                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  No, that was testimony that 
17       was presented by the alderman's office who represents 
18       that district and neighbors.  We, as a committee, are 
19       bound by not only city ordinances, but state laws, in 
20       terms of what may be considered.
21                 That is one item that is pertinent that can 
22       be considered for any new application, the past 
23       history, and we are required and bound by state law, 
24       based on those chapters, to take those things into 
25       consideration if they are brought forward to us.  We 
 1       didn't go out and seek it.  We didn't add this.
 2                 Just so you're aware, instead of putting 
 3       forth a label, this is information that's being 
 4       provided to us.  I had absolutely no knowledge of 
 5       this location before we took this up initially as 
 6       an application here, so go ahead, please.  
 7                 MISS McPIKE:  Okay.  Well, as far as her 
 8       running any establishment that had a liquor license to 
 9       it, well, she was a bartender at the previous 
10       establishment, and when she became bartender there, 
11       the atmosphere started to change.  Because before, you 
12       know, the people there, they weren't really into the 
13       community-type things, and when my mom stepped in and 
14       became the bartender at that establishment, she made 
15       sure that -- like she said, she walked the people to 
16       their vehicles to make sure that they were getting out 
17       of the area, that they wouldn't disturb the neighbors 
18       or whatever.
19                 She's the type of person that if the 
20       community or the neighbors had a problem, she would 
21       work twice as hard to try to solve it.  She wouldn't 
22       just shrug them off and not try to deal with it.  And 
23       if they said that there were security reasons or 
24       whatever at the last meeting or whatever that they 
25       had, she said that she'll put up security cameras so 
 1       she can watch outside while she has her establishment 
 2       on the inside, but it's like there's no justice from 
 3       the community.  They're not even willing to give her 
 4       that opportunity.  
 5                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Thank you.  Any 
 6       questions by the committee?  Okay.  Alderman Murphy, 
 7       anything?
 8                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Miss McPike, you indicated 
 9       that you lived on North 29th Street.  Would you say 
10       you live nearly two miles from this location?  
11                 MISS McPIKE:  Yes.  
12                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Thank you.
13                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Miss Rodgers, was there 
14       anything else at this point?  
15                 MS. RODGERS:  Nothing else.  Thank you.  
16                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Miss Rodgers, do you have 
17       any other members in the audience here to testify?  
18       Come on up.  Don't be shy.  
19                 MR. FOWLKES:  My name is Darnell Fowlkes, 
20       and I stay at 236 North 36th, and Mount Vernon. 
21                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Fowlkes, could you spell 
22       your last name, please?
23                 MR. FOWLKES:  F-o-w-l-k-e-s.  
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Proceed.  
25                 MR. FOWLKES:  I mean I don't mind them, you 
 1       know, opening up the bar over there in my neighborhood 
 2       because, you know, maybe they might do better than the 
 3       other people that had the establishment.  They might 
 4       do better than they did, and these are friends that 
 5       I've known for a while.  
 6                 MS. RODGERS:  And you've known both Johnny 
 7       and -- Miss McPike and Mr. Jones for some time; is 
 8       that correct?  
 9                 MR. FOWLKES:  Yes, I have.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  And you have experience with 
11       them and the kind of management and professionalism 
12       that each exhibits; is that correct?  
13                 MR. FOWLKES:  Yes, I have.  
14                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And you do live within 
15       three blocks, is it?  
16                 MR. FOWLKES:  One block.  
17                 MS. RODGERS:  One block.  And you are in 
18       fact in favor of this bar; is that correct?  
19                 MR. FOWLKES:  Yes.  
20                 MS. RODGERS:  And you feel very strongly 
21       about that?  
22                 MR. FOWLKES:  Yeah.  
23                 MS. RODGERS:  Thank you very much.  
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Fowlkes, what is your 
25       address again?  
 1                 MR. FOWLKES:  236 North 36th.  
 2                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Thank you.  Other 
 3       questions by committee at this time?  Okay.  Alderman 
 4       Murphy, anything?
 5                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Mr. Fowlkes, how long have 
 6       you lived there?  
 7                 MR. FOWLKES:  I've stayed there for three 
 8       years now.
 9                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  You've lived there 
10       three years.  
11                 MR. FOWLKES:  Right.
12                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Okay.  Thank you.  
13                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you, Mr. Fowlkes.  
14       I know there was one more here.  Sir, gentleman with 
15       the hat on.  Good afternoon.  
16                 MR. JEFFERSON:  Good afternoon.  My name is 
17       Dante Jefferson.  
18                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Jefferson, just one 
19       moment.  I did see you come in with your son into the 
20       testimony.  Have you been sworn in yet at this point?  
21                 MR. JEFFERSON:  Yes, I have.  
22                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay, great.  I'm sorry.  Go 
23       ahead.  
24                 MR. JEFFERSON:  Okay.  Well, I live at 5534 
25       North 40th Street.  It's right off of Silver Spring.  
 1       I would just like to say that I knew of Miss McPike 
 2       all my life, and I knew Mr. Jones for basically all my 
 3       life, also.  As far as I know is that she's very 
 4       responsible.  She's always there for anyone that needs 
 5       her.  I feel that it would be a good choice to allow 
 6       her the opportunity to open up the bar that she's 
 7       trying to get.
 8                 I also wanted to say that as I sat here, -- 
 9       that's why I allowed everybody to make their 
10       comments, -- to me, I felt like the people that were 
11       against her opening up the bar, personally, I feel 
12       like it was a homophobic problem.  I feel there was a 
13       prejudice issue of homosexual activity or whatever.
14                 I've also been to that club before Miss 
15       McPike even thought about opening up the club.  I've 
16       seen different things go on.  I've seen good things, 
17       and I've seen bad things.  I'm not against it at all 
18       because the community does need someplace to go.  The 
19       people need someplace to go.  When you're homosexual, 
20       you cannot just go anywhere and have a good time, and 
21       I think that is unfair to the people.  I mean 
22       everybody's human.
23                 So I just feel like she should have that 
24       opportunity to prove herself, that she's able to do 
25       better than the last establishment, you know.  And I 
 1       really believe that she can do that.  And I also 
 2       believe that as far as parking is concerned, there 
 3       should be a place for them to park.  The place was 
 4       built there as a club.  It should have had spots for 
 5       parking.  It was set on the corner as a club or a bar.  
 6       There should have been parking areas right then and 
 7       there.  That's how I personally feel, you know, but 
 8       I'm sure if she opens up the club, it would be ran 
 9       perfectly, and I really seriously believe that.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  You've had an opportunity 
11       to -- You've indicated that you've known Miss McPike 
12       and Mr. Jones for quite some time; is that correct?  
13                 MR. JEFFERSON:  Yes, ma'am.  
14                 MS. RODGERS:  And you've had an opportunity 
15       to work with them or see them and deal with their 
16       level of professionalism and management style?  
17                 MR. JEFFERSON:  Yes, ma'am.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  And you believe that they 
19       would run a good bar?  
20                 MR. JEFFERSON:  Yes, I do. 
21                 MS. RODGERS:  Thank you.
22                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Mr. Chair.
23                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Henningsen.  
24                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  To ask a question 
25       about your last statement, do you believe that because 
 1       the building wasn't built with a parking lot, that 
 2       they shouldn't have to have a parking lot?  
 3                 MR. JEFFERSON:  No, I don't agree with that.  
 4       I believe there should be a parking lot there for 
 5       them, but I've been to the clubs before.  I would 
 6       never park my car in front of a club.  I would always 
 7       park on the next block or wherever, somewhere wherever 
 8       I found an open space to park.  But me personally, I 
 9       never believed in parking in front of the club.  
10                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  You were a patron of 
11       the previous bar?  
12                 MR. JEFFERSON:  Yes.  
13                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Did they have the 
14       permission to use the parking lot a little bit north 
15       that's now called Trigram, and used to be an eye 
16       place?  
17                 MR. JEFFERSON:  Yes, they did.  
18                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  They did.
19                 MR. JEFFERSON:  Yes.
20                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  And are you aware that 
21       they then withdrew their permission to have it?  
22                 MR. JEFFERSON:  I wasn't aware of that.  
23                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Okay.  
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Any other questions by 
25       committee?  Alderman Murphy, any follow-up here?
 1                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Nope.  
 2                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you, Mr. Jefferson.  
 3       Miss Rodgers?  
 4                 MS. RODGERS:  Yes.  The next person would be 
 5       Miss McPike.  Would you just state your name?  
 6                 MS. McPIKE:  Eloise Elizabeth McPike.  
 7                 MS. RODGERS:  And your address for the 
 8       record, please? 
 9                 MS. McPIKE:  4344 North 29th Street.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  And you are the applicant; is 
11       that correct?  
12                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, I am.  
13                 MS. RODGERS:  And Mr. Jones is also the 
14       co-applicant?  
15                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, he is.  
16                 MS. RODGERS:  And what is your position with 
17       Charles D Productions?  
18                 MS. McPIKE:  I and Johnny Jones are the 
19       co-chair people of the organization.  
20                 MS. RODGERS:  Were there, at some point, 
21       other people who were board members?  
22                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, there were.  
23                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Mr. Chairman?  Could I 
24       ask that you speak into the mike and a little louder.  
25       I can't hear you.  
 1                 MS. McPIKE:  Can you hear me now?
 2                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Yeah.
 3                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you.  
 4                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, there were.  Charles, 
 5       Regina, Sinovia, and quite a few other people were on 
 6       the board.  
 7                 MS. RODGERS:  Miss Barnett was also on the 
 8       board?  
 9                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, she was.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  How many of those people 
11       resigned from the board?  
12                 MS. McPIKE:  All of them except Johnny and 
13       I.  
14                 MS. RODGERS:  So right now your board 
15       consists of two people; is that correct?  
16                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, and the proxy is Regina 
17       Payne.  She's our proxy to make it the third person.
18                 MS. RODGERS:  So there came a point when 
19       people resigned from the board; is that correct?  
20                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes.  
21                 MS. RODGERS:  And why did those people 
22       resign from the board?  
23                 MS. McPIKE:  Due to the fact that we do HIV 
24       and AIDS awareness prevention, and we get grant money 
25       from the state, the people on the board, -- there 
 1       would be a conflict of interest if the people on the 
 2       board collected money from the grant for doing things 
 3       within the community, so we got together -- This was 
 4       told to us by CDC, Karen Johnson, director, -- and so 
 5       we got together in July and decided to -- decided who 
 6       wants to get paid and who doesn't want to get paid, 
 7       and since Johnny and I have -- both have substantial 
 8       paying jobs, we decided to be the board chairs and 
 9       allow everybody else to be our employees.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  And people chose to resign 
11       because they needed paying jobs; is that correct?  
12                 MS. McPIKE:  They were given that option, 
13       and they chose to be paid employees.  
14                 MS. RODGERS:  Now, Miss McPike, tell me what 
15       is your background, educational background, and what 
16       you have done for a living. 
17                 MS. McPIKE:  I've got two years of college.  
18       I'm an assistant superintendent of Milwaukee State 
19       Facility Prison.  I've done 15 years for the African 
20       World Festival.  I was the board chair of the national 
21       and local entertainment committee.  I brought the 
22       entertainment into the city.  I'm on the committee 
23       for June-Teenth Day.  I've been doing that for 20 
24       years.  I run the Main Stage.  I do volunteer work 
25       for Charles D Productions now.  
 1                 MS. RODGERS:  So you have run a number of 
 2       organizations before.  
 3                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes.  Also I was the manager 
 4       of Renee's the last year that she was in operation due 
 5       to the fact that she had other business opportunities.  
 6                 MS. RODGERS:  Renee's is the bar that was 
 7       located at 3500 Park Hill; is that correct?  
 8                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, it is.  
 9                 MS. RODGERS:  And you worked there for 
10       approximately a year before it closed?  
11                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, approximately a year.  
12                 MS. RODGERS:  Now, that bar -- Did that bar 
13       receive any complaints that you're aware of?  
14                 MS. McPIKE:  The bar never received a 
15       complaint.  We had police officers come by to tour the 
16       building every now and then to see if anything was 
17       going on, and they'd get a soda, and we'd sit there 
18       and talk.  They'd walk through the bar and leave.  I 
19       never ever had a complaint where someone called and 
20       said that anything was going on, never.
21                 MS. RODGERS:  Now, we have copies of the 
22       police report; is that correct?  
23                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, we do.  
24                 MS. RODGERS:  And for the last, how many 
25       years, --  
 1                 MS. McPIKE:  It goes back to 2000.  
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  So since the year 2000, there 
 3       have been no complaints?  
 4                 MS. McPIKE:  There has been no complaints 
 5       for Renee's when I was operating the bar, no.  
 6                 MS. RODGERS:  Tell me the years that you 
 7       operated the bar.  
 8                 MS. McPIKE:  I operated it from 2000 -- I 
 9       mean 1999, in October, to August 2000.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  So when did the bar close, 
11       August 2000?  
12                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, it did.  Later on in the 
13       month of August.  
14                 MS. RODGERS:  August 2000?  
15                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, I'm pretty sure it was 
16       August.  
17                 MS. RODGERS:  And so when -- What was the 
18       reason, if you know, for that bar closing?  
19                 MS. McPIKE:  She just chose to do other 
20       things.  She got tired of the bar business for right 
21       then.  She wanted to do restaurant business, and she 
22       couldn't really operate two businesses fully, and 
23       she -- and the patrons, you know, were dropping off 
24       and stuff like that because the clientele was slowing 
25       down a little bit.  It usually does that in the tavern 
 1       business.  
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  So she chose to close the bar.  
 3                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, she did.  That was her 
 4       decision.  
 5                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And during the last 
 6       year she was open, did you have any complaints from 
 7       any neighbors calling the bar?  
 8                 MS. McPIKE:  No, I did not.  None.  
 9                 MS. RODGERS:  Did you have any calls from 
10       the police department, any visits by the police 
11       department, other than those that were just friendly 
12       visits?  
13                 MS. McPIKE:  No, never.  
14                 MS. RODGERS:  You did or did not have 
15       visits?  
16                 MS. McPIKE:  No, I did not have any negative 
17       police reports, no. 
18                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  There's been talk about 
19       a party in January of 2003; is that correct?  
20                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes.  
21                 MS. RODGERS:  Tell me what you know about 
22       that party that happened in January of 2003.  
23                 MS. McPIKE:  Okay.  When Johnny and I first 
24       applied for the license, we were talking to the clerk, 
25       and the clerk -- I asked the clerk would our license 
 1       possibly come before the Common Council prior to 
 2       December 31st.  And she stated she don't see no reason 
 3       why not.  But then there came the issue where they 
 4       couldn't find Johnny's fingerprints for some reason.
 5                 In the process when she did that, I did not 
 6       try -- we did not try, as an organization, to locate 
 7       any other place because I was just -- it may have been 
 8       a foolish move, but I was hoping to use the club for 
 9       that event.
10                 Well, since it didn't materialize, I 
11       discussed it with Charles and Johnny, since Charles 
12       is in charge of HIV, because what we do is that we 
13       cater to people that are sick with the disease or 
14       people that know people that are sick with the 
15       disease, and give them a safe haven for one night to 
16       enjoy themselves.  And we've been doing that -- When 
17       you do things like that with the community, you can't 
18       lax one year to the next because they like repetition.
19                 So we sat down, and we decided we have to 
20       have it somewhere, and so Charles said, "Why not use 
21       my apartment."  And I said -- we all decided it was 
22       fine, we'll use his apartment.  And since the flyers 
23       were out for the club, we just directed the people 
24       upstairs to the apartment.  And our attendance was 
25       very low that night due to the fact that people 
 1       thought we weren't going to have it, so -- 
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  So during the testimony 
 3       at the last hearing before this one, Mr. -- Well, the 
 4       owner of T.J.'s testified that he came to the bar and 
 5       was charged a fee.  Did that in fact happen?  
 6                 MS. McPIKE:  When Mr. T.J. and his brother 
 7       came to the bar, they were in a very hostile state.  
 8       When they came to the bar, T.J. stayed outside the 
 9       bar.  His brother stood inside the threshold of the 
10       bar door, and when they was standing there, I said, 
11       yes, there's a 15-dollar donation.  He started 
12       swearing at me for lack of any other words to say, was 
13       swearing at me verbally, and I looked at him and said, 
14       "What's wrong?"  And he stormed out the door.  T.J. 
15       never spoke to me one time during that event, as he so 
16       stated under oath that he did.  
17                 MS. RODGERS:  So his brother talked to you 
18       about that.  
19                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, his brother.  And I had a 
20       really brief conversation.  After the conversation, I 
21       went upstairs and instructed Johnny and Charles to go 
22       speak to the man to find out what the issue is he's 
23       talking about, because if I would have known that them 
24       few cars were parked on his lot illegally, they would 
25       never have been parked there.  
 1                 MS. RODGERS:  So you're not even sure if 
 2       there were cars parked there; is that correct? 
 3                 MS. McPIKE:  I didn't even know.  I mean I 
 4       didn't even know there were cars parked there.  
 5                 MS. RODGERS:  Now, there's also been a 
 6       question about the application itself and how you 
 7       signed your name as president of the organization; is 
 8       that correct?  
 9                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  Can you just tell us about 
11       that, please?  
12                 MS. McPIKE:  When Johnny and I went into the 
13       clerk's office again, at that same time there was a 
14       thing that said president/vice president, and it had 
15       slash, board.  I asked the lady, I said, "Well, I'm 
16       not the president, nor is Johnny the vice president."  
17       She said, "Well, if you're a board member, you sign 
18       right there, also."  So that's what I did, you know, 
19       and that's -- I did not sign as no president.  My job 
20       does not allow me to falsify information nor perjure 
21       myself.  I wouldn't even do that.  
22                 MS. RODGERS:  What job do you currently 
23       have?  
24                 MS. McPIKE:  I'm the assistant 
25       superintendent at a minimum security prison.  
 1                 MS. RODGERS:  So you would not have, under 
 2       any circumstances, signed a document under oath that 
 3       was incorrect.  
 4                 MS. McPIKE:  I was being aboveboard.  I was 
 5       trying be aboveboard.  I was not trying to do anything 
 6       else.  It just came as a shock to me to even get the 
 7       citation.  
 8                 MS. RODGERS:  And that citation happened 
 9       when?  
10                 MS. McPIKE:  Right after I talked to 
11       Mr. Copeland.  He said he had -- I had to get a -- 
12       what is that called, -- a notarized statement in to 
13       him within -- well, I'll say within a few days, 
14       stating that Charles Daniels has nothing to do with 
15       the club.  And then I said, well, I'll get in touch 
16       with my lawyer.  And then when I got in touch with 
17       you, the next day I got the citation.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  So the citation took place 
19       after your meeting on -- the town hall meeting on 
20       February 14th, 2003?  
21                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes.  
22                 MS. RODGERS:  And what is the status of that 
23       citation currently?  
24                 MS. McPIKE:  I go to court June 9th.  
25                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  I have nothing further.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Questions by committee?  
 2                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Mr. Chairman.  
 3                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Henningsen.
 4                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  When you were the 
 5       manager at the previous location, the previous 
 6       establishment, it was open from October through 
 7       August?  
 8                 MS. McPIKE:  I'm pretty sure it closed in 
 9       August because I left the beginning of August, and I 
10       think she just shut down around then, because I lot 
11       contact with her.  
12                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  So you were there 
13       about nine months?  
14                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, I was.  
15                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Did you ever get up to 
16       full capacity, which is about what, 200?  
17                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, I did.  Yes.  
18                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Where did the people 
19       park then?  
20                 MS. McPIKE:  We had an agreement with the 
21       optical place, I'm assuming that was, and he stated 
22       that we could park there as long as we picked up the 
23       rubbish afterwards, and which I made certain that 
24       after every event, my security and I would walk out 
25       there and pick up all the rubbish, which wasn't much, 
 1       but we would pick it up in the area and throw it away.
 2                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  How many parking 
 3       spaces were in that parking lot, do you know, 
 4       approximately?  
 5                 MS. McPIKE:  A good 15.  
 6                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Fifteen?  
 7                 MS. McPIKE:  Yeah.
 8                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  No, it had to be a 
 9       hundred, right?  
10                 MS. McPIKE:  No.  
11                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  The optometry parking 
12       lot?  
13                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  It's less than a hundred, 
14       but probably more than 15.  
15                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Seventy-five.  
16                 MS. McPIKE:  At the same time we was sharing 
17       it with T.J., so he, you know, sometimes had capacity, 
18       too, so people had to park on the street.  
19                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Okay.  So besides that 
20       parking lot which was shared with T.J., where did your 
21       patrons park?  
22                 MS. McPIKE:  On the street.  
23                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  But where in 
24       particular?  
25                 MS. McPIKE:  Around the bar area, sir.  
 1                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  So referring back to 
 2       this -- 
 3                 MS. McPIKE:  This map isn't right.  
 4                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Referring back to that 
 5       map, in the yellow sections, do you agree that those 
 6       are no parking areas?  
 7                 MS. McPIKE:  No, I don't agree.  I see where 
 8       the off-ramp area to the south of us is, but in front 
 9       of this lady's house, that is a parking area.  
10                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  So on the north side 
11       of the street in the 3500 block of Park Hill, that's 
12       parking?  
13                 MS. McPIKE:  3500 block of -- 
14                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Park Hill.  
15                 MS. McPIKE:  Okay, you're right.  
16                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  That's parking?
17                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes.  Right in front of the 
18       gas station, right before the driveway was parking, 
19       because I used to park my car there.  
20                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Correct.
21                 MS. McPIKE:  And then there was -- A few 
22       spaces between the optical place and T.J.'s, there was 
23       parking.  And in front of the bar and around the 
24       corner was parking, too.
25                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Parking around the 
 1       corner of -- 
 2                 MS. McPIKE:  Oh, I'm sorry.  Of the club.
 3                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  On 36th?  
 4                 MS. McPIKE:  I'm sorry, yes.  
 5                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  On 36th.  
 6                 MS. McPIKE:  Is that 36th?  Yes, sir.  Yes, 
 7       it is.  
 8                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  And also on Mount 
 9       Vernon.  
10                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Yes.  
11                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Okay.  So as an 
12       estimate, the street spaces that are legal that are in 
13       the same block or across the street from the premises 
14       would be around 30?  
15                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, around 30.  
16                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  All right.  Thank you.  
17                 MS. McPIKE:  And can I also answer that a 
18       lot of patrons that come there do not have vehicles.  
19       They catch the bus.  
20                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  All right.  When this 
21       place was open when I went in it, people were using 
22       street cars to get there.  
23                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  You're dating yourself, 
24       Alderman Henningsen.  
25                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  I know.  I've had 
 1       surgery.  
 2                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Any other questions by 
 3       committee?
 4                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Chair.
 5                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Alderman Davis.
 6                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Miss McPike, Mr. Jones had 
 7       stated that he encountered you at the door when this 
 8       alleged party occurred.  
 9                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes.
10                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Was that true?  
11                 MS. McPIKE:  No, it is not true.  He never 
12       spoke to me, sir.  He stood -- he was behind his 
13       brother the whole time.  I had to peak around to see 
14       who he was.  His brother is about 6'4", and he stood 
15       there and started pointing his finger.  It was like a 
16       five-second ordeal.  The man came and cussed me out, 
17       turned around and left.  And T.J. just stared me down 
18       and walked around the corner, smiling with that smirk 
19       of his.  That's all that was going on.  
20                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Were you at the door --  
21                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, I was.
22                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  -- the night of that New 
23       Year's Eve party?  
24                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, I was.
25                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Okay.  And he states in his 
 1       testimony that after he encountered you, and he -- he 
 2       indicated that he was going to call the cops.  And it 
 3       states that, "They started clearing out.  We went and 
 4       called the cops, and the cop was there, and everybody 
 5       was bombarding out of the parking lot, and it was 
 6       pretty much empty after 10, 15 minutes, I think.  I 
 7       don't know if the whole bar was empty, but the lot was 
 8       empty."
 9                 Is that true, that after your encounter with 
10       Mr. Jones, that the party broke out and everybody left 
11       the party? 
12                 MS. McPIKE:  No, that's not true.  There was 
13       only about 10 cars in the lot, you know.  And when he 
14       stated that, that there were people -- that they were 
15       going to call the police, I told everybody else that 
16       they had to go get their cars off of the lot, and they 
17       went to move the cars.  And some parked them on the 
18       street and some decided to go home.
19                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Okay.  I'm getting 
20       conflicting testimony, but this was read into the 
21       record, and you're telling me that the patrons stayed 
22       after --  
23                 MS. McPIKE:  Some of the patrons stayed, 
24       yes, and some of them chose to go home.  
25                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Other questions?
 1                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  And then, Mr. Chair, -- 
 2                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Yes, Alderman.  I'm sorry.  
 3       Go ahead.
 4                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  And also were you aware 
 5       that there was a 15-dollar cover charge at this 
 6       specific party?  
 7                 MS. McPIKE:  There was a 15-dollar donation, 
 8       sir.  It wasn't a cover charge.  That money is 
 9       applied, as Charles stated, for other -- We do this to 
10       enhance our monetary account so we can do other things 
11       free for the community.  Yes.  And then the community 
12       is aware of this when they do come.
13                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  And can you state again who 
14       hosted this party?  
15                 MS. McPIKE:  Charles D Productions hosted 
16       the party.  He was the one in charge because it was an 
17       HIV and AIDS awareness party.
18                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  And is Charles D 
19       Productions a nonprofit organization?  
20                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, sir, it is.
21                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  And they're registered up 
22       under -- 
23                 MS. McPIKE:  501.
24                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  -- 501 (C) (3), so that 
25       they can receive charitable contributions?  
 1                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, sir.
 2                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Okay.  I have a question 
 3       for Officer Hogan.  I mean Sergeant Hogan.  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Sergeant Hogan, we have a 
 5       question for you from Alderman Davis.
 6                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Sergeant Hogan, is there 
 7       any police report on this particular incident, whereas 
 8       Mr. Jones contacted the police, and law enforcement 
 9       was dispatched out to this particular area?  
10                 SERGEANT HOGAN:  This is the New Year's 
11       Eve incident?
12                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Correct.
13                 SERGEANT HOGAN:  No, there is not.
14                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  There is not.
15                 SERGEANT HOGAN:  No.  I can verify that the 
16       police were in fact dispatched there, but there was no 
17       report filed.
18                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Okay.  Thank you, 
19       Mr. Chair.  
20                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Alderman Murphy?  
21                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Miss McPike, the donation 
22       of $15, if an individual didn't want to donate, were 
23       they still allowed in?  
24                 MS. McPIKE:  Sure, they were, because a lot 
25       of the people that are inflicted with the illness 
 1       don't have any money. 
 2                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  So you never turned 
 3       anybody down that came to the door that didn't have 
 4       $15.  
 5                 MS. McPIKE:  No, because I'm involved with 
 6       the community.  I know practically everybody that's 
 7       ill.
 8                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Okay.  Thank you.  The 
 9       other question is while you were working from 1999 
10       to the year 2000, those nine months, was the 
11       establishment -- What were the hours of operation?  
12                 MS. McPIKE:  I would start work around 8:00 
13       stocking up the bar, and we would close at bar time, 
14       probably to like 2:00.
15                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Were they open seven days 
16       a week?  
17                 MS. McPIKE:  No.  We were closed on Mondays.
18                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  You weren't closed any 
19       other days?  
20                 MS. McPIKE:  No.
21                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  So it was open six days a 
22       week?  
23                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes.  
24                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Okay.
25                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Mr. Chairman, a 
 1       follow-up question.  
 2                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Certainly.  Go ahead.  
 3                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Miss McPike, were you 
 4       informed or did you know that that optometrist place 
 5       withdrew their permission to park there during the 
 6       time you were there?  
 7                 MS. McPIKE:  No, sir.  I did not know that 
 8       until we had that committee meeting with the 
 9       neighbors.  I was informed then that that's what was 
10       going on.  
11                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  So after you left the 
12       operation of the former place, the revocation of 
13       permission probably took place after you were gone.  
14                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, sir.  
15                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  All right.
16                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  All right.  At this point we 
17       are working on a minimum quorum.  It's been a few 
18       hours since our court stenographer here has had a 
19       break, and I've had a request from a member to use the 
20       restroom, so we are going to recess for three minutes.  
21       As much as I hate to break -- not to break this 
22       up, but we'll reconvene here in about three minutes.  
23                 (Recess held.)
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  This is a resumption of the 
25       Utilities and Licensing Committee.  Miss Rodgers, it 
 1       falls back in your court here.  
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  Yes.  I have another witness, 
 3       one additional witness.  
 4                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Thank you.  Go ahead.  
 5                 MS. RODGERS:  Will you state your name and 
 6       address for the record, please?  
 7                 MR. JONES:  My name is Johnny Jones.  I 
 8       reside at 2514 West Hadley Street, Milwaukee, 
 9       Wisconsin, 53206.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  And what's your affiliation 
11       with Charles D Productions?  
12                 MR. JONES:  My affiliation with Charles D 
13       Productions is that I'm one of the co-chairs of the 
14       organization.  
15                 MS. RODGERS:  And how long have you served 
16       in that capacity?  
17                 MR. JONES:  For about the last five years.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  So you've been on the board 
19       for five years; is that correct?  
20                 MR. JONES:  Actually I served in the 
21       capacity of working with Charles D Productions for 
22       about five years.  I've been on the board for about 
23       the last year and a half.
24                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And you are also one of 
25       the applicants; is that correct?  
 1                 MR. JONES:  Yes, I am.  
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  And tell us about your 
 3       background and your involvement with Charles D 
 4       Productions.  
 5                 MR. JONES:  My background is I work with the 
 6       Milwaukee Boys and Girls Club for community service, 
 7       that's been providing services for the last 115 years, 
 8       and I've been employed with that organization for 
 9       about the last 20 years.
10                 And my background in dealing -- in working 
11       with Charles D Productions is as far as capacity-       
12       building and providing services to individuals who 
13       are suffering with the disease of HIV and AIDS, and 
14       providing educational background and guidance 
15       materials to those individuals.  
16                 MS. RODGERS:  And Focused is proposed to be 
17       a bar that's run by you and Miss McPike; is that 
18       correct?  
19                 MR. JONES:  Yes, it is.  
20                 MS. RODGERS:  And you have been involved and 
21       have done many different community activities; is that 
22       correct?  
23                 MR. JONES:  Yes, it is.  
24                 MS. RODGERS:  And the organization has 
25       received citations from elected officials; is that 
 1       correct?  
 2                 MR. JONES:  Correct.  
 3                 MS. RODGERS:  Do you have some of those 
 4       citations in front of you?  
 5                 MR. JONES:  Yes, I do.  We have several 
 6       citations from the mayor of Milwaukee, the governor of 
 7       the State of Wisconsin, proclamations regarding our 
 8       awards and our programs that we offer throughout the 
 9       organization of Charles D Productions in the 
10       prevention of HIV and AIDS, informational material.  
11                 MS. RODGERS:  And you have also in front 
12       of you several other awards and posters and programs 
13       that span the six or so years that you've been having 
14       your -- you've been involved with running the 
15       organization; is that correct?  
16                 MR. JONES:  That is correct.  
17                 MS. RODGERS:  Or that the organization has 
18       been in existence; is that correct?  
19                 MR. JONES:  Yes, correct.  
20                 MS. RODGERS:  And you have also in front of 
21       you information about the various types of management 
22       and organizations -- or managing organizations that 
23       you -- Excuse me.
24                 You have in front of you awards and 
25       certificates that show that the organization was 
 1       managed in a professional and a -- in a professional 
 2       manner; is that correct?  
 3                 MR. JONES:  That is correct.  
 4                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  What else do you have 
 5       in front of you?  
 6                 MR. JONES:  We also have in front of us some 
 7       of the informational booklets of -- that was stated 
 8       and mentioned before, of what we have each year.
 9                 We have an annual event as far as a 
10       pageantry system.  We have the guidelines and 
11       brochures and booklets, and we also have some of the 
12       literature and posters that represents people 
13       throughout the community who are dealing with -- this 
14       is called the PHIV Project, a Circle of Friends, with 
15       individuals who are suffering through HIV and AIDS, 
16       and also representing those individuals in a poster- 
17       type of setting as far as prevention is concerned.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  So you, too, have been 
19       involved in managing more organizations and have 
20       done so in a professional manner.  
21                 MR. JONES:  Yes, I have.  
22                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  You heard testimony 
23       earlier about a party that occurred January -- 
24       December 31st to January 1st; December 31st, 2002 to 
25       January 1st, 2003.  Is that correct?  
 1                 MR. JONES:  Correct.  
 2                 MS. RODGERS:  Were you at that party?  
 3                 MR. JONES:  Yes, I was.  
 4                 MS. RODGERS:  And can you tell us what was 
 5       the purpose for that party?  
 6                 MR. JONES:  The purpose for the New Year's 
 7       Eve Safer party is a tradition that has been going on 
 8       in the community for Charles D Productions, a safer 
 9       party, where we provide services for individuals who 
10       come together for a New Year's Eve situation and 
11       socialize in a party atmosphere.  
12                 MS. RODGERS:  Now, the donation that's 
13       charged at that party, is that a suggested donation?  
14                 MR. JONES:  It's a suggested donation that 
15       we ask from individuals if they can, that we put part 
16       into some of the services that we provide throughout 
17       the years.  
18                 MS. RODGERS:  To help pay for the 
19       programing.  
20                 MR. JONES:  Correct.  
21                 MS. RODGERS:  Do you recall seeing 
22       Mr. Jones, who was the owner of T.J.'s, that night at 
23       the party?  
24                 MR. JONES:  Coming to the establishment, 
25       correct.  
 1                 MS. RODGERS:  What was your encounter if any 
 2       with him?  
 3                 MR. JONES:  Well, there was no personal 
 4       encounter, myself, personally, but I do recall seeing 
 5       him coming to the door entrance where our patrons were 
 6       coming into the party.  
 7                 MS. RODGERS:  Did you talk with him at all?  
 8                 MR. JONES:  No, I did not.  
 9                 MS. RODGERS:  Did you talk with his brother?  
10                 MR. JONES:  No, I did not.  
11                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  And you, too, are on 
12       the application; is that correct?  
13                 MR. JONES:  That is correct.  
14                 MS. RODGERS:  And did you sign the 
15       application at all?  
16                 MR. JONES:  Yes, I did.  
17                 MS. RODGERS:  And do you consider yourself 
18       to be president of the organization?  
19                 MR. JONES:  No, I do not.  
20                 MS. RODGERS:  Did you sign as president of 
21       the organization?  
22                 MR. JONES:  I signed where the signature 
23       line says president, but it was stated to just sign 
24       there anyway.  
25                 MS. RODGERS:  So it says president slash 
 1       board member, or --
 2                 MR. JONES:  Correct.  
 3                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  Did you go to the bar 
 4       when it was Renee's?  
 5                 MR. JONES:  I visited periodically.  
 6                 MS. RODGERS:  And did you know what the 
 7       capacity -- Do you know what the capacity is for the 
 8       building?  
 9                 MR. JONES:  No, I do not.  
10                 MS. RODGERS:  Is it around 150 or 160 or so?  
11                 MR. JONES:  I would roughly say about a 
12       hundred, yes.
13                 MS. JACOBS:  I have no way of verifying the 
14       capacity.  
15                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  Thank you.  I have no 
16       further questions.  
17                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  I have a follow-up question, 
18       and I hope Miss McPike might know.  Miss McPike, do 
19       you know what the capacity is of the club? 
20                 MS. McPIKE:  I'm pretty sure it's 190.  
21                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Follow-up questions 
22       for Mr. Jones by committee here?  
23                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Mr. Chairman?  
24                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Mr. Schrimpf.  
25                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Mr. Jones, I understand that 
 1       you have a number of certificates indicating your past 
 2       experiences and organizations, but have any of your 
 3       past experiences dealt with operating an organization 
 4       that dispenses alcohol beverages by the drink?  
 5                 MR. JONES:  My personal experience?  
 6                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Yes.  
 7                 MR. JONES:  My personal experience in 
 8       dealing with a facility that distributes alcohol would 
 9       be several years ago, a location called Butch's that 
10       was located on Hadley.  
11                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Butch's or -- 
12                 MR. JONES:  Butch's, yes.
13                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  On Hadley?  
14                 MR. JONES:  Yes.
15                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  What were you there?  
16                 MR. JONES:  There, I basically worked in the 
17       facility as far as maintaining the surroundings and 
18       cleanup of the area and that nature.  
19                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Were you a bartender?  
20                 MR. JONES:  No.
21                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Were you a manager?  
22                 MR. JONES:  No.  
23                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Did you dispense alcoholic 
24       beverages?  
25                 MR. JONES:  No, I did not.  
 1                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  And Ms. McPike, I didn't get 
 2       a chance to ask you this before, but I take it your 
 3       experience in terms of dispensing alcohol beverages by 
 4       the open drink was when you were employed at this same 
 5       location when it was operating under a different name 
 6       and a different manager; is that correct?  
 7                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, it is.  
 8                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  And you were a bartender?  
 9                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes.  I have my bartender's 
10       license.  
11                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  But I mean for that operation 
12       you were a bartender.  
13                 MS. McPIKE:  Yes, I was the only person 
14       there as the bartender/manager.  
15                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Okay.  Other than that 
16       experience, have you had any other experience?  
17                 MS. McPIKE:  Not actually in dispensing 
18       alcohol over-the-counter, no.  
19                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  Okay.  That's all I have.  
20       Thank you.  
21                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Other questions for 
22       Mr. Jones at this time by the committee?  Alderman 
23       Murphy, anything?
24                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Nope.
25                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  I just have one question.  
 1                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Go ahead, Alderman Davis.
 2                 ALDERMAN DAVIS:  Mr. Jones, the night of 
 3       the New Year's Eve party, were the patrons entering 
 4       through the front of the establishment?  Or where were 
 5       they actually entering at the New Year's Eve party?  
 6                 MR. JONES:  The patrons on that particular 
 7       day would entrance on the side entrance right up to 
 8       the apartment.  
 9                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Thank you, Mr. Jones.  
10       At this point we're going to move to closing 
11       arguments, and Miss Rodgers, we'll have you provide 
12       your closing first.  
13                 MS. RODGERS:  Okay.  We would just like to 
14       say that this is an opportunity for the committee to 
15       issue a license to two people who have -- two people 
16       who have a stellar reputation in terms of running 
17       organizations, in terms of being very professional in 
18       their demeanor, and I think that they deserve an 
19       opportunity to run this bar.  We're asking the 
20       committee to give them the opportunity to run this 
21       bar.  They have talked about the need for such a bar 
22       in this area or any area.
23                 They have indicated their experience in 
24       being involved in many different organizations, and 
25       they've talked about the fact that -- in showing to 
 1       this committee, the fact that they have a national 
 2       reputation for running organizations.  And it is, I 
 3       believe, to this community's best interest or in this 
 4       community's best interest to allow them an opportunity 
 5       to run the bar.
 6                 We hope that the committee does not impute 
 7       to these two individuals, these applicants, the 
 8       mishaps that some of the neighbors have testified, or 
 9       some of the items that they testified they saw, some 
10       of the things that happened with the previous owner.
11                 Miss McPike has testified that during the 
12       last nine months or last year, there were no incidents 
13       whatsoever and no calls to the police department, at 
14       least there are none on record, and Miss McPike has no 
15       other way of knowing if there was a problem in the 
16       neighborhood unless the neighbors tell her.  The 
17       neighbors did not talk to her at all about any -- or 
18       there are no obligations that were directed to them or 
19       no complaints that were made to Miss McPike when she 
20       worked the last year at the bar, and there have been 
21       obviously none now because they have not been open.
22                 And they did not have a party as was alleged 
23       by T.J.'s or Mr. Jones from the previous testimony.
24       Mr. Jones indicated that he thought that there was a 
25       party going on there; and there was, in fact, a party 
 1       going on, but the nature of that party was totally 
 2       different than what T.J. had indicated that it was or 
 3       what he thought it was.  It was, as testified to by 
 4       two or three individuals here today, it was a New 
 5       Year's Eve party that has been going on for six years 
 6       and held at different locations, different bars, 
 7       different hotels, and that those hotels have never 
 8       complained about any of the problems that the 
 9       neighbors are alleging that took place with the prior 
10       owners.
11                 This is an opportunity for this committee to 
12       say to this community that we believe that Miss McPike 
13       and Mr. Jones will continue to run a professional 
14       organization and will do a good job of it.  I think 
15       they deserve a chance.  I think that the problems with 
16       parking have been there, but they are problems that 
17       can be worked on.
18                 It seems to me that the one person who 
19       testified most credibly, in my estimation, was the 
20       person who talked about the parking, and I understand 
21       that her objection is related to parking, and that is 
22       an objection that is noted, but it is something that 
23       Miss McPike and Mr. Jones have indicated that they 
24       will work very diligently to try to prevent happening 
25       going forward if they're granted to operate at this 
 1       location.
 2                 Ms. McPike and Mr. Jones have been good 
 3       citizens, and they plan to continue to be good 
 4       citizens.  And they want to be good neighbors, and 
 5       they will do everything possible to make sure that 
 6       they are good neighbors to the individuals who have 
 7       some objections.
 8                 And at this point I would like to say that 
 9       the committee really should consider very strongly all 
10       of the positive testimony that has taken place related 
11       to these two individuals and their abilities and hope 
12       that you will approve the application.  
13                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Thank you.  Alderman 
14       Murphy, do you want to make a closing?
15                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Yes.  Mr. Chairman, 
16       committee members, I want to first say thank you, for 
17       one.  I've sat through six hours of testimony on this 
18       item, and I know that you, Mr. Chairman, have heard 
19       all of the testimony, and the other two committee 
20       members have had an opportunity to read the 
21       transcripts.  You missed four hours of previous 
22       testimony, upon which we had 16 residents at that 
23       meeting attend and testify.
24                 I count nearly 17 residents who have 
25       testified, residents who live in the neighborhood, 
 1       pertaining to this item.  I count two people who were 
 2       in support of this location who lived in the area, 
 3       one five months and one three years.  You've had an 
 4       opportunity to listen to the community.  This isn't an 
 5       issue about these two individuals, their character.  
 6       It has nothing to do with that.
 7                 When these individuals met with me several 
 8       months ago now and asked me to see if I would support 
 9       their application, my response to them was you need to 
10       get the support of the neighbors.  That is your 
11       obligation, to seek out, to talk to, to listen and 
12       seek their support prior to my supporting your request 
13       for a liquor license.
14                 I forwarded them that opportunity on 
15       Valentine's Day in February.  They had an opportunity 
16       to meet with the residents.  It's a matter of record.  
17       The owner even indicated in a follow-up letter to the 
18       residents they apologized for not meeting with them 
19       and not talking to them.
20                 Clearly communication was the key factor 
21       here, and there was a lack of communication, and there 
22       was a lack of argument, persuasive argument, in 
23       convincing the neighbors that this is an acceptable 
24       location.  This location's been closed for over two 
25       years.  There has been past problems with the 
 1       establishment.
 2                 Clearly the Milwaukee Police Department, 
 3       from your own experience of serving on this committee, 
 4       at least two of you, know the police department are 
 5       not doing what they usually used to do in the last 
 6       three years, and that's doing a thorough job of 
 7       reporting violations or making even simple reports, 
 8       and that can be demonstrated at practically every 
 9       hearing before you in the last several months.  That's 
10       not an excuse, but that's a reality.
11                 The neighbors had testified to that and what 
12       they have personally witnessed and heard.  Parking is 
13       a predominant issue in this area.  The applicant 
14       previous -- this applicant and the previous applicant 
15       had made an arrangement with the nearby business to 
16       secure off-street parking, so, therefore, not a burden 
17       to the residential neighborhood.  This applicant 
18       unfortunately lost that opportunity.  The owner has 
19       chosen not to provide off-street parking.  As such, an 
20       additional burden will be placed by people parking in 
21       this area.
22                 I thought it was telling that one of their 
23       own supporters who testified before this committee 
24       indicated she had to park at least three blocks away 
25       to be allowed to get to this establishment.  Clearly 
 1       it wasn't because she was doing it for her exercise.  
 2       She was clearly doing it because there wasn't 
 3       available parking in the area.  That's parking that's 
 4       put into the residential neighborhood, and the 
 5       problems associated with people leaving at a late 
 6       hour, the tavern, and having issues dealing with that.  
 7       This will be exacerbated because previously, under the 
 8       testimony, you had off-street parking.  In this case 
 9       you will not.
10                 The other issue simply is, is this location 
11       suitable for a tavern.  As a matter of record, there's 
12       two taverns that are very nearby, and admittedly this 
13       was a location of a tavern for many years, but it's 
14       been closed for two years, and, therefore, it's 
15       considered by laws a new location.  Perhaps the owner 
16       of this building has to acknowledge that.  Maybe 
17       concentration of outlets in this area is just too 
18       much, and as such, this location can be changed to a 
19       new type of business.
20                 This is a neighborhood with a lot of 
21       children.  There's a daycare adjacent to it.  There's 
22       really two daycares nearby.  There's a lot of children 
23       in this area.  There's a lot of family neighborhood in 
24       this area.  You've heard from the neighborhood 
25       organizations, both the Valley Neighborhood 
 1       Association and the Merrill Park.
 2                 This is an issue that deals with -- or the 
 3       simple issue is that this is not an appropriate 
 4       location for a tavern, and as such, I think the 
 5       evidence is fairly clear, and I hope you listen to 
 6       what you heard and read in the transcript and listen 
 7       to the neighbors to make the decision accordingly.  
 8                 MS. RODGERS:  Just one follow-up, just so 
 9       the record is clear.  I don't believe there was 17 
10       residents who testified at the last meeting.  My 
11       record shows there were 12 people who testified, and 
12       most of them -- I think only three of them actually 
13       lived in the district.  
14                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.
15                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  We'll debate that.  
16                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  I think we all understand 
17       here.  
18                 MR. SCHRIMPF:  The record speaks for itself.  
19                 MS. RODGERS:  And I know it was a mistake, 
20       but -- 
21                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  And I understand where 
22       you're going -- where you were going on that.  This is 
23       on the boundary of two districts.  It doesn't matter 
24       if they live in -- for my deference, it doesn't matter 
25       if they live in Alderman Murphy's district or Alderman 
 1       Henningsen's.  If they were a block or two away, 
 2       they're neighbors of this location, whether they're 
 3       in -- whoever's district, they're impacted by it.  
 4       If there's a place that's on the boundary, it's on 
 5       the boundary.  We can't help that, but -- Alderman 
 6       Henningsen, do you have something here at this point 
 7       before we go into committee?  
 8                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  No.  
 9                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  Do we want to go into 
10       committee, Alderman Henningsen?  
11                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Yes, okay.  I had no 
12       idea that this establishment could be characterized as 
13       gay or not.  I was appointed to this committee on a 
14       temporary basis.  I did read the transcript of the 
15       last hearing; I didn't see anything about it in there.
16                 But I do want to say for the record I've 
17       been the alderman across the street for 19 years, so 
18       I'm very familiar with the neighborhood and the 
19       residential nature of most of it and the parking 
20       situation.
21                 I do want to say about some of the previous 
22       testimony, too, that there's many people in the city 
23       that think In Step Magazine is pornography, you know, 
24       and we all know it's not.  But when I was on the 
25       County Board, I was the main sponsor of the county 
 1       ordinance that forbade landlords from using sexual 
 2       orientation as a reason for not renting to someone.  
 3       In other words, it was added to the race, color, creed 
 4       and all that stuff, and it has -- it's had an impact.  
 5       I don't want to mention how many years ago that was, 
 6       but -- The quality of individuals here and their 
 7       experience with running other organizations, I think, 
 8       is actually part of the difficulty I see, because it's 
 9       going to be a very popular place.  And with 200 or 190 
10       capacity, I believe that their good reputation in the 
11       community will draw a lot of people.
12                 And indeed years ago, it just was a 
13       different era, and we didn't have that many people 
14       going to a place, and the back was sort of a dance 
15       hall, but it was like polka, and it was neighborhood 
16       people, and the parking didn't seem to be that much of 
17       a difficulty.  But it was vacant for many years until 
18       the last establishment.
19                 I cannot support a tavern here because I 
20       think it will actually be too successful, and the 
21       issue is parking.  Surrounding to the west is all 
22       residences, and I do think that it's unfair to expect 
23       that there's going to be parking only on the streets 
24       in front of the residences, and I do know for a fact 
25       that those yellow portions on the map are no parking 
 1       areas, and so I think it's a good operation and a bad 
 2       location, so I would so move.  
 3                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  The motion before us is for 
 4       denial of the Class B Tavern, Tavern Amusement, and 
 5       Tavern Dance applications.  Any other additional 
 6       comments on the motion?
 7                 MR. COPELAND:  Excuse me.  Point of 
 8       clarification.  Is this motion made because of 
 9       neighborhood objections or -- 
10                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  I believe he indicated 
11       neighborhood objection to parking concerns.  
12                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Parking.
13                 ALDERMAN MURPHY:  Mr. Chairman, I think it 
14       would be important that the objections be related to 
15       the notice that's sent out because if this is 
16       contested in a court of law, -- 
17                 ALDERMAN HENNINGSEN:  Yeah, to the 
18       neighborhood objections about the lack of parking.  
19                 CHAIRMAN BOHL:  Okay.  The motion would be 
20       for denial based on neighborhood objections due to 
21       lack of parking.  Are there any objections to that 
22       motion?  Hearing none, so ordered.  Thank you.  Good 
23       luck.
24                          * * *
                       )  ss:
 6                 I, DONNA GULCZYNSKI, of Milwaukee Reporters
 7       Associated, Inc., 5120 West Bluemound Road, Milwaukee,
 8       Wisconsin, certify that the foregoing transcript,
 9       consisting of pages 2 through 125 inclusive, is a
10       full and complete transcript of the proceedings taken 
11       in this cause.
17                         Donna Gulczynski - Court Reporter
22       Dated this        day of                , 2003
23       Milwaukee, Wisconsin