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6 African American Male Unemployment Task Force Survey
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Oct 24 2010 10:55PM Milwaukee Task force should include a few more business owners Luc Monsanto 414-828-9494 edmdchvimjyh5y55a3h3y5qa
Version Title
8 African American Male Unemployment Task Force Survey
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Oct 26 2010 4:39PM Test Test Test Test Test dzbg0355tjibj2vq4ola3sqv
Version Title
9 African American Male Unemployment Task Force Survey
Date Submitted city ClientIP Comments email name phone SessionID
Oct 26 2010 7:59PM Milwaukee A woman named Raquel Pinderhughes has developed a nationally accepted job training program that is focused on placing individuals with multiple barriers to employment in green collar jobs. Her program is exceptional. It is working. Maybe if welfare and food stamps required those without work to attend some kind of job training program like this we could see people support themselves. We need to get families and individuals out of the food stamps and welfare cycle. In Texas you need a job to get food stamps. In Wisconsin you do not. There is no motivation to get a job here. Here is a link to some Raquel Pinderhughes stuff. Urban Studies   klb5wo55xd0onf55udc3kq45
Oct 27 2010 8:29AM Education and parenting are the keys. Parents need to appreciate the importance of education in getting a good job and young men need to more encouraged to complete that education. More funding needs to be provided to MPS to address both the educational and social needs of students.       4urkzdvbyun05445uiyil3n5
Oct 27 2010 1:05PM Milwaukee I feel like its not enough going on in Milwaukee for blacks to do in general. We must first start at school and make sure that black males are going to school and actually doing work. I can't tell you how many black males I can count on the daily that stands outside my neighborhood because they think that the "block or hood" is cool. Education is a must to be successful in the society that we live in today. Not only does 53% of black males have jobs but 1 out of every 3 guys possibly read on a third grade level. Not cool at all. So if we can first educate them then try to get them employed somewhere that could be a start. Me being a black male high school graduate/ some college, no kids, never been to jail, and working full time makes me stand out from half of my race in my city which is not fair to me. I want all of us to learn and have jobs but if we can't PUSH others to do so Milwaukee Black Males will fail as a whole. Tyree Smith 4144606254 5cz3gdapx4hdal551y2d2u55
Oct 27 2010 1:38PM Milwaukee "Am I my brother's keeper...Yes I am" I have been assisting young African American men in their search of employment opportunites and I found out that the process can be and is frustrating. One of the key problems that many of the men I assist have a prior criminal record or Municipal citations. Many of the men get all the way through the interviews and when that part is mentioned or discovered they are turned down. Immediately, they ask me what can a brother do who has made some mistakes and trying to turn his life around do? I understand that companies can be bound by certain laws and regulations. I was reading a story sometime ago that a rental car agency hired a man that had a previous rape charge. The employee wound up raping one of the female employees of the company and the company loss a huge lawsuit, because they had knowledge of the employee's criminal history. So, I think situations like those keep company's on high alert of criminal records. There are many programs that have been eliminated or cut short because of large conglomerates eating up all the public funding or grants. We need to go back to the small nonprofits that actually had a cause and a real will to help these young men develop skills and structure to be job ready. To inform them of what they should and should not be doing (i.e. talking slang in interviews, poor posture, gold teeth, etc).The conglomorates get the funding and never have any real intentions on doing the things that were mentioned in their mission or they disguise ways to make it look like they are doing what their mission stated. So, bringing back more of the smaller nonprofits and giving them funding to help these young men would be a great assistance. Having worked in Milwaukee Public Schools I have seen the education and literacy levels drop some and mainly due to while in the school building that was the only time that got any study time and to learn. So, building more sincere Adult programs would be a help. So, in short we need more companies that are willing to give the young men a chance. Donnell Rushing   pbmjmcqiqzdxcq55fgusegyg
Oct 27 2010 2:50PM Brown Deer Coordinate efforts MATC's with Brunnetta Soward and Sophia Williams on the Workkeys to get scores up to par, then apply to MATC's technical diploma, associate degrees,and appreticeships to gain the skills and training. Lots of people are not able to access programs because they do not have support systems/people to asssit them in making transitions. If they do not work, they probably do not have a stable home. There used to be a house for Women and Children on Marshall Street, where women worked and saved money to move out on their own. A similar program could be developed for homeless men. It could assist men with housing for 6 months (rent free) as a condition, while they looked for employment. after they are employed, they could be charged a low income for 1 year, then they would move on their own. Dorothea (Zuni) Macon (414) 530-3314 2lfxnkmiguc30g45ii1p3y2r
Oct 27 2010 3:46PM Milwaukee I think it's necessary for the city in contracting for jobs with contractors to assess the company's number of minorities working for them. Ideally, the representation should be comparable to the demographics of the city. It's disheartening to see all this stimulus work going on and not a single African American on the job, especially in the African American community (i.e, MLK Drive). If the contractors can't diversify their staff, they shouldn't get rewarded work. Jamere   3d5rocjjb2jkz0ivbtegs045
Oct 27 2010 4:32PM Milwaukee Bring back shop classes and home economic classes to high school and even middle school. It allows students to see how to use the reading, math and science they learn in required courses in future work or home related matters. If they don't realize how important it is to learn something they become bored. Finding out you have an affinity for woodworking or baking gives you a reason to learn geometry or fractions. Being allowed to take apart a lamp and put it back together can make science fun. These courses teach practical skills needed in life so when you're out on your own you can take care of yourself. There's too much emphasis on college and too much emphasis on computers at an early age. You need to be able to do the work on paper before you use a calculator. And you need to practice it with homework and in classes so if you have a problem catching on you get the help you need instead of just giving up. Too many students drop out and then they already have a strike against them. The attitude that somehow doing well in school makes you a target of ridicule needs to stop. Middle school, 6-9th grade, ages 11-14, are the hardest years to get through. If you fail there, you'll have a hard time catching up in High School. Make school year round so September isn't wasted on relearning what you forgot from May. Allow reading and math to be taught differently in each class because not everyone learns the same way. Teach students how to learn, not just memorize. Young men that don't have a diploma and may have been picked up for minor infractions should be given the tools such as tutoring to get a GED and maybe counseling on anger management instead of just being housed with more violent criminals that perpetuate a non-productive lifestyle. Take a tip from all of the illegal immigrants that come to the U.S. to get a job and send money back home. Find jobs in other parts of the country for young men willing to go and learn a trade. So many men could have been sent to the Gulf States to clean up and repair after Hurricane Katrina, learning job skills. They could have been given dorm-like living quarters with meals and such but no one stepped up to make jobs. Volunteers can only do so much then they have to get back to their regular jobs. Keep getting them involved in Habitat for Humanity or other organizations that teach construction. The WPA back in the depression put a lot of people to work as the stimulus act should have done but no one was willing to come up with the jobs to put people to work. Entry level jobs in City and County government are few and far between nowadays. But there is a need for seasonal jobs that teach responsible job skills and can be used as experience. Teach how to apply for a job and what to wear. I once applied for a part time job in a retail store and the application took me an hour to complete because of all of the "ethical question" scenarios. If you can't read them and understand them, forget about the job. Also, get creative about your experience. I know of two young people that had retail cashier jobs but were fired because their drawers came up short during their probationary period. Rather than letting them make up the difference from their paycheck they were fired. Then, because they were fired they felt they couldn't use that job on their resume or as job experience. Sometimes you just make the wrong change. And sometimes the job is just not the right fit for you. You shouldn't be afraid of getting a bad reference just because of a mistake. What about your perfect attendance? And public transportation needs to be more available to outlying counties that still have late or 2nd shift jobs so people don't need to rely on cars, especially when they don't have a license. And stop adding a dime or quarter to bus fare. It makes it harder to get on a bus if you don't have correct change. Also, add more buses & routes.   Kat   ob4kmvjetzqpuo550ty3tj45
Oct 27 2010 7:05PM clean streets, graffiti, pull weeds in public areas, cash to get a vasectomy.       zozavs55wmxmzl3kd2yf0l45
Oct 28 2010 3:48PM Many of the African American males do not have the skills to qualify for a trade. Also, there are alot of males that have not completed high school and want to return, but do not have the money to pay for books, supplies and even the class. Maybe if there was a program to offer free classes to get their GED and offer some programs for a skill trade, this would help to motivate the African American Males to get out and be successful.       thkmmb551t3drvv4ewsb1345
Oct 28 2010 4:01PM Milwaukee Dear gentlemen, Thank you for addressing this issue. My comment/suggestion is this: as an African-American male who grew up in public housing in Milwaukee, has worked at the Milwaukee county House of Corrections, and now work as a city police officer, I don't believe that work ethic is instilled in this generation of young African-American males. I don't think that most of the males in the central city (black or any other color) see the co-relation between honest work and success (or at least what they believe success is). When success is defined by what they see in media outlets, their focus is largely on how to obtain those things (power, cars, women). We as a community need a media campaign that focuses on the benefits of being employed, specifically targeted at African-American males. We could call it "Why I Work!" Show real African-American males with jobs, and let them (us) articulate why we work. ie.. I work because I wanted to buy a house, my kids are proud of me, I have health insurance, I have hobbies, I love Air Jordans, I like stability, women love guys with jobs, etc. I think it would catch on, whether people respected it or just cracked jokes about it, in the back of their minds, these are the things that most males want. Lawson Murrell 414-461-4527 qrpkmb451fasipr4nqqgmw45
Oct 28 2010 4:28PM Milwaukee First off, thank you not only addressing this issue but asking the public for input. I don't know exactly what will help but something needs to happen. Real job training skills, help with resumes, and interview skills. An understanding that the job may not be perfect but a job is a job. Follow through with these men. Make sure they attend the interview, follow up with a thank you card etc. There are a lot of people in this city that WANT to work but finding the opportunities without a full understanding of the process is difficult. Give hope. And not just temporarily or one time. Have men that have been in the same position come in to talk and answer real questions. Thank you for addressing this issue.       mwt4y2eqebsqnovqc5s4ak34
Oct 28 2010 9:53PM Over generous Welfare programs should be done away with - also the over diagnosing of children and unemployed adults as having "attention deficit disorder" or similar near bogus disabilities in order for them to qualify for Social Security disability (even more lucrative than welfare) MUST STOP!! Perhaps then these people will move somewhere that is more tolerant of this sort of misbehavior. And thus the problem of the unemployed baby daddies who parasitically exist on the baby mommas will vanish from Milwaukee.       nrubgb55w3de5x452x3hkq45
Oct 29 2010 10:27AM Milwaukee I think that one of the most sensible ways to curb unemployment in the Black community is to encourage Black Americans in Milwaukee to create a systems of economic reliance within their own community. It's no secret - Black folks spend money, and lots of it. But the problem isn't that money IS spent, the problem is WHERE it is spent. Too often, Blacks spend and never see a return on their investments i.e., jobs for Black males at the places where they have spent their cash. I'm not advocating for absolute money hording but I am saying that as a community, Black folks should be willing to create a climate within their community where money flows and businesses flourish. As a community, their house is a fiscal mess and I believe that creating a cash flow within the community will drive the need to increase services and with it, create jobs. Black males need work and it's just more likely that those willing to hire Black men, are Blacks themselves. But this has to be a long term investment where employers are willing to work with those that they hire and help them adjust and learn the differences between "Home Personality" and "Professional/Work Personality". But in order to get there, the community has to reroute the way that money flows. Rather than dollars flowing out of the community, money needs to circulate within. That, and a renewed focus on education including expanding and encouraging interest in math and science, is how we move this particular segment, and the community as a whole, forward. Cavalier "Chevy" Johnson 414-324-7755 sy5snm45vcjyvwr0z0mjxf55
Oct 29 2010 11:39AM Milwaukee Job training programs, while essential, are not enough, and research shows they are not very effective at impacting the noncognitive "soft skills" which are solidified before kindergarten. Intervening early is important, even at birth. Invest in early childhood education which aids neurological development before age 3, when the "soft skills" that help people remain employed and manage behavior are being developed. Support the state's new YoungStar policy in Milwaukee's African American community as a route to higher-quality child care that will build school readiness. This policy will help parents to know whether they are placing their child with a low- or high-quality provider. Support ex-offender re-entry programs. Many of these programs are run by small churches that lack capacity in terms of budget management, grant-writing, etc. Consider funding grants (an RFP) that would help these programs increase capacity. (Organizational capacity is a term from the non-profit world.) The Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches has experience at increasing capacity in small re-entry programs (I used to work there - they would speak with you). Read research by or meet with Marc Levine, John Pawasarat, and Lois Quinn, researchers from UW-Milwaukee. Please focus especially on how they illuminate the role of drivers licenses and child support barriers to male employment. Work to create a sense of fairness for low-income people who must park on the streets in this city - sometimes the rules feel burdensome and ridiculous. And create routes for people to pay tickets, regain licenses, and manage child support so that these factors do not prevent employment. If I had huge city parking tickets, a revoked drivers license, child support in arrears, and a criminal record, it would be extremely tempting to avoid the type of job that would benefit society. It is especially important for the newly incarcerated to know that they can get their child support payments adjusted while they are incarcerated. If that keeps building up, it is often an insurmountable barrier to succeeding once out of prison. Can you create a way to better inform them of their options? I'm not sure if this is already in place, but employers should get incentives (money or tax break) to hire ex-offenders or people with very low job skills, and they (the employer) should have a case manager or liasson who they can check in with about how the job is going. Obviously the transit system is important for employment, and this system is under stress. Other than paying to preserve entire bus routes, could an alternate system such as van transport be created to help low-income people - or re-entering ex-offenders - get to their jobs? Perhaps ex-offenders who complete job training could be awarded van transport for their first 4 months of employment as an incentive to stick with the program... While I prefer to be anonymous on this website, please email me if you'd like to communicate further and I'd be happy to. Thank you for pursuing this important issue. I'm a Milwaukee voter and taxpayer!     hf5vwh55euyttuughugmruzz
Oct 29 2010 11:55AM Milwaukee Offering hope and role models by educating males that they can have decent jobs to support themselves and children by enhancing skills or continuing education. This model has to be marketed in the neighborhoods of African American boys and MPS. Until these men realize education is the key to economic stability, not womanizing or petty hustling in the streets can these men stand up and become part of the family unit and we can stop this vicious cycle. Let's also view other cities and their relative African American unemployment rate and research the reasons their unemployment rate might be significantly lower. I also believe other factors affect the African American male unemployment rate which goes deeper than lack of job skills. Aleshia Carr 414-418-8107 brymxymq4zjrgoirakx0n555
Oct 29 2010 3:36PM Milwaukee I think that they need more education. A lot of african american males does not have a high school diploma. So maybe if they are set up to get their GED and afterwards, set up to go to college would help out a lot. Lisa   vdbjvk3ucxq3yi45e5qnz43t
Oct 30 2010 11:19AM Milwaukee The loss of manufacturing jobs from Milwaukee to overseas seems to be the a huge problem in creating viable employment opportunities, especially for African American men. Since Wisconsin is greatly increasing it's renewable energy grid, it would be wonderful if Vestsas, GE, or another windmill manufacturer would locate a manufacturing plant on the former Tower Automotive site. Perhaps a collaboration between MPS High Schools and MATC and the manufacturing companies to train skilled workers would make it a more attractive proposition for the manufacturers. It seems to me that if family supporting jobs were abundant enough in the community that men grew up with a reasonable expectation of landing a good job (not just part time, service industry, minimum wage, etc.), there would not be such a huge disconnect between African-American male unemployment and the wider community's unemployment rate. Chris Quinn   libzjg3rcxozlm55lmavis55
Oct 30 2010 2:32PM Would be nice if there were jobs for them to apply for, since all the jobs went to Mexico and India. Get more jobs in Milwaukee, and that would help.       yxbanjegj5nc4455cm5lii45
Oct 30 2010 6:39PM Programs in schools that prepare students to go directly into the job enviornment. I believe students should be prepared to go to work the day they graduate, or before hopefully. Also the programs in our jails that are ment to assist inmates in finding employment, need to be more pressing in having inmates find jobs. Inmates should be able to be released from jail and the next day go to some sort of employment. Every inmate who enters a correctional facility unemployed should be required to find a job prior to being released.     b5ces245w4ao5dzqm1j5eynf
Oct 31 2010 11:10AM Mookwaukee Get a degree, take off the damn ball cap, and pull your pants up   Shaniqua   v00hvgrpw0rag255iq5u2r45
Oct 31 2010 11:10AM Milwaukee One way to help black men achieve a more equitable portion of the economic pie would be to fight the pervasive homophobia in our black community. Far too many of our black men are "on the down low," living double lives, going with other men in dark corners. This destroys bodies and souls and leads to an incredibly high rate of STD's in our community, especially for black women. With STD's it is almost impossible to get a job; the itching and scratching from herpes flareups is uncomfortable and makes work impossible. We need more federal aid to address this pressing issue.   LaNiquisha   vjmstcfvqnyugc45c50iiw45
Oct 31 2010 12:13PM It's a case of the haves and the have nots. Black males all to often have felony records. All too often they do not have a HS diploma or a GED.       m3egxt55eqahd555ojohnl55
Oct 31 2010 12:40PM Tell your african American males to adopt the following attitudes immediately: 1. Stop blaming everyone else for your own failures in life. 2. Adopt a strong work ethic. Act humble towards your boss and do what you are told quickly, and to the best of your ability. No one wants to hire an arrogant person who thinks he is owed something. 3. Stay away from any "friends" or family members that are breaking the law. 4. Stop smoking, drinking, doing drugs, or any other habit that is harmful to your body and costs you money. 4. Do not give up. Believe in your own ability to advance in life. 5. Be nice to every person you encounter. 6. Save every dime you can. Buy the bare minimum you need to survive. Put your money in a savings account. 7. Develop a Top 10 List of things you want to accomplish in the next 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, and by the end of your life. Do something everyday to reach your 6 month goal. One thing every week to reach your 1 year goal. One step every month to reach your 5 year goal, etc. Your list will change as time goes by, but at least you will be advancing towards your own happiness and well-being. 8. Read several newspapers and magazines weekly to stay abreast of current events. You will want to sound intelligent and informed if asked by a potential employer. 9. Saying "Sir," and "Ma'am" shows you are respectful and willing to obey your boss. 10. Serving your country in the Armed Force is honorable, and can lift you out of your present situation, give you an education, and allow you to start your life all over. 11. Stop believing that you are a victim. You are owed nothing. No one is responsible for your own happiness but you yourself. You are a human being who can achieve anything you want in life, if you are willing to work towards it.       h1ikfyy3jbyoxcvtkmuv0sjt
Oct 31 2010 12:48PM Buy a large ship and fill it with coons, send them back to apefrica.   Nocoons   zb3hej45ufshyg35yzczq0i4
Oct 31 2010 12:53PM You need to increase the IQ of the average African American male by about twenty points. They're chronically unemployed because they are intensely stupid and cannot pass the most simple of tests or perform the most basic job functions.       sxsycqav2wut3345lx1kdl55
Oct 31 2010 1:28PM Make some city owned properties available to use as business incubators. wayne   k42ot555tk04kzevzyar4r45
Oct 31 2010 1:33PM Tell the niggers to actually get off their lazy asses and get a job!   Jerome   dxk1yc45wxesbf55x5dlpk55
Oct 31 2010 2:18PM End the welfare state. This will save big money, and simultaneously push people to work (or start businesses), and draw in outside businesses. Progressivism is fucking retarded. Pull your heads out of your asses.       cjdfem55cbl1bn553fsthvjf
Oct 31 2010 5:17PM Ship them back to Africa and ta-da! No more unemployment problem among nigger bucks!       kvu3uk55wu3n244530xvwcff
Oct 31 2010 5:46PM Orange Nothing terrifies an African American more than a job application. The only way your going to get African Americans to do any productive work is to do it by using force. The simple solution is to round them up, spay and neuter them then put them into the fields and sweatshops under the close supervision of competent humans. If they perform satisfactorily they get fed and housed and if they don't they get punished. That technique of managing Negros has worked for centuries and is still in practice by their own kind in Africa today. Another benefit of this system is that it would replace the need for undocumented laborers thus allowing them to go home to their own countries and force their governments to implement social and economic changes that are to the benefit of all their citizens rather than a small group of wealthy elite.   James Crow   ktzsgcj4m3i31uipjgzqyaqi
Oct 31 2010 6:41PM perhaps if they had more education and had more initiative they could help themselves instead of waiting for handouts.       tvllkvyao5uspezrbag3aq55
Oct 31 2010 7:48PM Quit feeding them!!!!!       jlceck55utvvoz55nkt3tx45
Oct 31 2010 8:18PM mandatory birth control for all niggers       z51ehzna0vdhu5nqpndlpi45
Nov 1 2010 1:59AM Why not arrest them, most are criminals and they have to do work while in prison. Either that or cut off unemployment. Make the chimps work.       crqchk2jfoohxj55ndxutduk
Nov 1 2010 6:37AM Better public transit to the suburbs is necessary if people are going to be able to get to jobs. The city has the legal power to fund and/or provide public transit, both alone and with the county. It should take advantage of this.       svivszbziownjj55h2p21qjz
Nov 1 2010 11:20AM Some how we need to impress upon the children when they are young that they need to find someone in their lives that is a positive role model, whether a father, uncle, neighbor someone who they can look to, formally or informally as a role model. Perhaps more public awarness commercials during programs for young children. My wife and I were discussing this and this is not just an 'African American' problem. It is across all races at this time for various reasons. The good old 'Amercian' work ethic is gone for many reasons, but very few people are going to develope a new attitude about work at an older age. Also, unfortunately there are very few jobs here for anyone with little education. Children dream, they need something to dream about. More community support for people who can take the responsiblity for giving the children a good dream. We need something more than a 'make work' job for a black kid who is going to resent it the rest of his life. Guess there are no easy answers.     hey2w34551fqad2hjk5ior55
Nov 1 2010 3:57PM Give African American males more opportunity for small business ownership within their own neighborhoods (corner stores, grocery stores, gas stations, etc.)       ccnpfx45dwojci55biodfe55
Nov 1 2010 8:20PM Please invest in our failing schools. Unemployment can be prevented by providing our children with the education they deserve. Our public schools are a disgrace. Graduation rates and testing scores are among the lowest in the nation. It is not shocking to read that unemployment follows. Please start holding our teachers and school leaders accountable. Reward those that actually teach so students learn and fire those that aren't making the cut.       0kdotvyhg3y4bh55f2prum55
Nov 2 2010 11:35AM Milwaukee Unemployed black males is an enormous problem in the city of Milwaukee. I have been affected both professionally and personally by this ever increasing statistic. Can the city offer free training courses (specifically aimed at black males) which directly relate to the vacancies in our city. From technology to skills training, we need a program (which really should start at the highschool level) that will prepare our black males for the employment world. Additionally, the positions should offer a decent salary and benifits, so that a man and/or his family can survive on his earnings. The training should not only address skills needed for the job, but the importance of life skills, such as; being punctual, balancing a check book etc. Please consider implementing some program to save the generation which is being lost to lack of minimal education and/or the jail system. Open a door, so some black males have a chance to walk through. Desiree McNeil 414-795-6087 1ep4qr5534pnsdqaknctyffi
Nov 2 2010 1:53PM Milwaukee This is a huge problem -- especially with so many black men incarcerated -- and if it's not that -- then not being able to drive due to tickets. And then if they do have a job, they can't get to court to fight the tickets which just increase in the amount owed. There needs to be an employer who can either get the judge to come to the site or work after hours (although a lot of times the poor get crappy hour jobs). I would be willing to help mentor -- I would love to find something that could be built like in the valley so poor people can get to work... Brenda Koehler 414-312-7730 s4opkcvt5j400qzkysk4ws55
Nov 3 2010 12:40AM Milwaukee It is 2010 and the usual cookie cutter ideas will not work. to reverse the unemployment rate amongst black males in Milwaukee, you must address two areas. The age between 16-22 demographic and the age between 23-32 demographic. The age between 16-22 should have more paid internships while in high school or college, if in trouble with the law given a choice to join a school, job corps or something that can take them away from the everyday negative structure that they are familiar with. The age between 23-32 demographic should be trained to be laborers through a program that consist of 5 hours a week of general civics, culture and social skills class. All felons in both age brackets should be giving a choice to do this or serve the sentence in jail. To carry this out the Government must stop looking to the Church as the only group to work with. There are several Non-profit organizations that can help and get the job done better than any religious Institution, because we are not trying to recruit them for Sunday service or the next Mosque meeting. SelfKingdom Isallah (414)339-9761 msrxfo2dusi3xv454rnmo5js
Nov 3 2010 12:11PM Milwaukee #1 drop the idea of fighting the businees community on paid sick time off for part-time workers! #2 Stop all the extra fees on individuals and peole #3 encourage businees in the city, like BUY SEASONS to come here and provie ANY job not just a job that some fat politition thinks is capable of supporting a family. They tend not live in "families." From what I see. #4 Explain to the African American men that they should first have a job, any job befor they have a family. #5 Explain that a family is a union of people that all work together. It is not having a bunch of "family" with several differnt people. I know these facts because I see them every day in my community, working playing, and helping eachother. #6 Let them know and be proud that ANY work is valid work, no shame in cleaning, lawn mowing, dishwashing etc. The so-called jobs that Americans won't do so the illegals are necessary. #7 Take the jobs that the illegals do away and do them yourself. #8 Work at the corner store instead of robbing it. #9 Take the train money and convert it into incentives for business to expand in the 4th worst city in the ountry #10 Make suree that MPS can teach these people to read & write, do not just send them to scholl and label over 50% as LD. I ihear this from my teacher friends. Oh and they also should know how to count, they don't need calculous, just basic skills. #11 Show them thaat they are not entitled to anything, the Hispanics, the Hmongs, the Irish, the Itailians, the Polish, the Serbs all came here before and learned the language and developed community and businesses. Even the Muslims are doing it and they are welcome as long as they do not fund jehad! 1       jrklay45ejjolcn5xvtjg555
Nov 3 2010 2:47PM Milwaukee Employers are just not hiring African American Males.       kfceav55yfmipaa5k5jhthv5
Version Title
10 African American Male Unemployment Task Force Survey
Date Submitted city ClientIP Comments email name phone SessionID
Nov 3 2010 2:52PM Milwaukee I just have a thought, why are all the computer companies and do so much for the US. out on the East and West Coast lines..Why are none of the major companies here in Wisconsin, better yet why are they not here in Milwaukee, we used to have Nokia and Design companies here..that is the future of the World and the communication of Man.and why do we not have jobs in that field here.??? Just a passing thought... Ardith Ann Richter 414-223-6213 1rpfig45kh1gz0553oqhe1fk
Version Title
11 African American Male Unemployment Task Force Survey
Date Submitted city ClientIP Comments email name phone SessionID
Nov 3 2010 3:31PM Unemployment amongst African Americans stems from their family background, their educational experience, and their structure of opportunity. The solution in my opinion would have to stem from the very beginning when the child is still fresh and he's not raised up to feel as if he can't achieve. Our education system is a system that discourages the African American child from the stories being told, to the methods in which he's been taught. When the child can't relate to or feel good about what is presented to him he puts a wall up and begins to dislike school. By the time of graduation the young man is not as engaged as his fellow White classmate...(drop-out rates) More focus needs to be on teaching the African American child in the ways he can actually learn. Employers benefit from unemployment because they can keep wages low. Police officers, the court systems, the Medical industry all benefit to a degree because without money people often result to survival techniques which often equate to crime; thus breaking the law as a desparate measure to support oneself or his family. I say train the men with the skills that give them a fair shot at making a decent living, stop issuing out felonies to every man you arrest, and stop being so threatened by the Black Male and let him shine and provide for his family.       va0c1dijwxihht45ld1lc545
Nov 3 2010 4:42PM The solution to getting African American young, middle-aged and senior men to work is to offer a variety of jobs for them to do. Some men are good with their hands, some are good at talking and others are good at detailed tasks. In the 60's and 70's there were enough GOOD jobs so most of the African American males who wanted to work was working. When there is an opportunity to work doing meaningful employment, the community will respond. There were factory jobs, there were office jobs, At& t had jobs that meant going into the field. There wer agriculture jobs. The task now is to create enough jobs that would lead African American males from selling DOPE to selling shares. It can and must be done or else our Great Country will not be so great any longer.       whgph4earatl2qb2rwanv5jg
Nov 4 2010 8:04AM close all taverns at 10:00 PM every day.       5pu21b55uhmfqh45v41vnw45
Nov 4 2010 10:27AM Investigate Talgo companies alledged discriminatory actions targeted at favoring Hispanics or Latino's in the hiring process.       5ly1rsnqhmfvpgqifrwzfxew
Nov 4 2010 11:33AM Aurora My name is Tabatha Johnson, former resident of Milwaukee, WI for 30 years. I am currently an Equal Opportunity Director for the Air National Guard and a Property Management Specialist for USDA Forest Service. I currently live in Aurora, Co, but try to keep abreast of the going ons in my hometown. I think a high rate of unemployment for African American males is not due to them being uneducated, unqualified. There is a lack of the following: 1. Mentorship 2. Recruitment 3. Retention I think these things are critical to address. Discrimination is a big factor in addressing these issues. Discrimination doesn't only occur during the selection process, it occurs before then, when the job description is tailored to where it is impossible for african american males to qualify for the job. The small percentage that is hired doesn't receive the mentoring they need to move up in the organization, thereby making it difficult to survive in an economy where the cost of living is steadily rising yet there income remains stagnant. This forces them to look for jobs elsewhere, which usually means other states. There is also a nonexistent effort in retaining these qualified individuals. As aforementioned, lack of mentoring, retention forces qualified individuals to leave the state, looking for other jobs with promotional opportunities. Possible solutions: 1. Focus more on Special Emphasis Programs to recruit and retain African American Males 2. Hold organizations accountable for their lack of numbers to reflect the communities in which they serve. 3. Look at recruiting at leadership levels, not just entry level positions. 4. Form alliances/partnerships with colleges as a recruitment tool, create more intern positions that offer a guaranteed job once completed. Thank you for reading. Tabatha Johnson 4148390368 efzyis55qszexcfexa2w4045
Nov 4 2010 3:06PM Although, I know you have heard this before, from a Human Resource perspective, it is gaining an education. Even if the education is a High School Diploma to get one's foot in the door. At the next level is maintaining and/or gaining a skill that is marketable, such as welding, machinery, etc. What type of jobs are we examining and how many of each type of job will we need to put people back to work at a livable wage with good benefits. Perhaps, working with the Wisconsin State Department of Workforce Development to examine training programs both at the basic level (High School/GED) and at the next level getting people into current training programs. I would envision almost like a "Public Works" program that the U.S. had during the depression. Possibly looking at Technical Schools/Colleges as to what programs, both educational and skills training that would offer. Are there private businesses who are having difficulty recruiting employees due to lack of skills or lack of the number of skilled employees available to fill the posiitons that offer training programs. Are there federal and/or state grants that would provide training for minorities. Perhaps, examine grants through the U.S. Department of Education and the Wisconsin Department of Education. How will the new Wisconsin Governor incorporate miniorities into his platform of creating jobs in Wisconsin?       oefj3mnliyx3tvivmwhyi055
Nov 4 2010 3:32PM Milwaukee Housing, Jobs, Transportation, Treatment and the understanding from the communitty as to why we need these 4 things to achieve solving the problem of African-American Male Unemployment in the City of Milwaukee. We need the cooperation of the business communitty, churches, the criminal justice system, law enforcement, politicians and the community to seriously address these issue. We need to work together cohesivley to bring businesses back to the city of Milwaukee. David W. Fields, Jr. 414-412-8838 2uke2b45gux3j0bvjmsaaz55
Nov 5 2010 12:28PM Milwaukee Encourage, ask or require local companies to offer or participate in training or on the job training programs which lead to employment at the companies. Lack of experience and training inhibits the hiring process and discourages employers for giving capable workers the opportunity to prove themselves. Create city programs or require employers to develop training programs which offer opportunities to obtain employment. Tax incentives or other benefits could compensate for these programs and encourage companies to participate. A job match program could offer additional opportunities to applicants and encourage companies to hire. Michele Schmeckpeper 414-514-1582 vk4rnb32pmmr2argjc4u0rvm
Nov 5 2010 12:31PM Milwaukee The African American male unemployment rate solutions are multi-faceted, each suggestions is not at all the overarching solutions, but merely recommendations based on observation. First, we must start with the family. Fatherhood or lack there of has to be de-criminalized. Currently, the courts penalize primarily men for their failure to provide for their children. I offer this opinion to remedy this issue: support the Shared Parenting legislation, authored by State Rep. Donald Pridemore, that simply states at the time of paternity or divorce, the courts will establish placement orders that are equal or as equal as possible between both parents. This allow the father to have access to his child(ren) without the interference of conflict of the child's mother. This time allows for relationships to be formed and established, therefore making it much easier to justify the need for child support orders. Secondly, the school system has to be re-evaluated. Principals, teachers, administrators, assistants and parents, school board members, and labor need to come to the table and represent the children and not the adults. Failure to educate our children is a crime, and therefore those in position of authority need to have greater accountability in creating an atmosphere in our public school systems that are conducive for learning. The current make-up of many of our public schools are those of institutional design: institutional colors, concrete sinks, sand soap, unclear windows, institutional lunch trays, institutional eating tables, prison-like security, and extra-curricular cuts. Whereas their private school counterparts have vibrant colors, access to sunlight, restaurant style cafeterias, less security, extra-curricular activity, and most important mandatory parental involvement. Thirdly, provide genuine incentives for businesses to locate to Milwaukee, and hire from the community. A great deal has been done through residential preference and the MORE ordinance, but more needs to be done. The Obama administration recently set aside $30 billion dollars for small business development and incentives. Work with the financial institutions and have them rewrite their lending criteria, so that our existing small businesses can expand their capacity, and create jobs, and also that new businesses can be created therefore creating new jobs. Lastly, many of our young men in this community have the skills to perform the jobs that are available, but because they don't have the academic credentials, they are automatically excluded from consideration. We need to work with companies to provide apprentice opportunities for young men who can prove they have the skills to perform the duties of the job, and provide the on the job training needed for them to obtain the academic criteria for the job. Free long-term training is not a solution, there has to be a way to provide at minimum a stipend during these long-term trainings, because those needing the training have life responsibilities, and giving of their time without compensation is not realistic. I offer these few opinions in hopes that something will come out of this commission. I also offer my time and talents to research some of these matters and provide a report on any findings. Richard M. Badger 414-429-8477 04og5eerr0tzzketqlqt5055
Nov 6 2010 9:08PM milwaukee what about hispanic males lets make a american hispanic task force we live in this city to!! felix questell jr 414-759-3109 h3nhyvuxxbkkdaq0zsectg45
Nov 7 2010 8:48AM milwaukee I believe it will be a very difficult problem because alot of people and the employers have a very negative impression and view about african american males. what I believe needs to be done beside schooling and training is working with employers on the negative image of african american males. address the issues of the negative sterotype of black african american males. have classes on how to look for work and how to dress appropriately. tim vasquez 763-656-8293 z1ymiwvaobah3x2grcdlmj55
Nov 8 2010 8:12AM Milwaukee I like the idea of micro loans to young men who have small business ideas, but lack the funds to get them started. This idea is already a tried and true in the U.S. as well as other countries. It could have the ripple affect of creating more jobs for young inner city males (and other city residents), as some small businesses become successful and need more employees. Laura Vanderbilt 414-286-3625 kesvdevuwmi1cs45h4i1od55
Nov 8 2010 9:32AM Allow a moratorium for the drug dealers,to take their monies,and invest them in a businesses,that create jobs,without having to worry about going to jail.... Offer them business classes so that they may have the knowledge of which businesses to open up,in their own neighborhoods,that are profitable.... Offer them the same police protections for their business,as everyone else gets for theirs.... Corey   nkayxlncrrh1qsvyrwrcao45
Nov 8 2010 3:11PM Milwaukee I think part of a solution to the horrendous unemployment of African American males in Milwaukee is vocational training and a focused effort to get them a valid drivers license. Without a valid drivers license, many cannot get a job. When they can't get a job legally, they do what they can to survive, by any means necessary. That barrier to success has to be removed before any real progress can occur. Unorthodox, non-traditional measures will be required to really make an impact. Maybe team up with the trades to get a certain number of apprenticeships that pay decent wages and have a future. Wanda Booker   3vr1tz55vyz3njfcm00pby55
Nov 8 2010 6:55PM Milwaukee There are so many welding jobs and not enough welders. I worked at W.E. energies as a boilermaker. I was suprised to see how many people came from all over the united States and the worldto weld. I rarely met people from Milwaukee and oak Creek is 30 miles away. Custer High School has welding shop, but it was never a focus ti teach the kids to weld. Image coming out of high school making over $50,000 and a life-long skill,.   Adrian Gibbs   fwaiqd45xk3nc545gpqjqlek
Nov 9 2010 8:59AM Milwaukee I suggest you hire me. Nekish Crochrell. I have beeen thinking about getting into politics, but I feel that I can be used here. The problem lies within the negative stigma placed on African American men. There are a lot of employers using CCAP even though they shouldn't be to find out criminal records and traffic citations as a means to define a person's character. Unfortunately alot of men can and will state that they themselves have not made the best life choices as becoming adults, however, it is imperative for us to make note that those things may be in there past. I propose that you allow me to sit down and hold a session with some of these men, maybe 100, so that we can have a healthy discussion about what obstacles they feel are keeping them from achieving greatness. You will find that most men when they are released from jail, the half way house, or have felonies on their record, while they want to do better, society doesn't give them an opportunity, employers wont hire them so they rob or steal or sell drugs to feed their kids or feed themselves for that matter. My question is why is it that it took a poll to inidicte that 53% of our African American men in the city are unemployed, it made us look bad, and now we are wanting to implement some changes. Please allow me to assist. I am available to help. Women need child support to take care of these babies, but how can they if the men arent working. This helps not only the men, but the Milwaukee County budget, more child support, less state aid because they have another source of income. There also would not be such a great need for case workers on 12th and vliet. How many of these unemployed men do you think are there recieving food stamps and state aid. Let me help you, from the inside looking out. If you drive past 12th and Vliet around 7am in the morning, men are lined up before the women and children to be first when the doors open. Our men in this city can do better, most of them are fatherless and need some direction. As a single parent to 4 children I am asking that this not only benefits me, if you can get my kids father working, the state may not have to help me with childcare which saves you a ton, but I need to work, so allow me to assist. I am a well educated, mother, minister, and citizen of the city of Milwaukee since birth. This city is not the same place that I grew up in, alot has changed, and these young men are out of control. If they were working they wouldnt have time to commit crimes. Nekisha Crochrell 414-231-0580 nkgeim55a113to4524oxdh45
Nov 9 2010 4:52PM milwaukee I have noticed that many of the african american males do not have drivers licenses. This can pose a problem on transportation issues with jobs. Another issue I am aware of is that many of them have records that hinder the hiring process. I work in the jail and the majority of my clients are African American males. They all tell me the are essentially "doomed" because of their past. If I was an employer I would more than likely take an individual without an exstensive record. My inmates say that since they can't get a job, they have to go back to what they are doing, aka hustling. The jail is not providing anything in regards to rehabilitating inmates so they can be productive members of society. The money we waste on housing them could actually be used for helping them. It costs more to incarcerate than to put them through college. shannon hassell 920-216-6622 hsxeg345il5z3z55lmhfmt45
Nov 9 2010 8:18PM Education, education, education.       iqjl3e4542aqnwbxjrs4ib45
Nov 10 2010 8:33PM Millwaukee help them get a lience,cdl and a with the study of g.e.d on a personal note.If the little man is treated like a human, he'll responed.Offer partime jobs for students helping to clean up millwaukee.Starting with the snow removel,for the elderly. Glenn Brown 414)795-2105 iil1dz55xvkfgr45bu3xo445
Nov 11 2010 8:06AM MILWAUKEE Make the african male in milwaukee employable. If the AA male could read write and add they would be more attractive to employers. Please do not think you need any race favoring mandates to get them to work. It is a lapse in education at school and at home. If you never saw your father working hard why would you expect yourself to work hard. scott 414 202 1893 ijwyhxifdimtyd554p00ki55
Nov 11 2010 9:26AM What about the unemployed hispanic and non-hispanic men in the City of Milwaukee? Does anyone give a crap about them? Why is it that it's always the "poor black people" that get all the help and freebies?? It would be nice if the working middle class, you know the people that pay for the poor in this city, could catch a break now and them. I can't believe the City is wasting time and money on this useless task force. Perhaps if the unemployed black males actually attended school and graduated, they wouldn't be so damn helpless. Did it ever occur to any of you that black people prefer to be "poor" because they get WIC, rent assistance, Title 19, energy assistance, etc? Why would anyone want to better themselves when they get so much handed to them. WAKE UP MILWAUKEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!       pc1vhm55rxxmdk45xw133if2