From: Bauman, Robert
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 8:29 AM
To: Lee, Chris
Subject: FW: R.E.: Land Disposition of SEC of N. 27th Street and Wisconsin av.

Please add to the 27th & Wis file.


From: Wall, Martin
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 9:56 PM
To: Hines Jr., Willie; Hamilton, Ashanti; Davis Sr., Joe; Kovac, Nik; Bauman, Robert; Bohl, James; Coggs, Milele; Wade, Willie; Donovan, Robert; Puente, Robert; Murphy, Michael (Alderman); Dudzik, Joseph; Perez, Jose; Witkowski, Terry; Mayor Tom Barrett
Subject: R.E.: Land Disposition of SEC of N. 27th Street and Wisconsin av.


Thank you for reconsidering the $1 sale of this parcel to the owner of KBS Construction(Denis Klein).


Who's the Architect?                   The proposed 2+ story office building is one ugly building to paraphrase                                 Ald.Joe Davis. I agree. It looks like a minimum security facility. Only someone from afar, with preconceived notions of Milwaukee, would argue that this design is appropriate. Most disappointing is that the Commissioner of City Development would concur. Unattractive, lacking the access and design standards called for in the adopted Citywide Policy Plan, this building does a permanent disservice to the potential of the area. In the vicinity of the saved Ambassador Hotel, the historic "Eagle's Club", and the iconic schoolhouse across the street, this land deserves better.


Who's the Developer?                  Denis Klein of KBS Construction proposes the building. He has marketed his 

                                company as a "Milwaukee" firm for years. It appears at his jobsites and on his company's vehicles. I wonder if he presents this falsehood to city officials as well. His company is actually located in West Milwaukee allowing the company to avoid the city's wheel tax (4425 w. Mitchell St.). It is hard for me to believe the sincerity of someone who misleads the people of Milwaukee for years. Now the claim is that the deal must be finished today (as was said in March and again at the Charter Meeting of the Common Council?), and it must look like this! 


What's the Deal?                        KBS Construction will "throw up" a building for $10 M. and the Scott Walker                                 administration will lease it back for up to 20 years. What is the return on investment(R.O.I.) accruing to the developer on this $1 purchase of land? I'm sure this sweetheart deal, without committment of a diverse workforce or use of Milwaukee residents, and adding little to the vibrancy of the area, has nothing to do with the $10,000 contribution of Mr. Klein to Friends of Scott Walker late last year(BusinessJournal 1-27-12). It would be a shrewd way to thank a friend (and set up his son in business at Milwaukee's expense).


                                                It appears to me and others that the Department of City Development has thrown in the towel on yet another neighborhood in our city. 27th and State, the gateway to Historic Concordia Neighborhood, remains an eyesore for 20 years. The troublespot gas station(NEC 27th and Wisconsin) was not eliminated but for a mere $150,000 differential in price (yet $400,000 and $100,000 are available for Riverwalk projects; two $50,000 options are purchased on overpriced Park East properties; a $1 million tear down happens). A proposed boulevard for N. 27th is not pursued as a catylyst project.


                                                When we exist without vision or faith in our own city, it allows any idea or proposal to be "better than nothing" as I heard in Rocky Marcoux's comments at committee. Please do not allow Milwaukee to be played by these actors. Let us strive forward to make each Milwaukee neighborhood great - not only a select few. This proposal goes the wrong way.  




                                                                                                                       Marty Wall 

                                                                                                                       5705 w. Trenton pl.           

