00001 1 CITY OF MILWAUKEE 2 LICENSES COMMITTEE HEARING 3 4 In the Matter of: 5 SUGAR 126 East Mineral Street 6 7 8 COMMITTEE MEMBERS 9 ALD. JAMES BOHL, JR. - Chairman ALD. MILELE A. COGGS - Vice Chairman 10 ALD. T. ANTHONY ZIELINSKI ALD. NIK KOVAC 11 CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE by BRUCE SCHRIMPF 12 DAVID HALBROOKS, MATT LERNER on behalf of the Applicant 13 14 Proceedings had and testimony given in the 15 above-entitled matter before the LICENSES COMMITTEE OF 16 THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE on June 2nd, 2010, reported by 17 Terese M. Schiebenes of Milwaukee Reporters 18 Associated, Inc. 00002 1 PROCEEDINGS 2 (All City Personnel duly affirmed.) 3 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Sean Pliss, Agent for 20 4 Below, LLC, Public Dance Hall renewal application with 5 change of agent for 20 Below "Sugar" at 126 East 6 Mineral Street. If you could, we'll swear you in 7 here, Mr. Pliss. 8 (SEAN PLISS was duly affirmed.) 9 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Mr. Schrimpf, was there 10 anything that you wish to add relating to this item 11 here? 12 MR. SCHRIMPF: I don't believe there's 13 anything -- Wait a minute. Let me get reconnected 14 here. 15 CHAIRMAN BOHL: This was a holdover. 16 MR. SCHRIMPF: This was a hold by the 17 Committee because the Committee deadlocked on various 18 votes, and at the time, Alderman Zielinski was 19 missing. 20 CHAIRMAN BOHL: One of the problems is we 21 had a four-member body, when we have a four-member 22 body right now, as well, too. 23 ALDERMAN ZIELINSKI: No, we don't, Mr. 24 Chairman, because I'm going to need to recuse myself 25 or have to recuse myself on this. 00003 1 MR. SCHRIMPF: Okay. 2 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Why don't we just proceed 3 forward here. At this time here, was there additional 4 testimony, were there other individuals who were 5 present as a continuation of this hearing? Was 6 anything done in term of changing the notice, Mr. 7 Pfaff? 8 MR. PFAFF: The notice that we sent to the 9 applicant this time included the reasons for denial 10 that were agreed upon or that were refined at the 11 committee level last time. 12 CHAIRMAN BOHL: So what I'll do at this 13 point here, I will ask you, again, you're on the 14 record, just provide your name and mailing address for 15 the record, please. 16 MR. PLISS: Sean Pliss, P-L-I-S-S. Address 17 is 126 East Mineral Street. 18 CHAIRMAN BOHL: I'll ask you if you 19 acknowledge receiving notice of today's meeting with 20 the possibility that the application could be denied 21 due to the neighborhood objections? 22 MR. PLISS: Yes. 23 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Were there other individuals 24 present who did not testify at the last committee 25 meeting that wish to come and provide testimony at 00004 1 this time? 2 AUDIENCE MEMBER: Something new. 3 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Additional information? 4 MR. HALBROOKS: Mr. Chairman, I object. At 5 some point, I would like to be recognized, but I would 6 object. 7 CHAIRMAN BOHL: You will object. I will 8 overrule that here, and we'll bring you forward. Were 9 there other additional persons who have new testimony 10 or were not here to testify before that wish to do so? 11 I see no other individuals. 12 (JULIE KAUFMANN duly affirmed.) 13 THE WITNESS: Julie Kaufmann, 602 South 3rd 14 Street. At the last hearing, I believe it was 15 Alderwoman Coggs recommended or requested a copy of 16 the information of an e-mail which contained feedback 17 from counsel, and I didn't know if you received it. 18 If you haven't, I brought it. I can read it to you 19 and then submit it. 20 Just quickly to refresh, there was a 21 neighborhood meeting held, at which a large number of 22 neighborhood residents attended. As you can see, at 23 the last meeting and at this meeting those same 24 residents did not attend. Prior to that meeting, 25 counsel sent the following e-mail to the neighborhood 00005 1 residents and to Alderman Kovac's assistant who had 2 sent the notice. "Thank you for the notice. We have 3 arranged for a court reporter and a videographer, so 4 that a record of the proceedings can be made. We hope 5 that any and all people in attendance at the meeting 6 who feel aggrieved by Sugar will provide truthful and 7 accurate statements about any alleged misconduct by 8 Sugar or its patrons. Should these individuals be 9 anything but truthful and accurate in the statements 10 they make about our client, its operation and/or its 11 patrons, we fully expect that these people will be 12 required to defend themselves in circuit court for 13 their actions. Finally, we are curious to see the 14 evidence of alleged mayhem, defined as the willful and 15 unlawful crippling or mutilation of another person, 16 that has occurred around our client's establishment 17 and as Alderman Kovac referred to in his television 18 interview with Fox 6." From Attorney David Halbrooks 19 from Maistleman & Associates. I just wanted to 20 provide it since you requested it. That's what we 21 received. 22 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Alderwoman Coggs would move 23 to accept this -- Is this a -- 24 THE WITNESS: It's a copy of the e-mail that 25 I personally got. I was one of the people on the 00006 1 e-mail. 2 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Part of our official record 3 in this proceeding. Are there any objections to that? 4 We just lost a quorum here. We'll be in recess for a 5 minute. 6 (Recess.) 7 MR. SCHRIMPF: Mr. Chairman. One other 8 thing, and I did discuss this with -- 9 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Mr. Schrimpf, we didn't 10 complete the motion, if I may. The motion by 11 Alderwoman Coggs was to accept the e-mail provided by 12 Ms. Kaufmann part of our official record in this 13 proceeding. Did you wish to see this, Mr. Halbrooks, 14 a copy of this? 15 MR. HALBROOKS: No. It's accurate. I've 16 seen it. 17 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Part of our official record 18 in this proceeding. Hearing no objections, so 19 ordered. Mr. Schrimpf. 20 MR. SCHRIMPF: Following the last time's 21 hearing, I bothered to look up the definition of 22 mayhem, and it does indeed -- There are several 23 definitions of it. One of them is indeed the 24 mutilation of a body, but one of them is -- and a 25 legitimate definition -- disorderly conduct and 00007 1 disorder that results from various things. So it was 2 my understanding that when the witnesses were 3 testifying that they were testifying as to disorderly 4 conduct. 5 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Not mutilating bodies. 6 MR. SCHRIMPF: Not mutilating bodies. 7 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Thank you for refining that. 8 At this point here, Alderman Witkowiak, were there any 9 additional comments you wish to make? 10 MR. HALBROOKS: Mr. Chair, if I may. 11 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Let me just ask, were there 12 questions by Committee of the letter? Did you have 13 questions of her, Mr. Halbrooks? 14 MR. HALBROOKS: Yes. 15 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Go ahead. 16 MR. HALBROOKS: Since the last meeting, have 17 you had contact with Mr. Pliss? 18 THE WITNESS: Yes. He's been very engaged, 19 very active. He's attended a neighborhood meeting, 20 he's reached out to me personally, he's reached out to 21 many of the neighbors. I'm aware that the incidents 22 that have been reported that are of concern the past 23 have seemed to have been mitigated since the last 24 hearing. Gave you more than you asked for, sir. 25 MR. HALBROOKS: Pardon. 00008 1 CHAIRMAN BOHL: She just answered your last 2 five questions. 3 MR. HALBROOKS: That's it. Thank you. 4 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Alderman Witkowiak. 5 ALDERMAN WITKOWIAK: Mr. Chairman, members, 6 first of all, thank you for vindicating me on my use 7 of the word "mayhem". If you get a copy of that 8 e-mail that was read, I mean if that's not 9 intimidation to the person on the street, I don't know 10 what is. It scares a lot of people from coming to a 11 meeting like this. They're worried about retribution. 12 I'm not changing my stance from what it was before. 13 Now at the 11th hour, it's like we're 14 everybody's friend, we want to cooperate. We went 15 through this once before with them. We want to 16 cooperate, do the straight and narrow, we're going to 17 take care of all these problems, they're not going to 18 happen again. Soon as the license gets renewed, it's 19 like, you know, we're not making enough money with the 20 venue the way it is, and we're going to have to change 21 our modis operandi, and the problems are going to 22 start up again. 23 I don't want to keep putting the 24 neighborhood through this. I feel bad that people are 25 so afraid to come down here and testify. I feel 00009 1 absolutely terrible for that. I wish that each one of 2 you committee members could have have been at that 3 neighborhood meeting at Tech. When this thing went 4 into committee, there would be a motion, there would 5 be a motion not to renew this license that would come 6 in one second if you had been at this meeting and 7 heard what these people had to say. But they are 8 scared to come down here because they've been 9 intimidated by this licensee and the people that he's 10 hired to represent them. That is a fact. 11 I'm not changing my stance at all. I think 12 this license should not be renewed, and I urge the 13 Committee, I urge the Committee to do the same. 14 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Thank you. Mr. Halbrooks. 15 MR. HALBROOKS: Thank you, Mr. Chair. 16 Obviously, I don't anticipate there's any additional 17 testimony at this point, so an objection to him -- 18 CHAIRMAN BOHL: I didn't know that anyone 19 else -- 20 MR. HALBROOKS: No, correct. I do have some 21 concerns, and I think the reason that I stand by that 22 e-mail is there are three parts. The first is to let 23 people know that we were going to be recording the 24 meeting. Now, the reason for that will be made clear 25 by my next statement. I didn't say anything the last 00010 1 time when Alderman Witkowiak testified under oath to 2 you that approximately 20 residents testified. I've 3 gone through the transcript, the record. You can 4 watch it, you can read the transcript. There was 5 eight residents. 6 Now, I don't know if Ms. Kaufmann is a 7 resident or not. If she is, it would be nine, but she 8 has no firsthand knowledge, and all she did was 9 complain about this e-mail. There were eight 10 residents. Now, none of those individuals submitted 11 to cross-examination. They got up, made their 12 statement, and made their applause. They talked about 13 nights when Club Sugar isn't open, they talked about 14 neighbors which equadistant from other clubs, 15 including Club Babalu, which you have tape in the 16 record of their closing time, and it also was talked 17 about times when it couldn't possibly be Sugar's 18 customers. 19 Now, as to the false statements. The 20 concern there was with regard to what was going on. 21 Sugar at that point was literally aghast at what was 22 going on, what were they being accused of. They had 23 come here two years ago, got renewed. Last year 24 didn't even have a hearing, sailed right through, and 25 then all of a sudden they find out through a TV 00011 1 broadcast that there's all these problems, problems 2 which you can do the time line in your head. 3 Alderman Witkowiak testified about the time 4 line, but Mr. Pliss will address the time line of the 5 video that you have in the record of the same time 6 that evening of Easter night between the 9:00 and 7 10:00 hour. So clearly in that video record that's 8 before you, it did not reflect anything close to what 9 was being described in the testimony. I can't jive 10 any of that, nor will I attempt to, but suffice to say 11 that Sugar felt it was under attack. It felt it was 12 under attack unfairly, and the comments were simply -- 13 If people are going to make false statements, then we 14 will react to that, and I don't think, given some of 15 the things that have happened here, that we can just 16 sit back and let this happen. 17 Well, what happened next was we listened to 18 the testimony. I had no particular concerns because 19 if they did show up, I'd deal with it on 20 cross-examination. We still left the meeting with the 21 mystery of what the heck was going on. When we 22 started interviewing the people that weekend and found 23 out about the Facebook, we immediately put two and two 24 together and began piecing it together. Now, I 25 referred to Facebook that I think some of you looked 00012 1 up and I was unable to print out last time, and I 2 would ask to submit that, the pages -- the big one of 3 all the locations around the city that were being 4 attacked by these cruisers. And then at the meeting 5 there were also a number of comments that were being 6 made during the meeting that we read in, so we printed 7 those out about the cruisers. We've also downloaded 8 some interesting sites from this Facebook site of 9 this individual taking credit for not this last 10 weekend, the weekend before, the shutdown of the lake 11 front and something about a mall yesterday. So with 12 regard to that, we believed that we had stopped the 13 problem. No. 14 In terms of the e-mail, yes. I don't 15 believe it's intimidation to suggest if you're not 16 telling the truth, we're going to hold accountable. 17 That's all we were saying. So in that context, no one 18 had any reason to be afraid. 19 Now, I'll piece some additional things 20 together since the last meeting. I had a chance to 21 have a conversation with Alderman Witkowiak. I asked 22 him about the complaints. He indicated no, he had not 23 had anything but he would have to check. We did a 24 public records request and received nothing from his 25 office in the way of additional complaints. So we 00013 1 really believe that we have nipped this in the bud. 2 As quick as it arose, we stopped them from 3 coming. In fact, we picked up a text that they were 4 planning on coming this weekend and immediately jumped 5 into action to abate that so that it didn't occur. 6 And I think the record indicates very clearly that 7 nothing happened this last weekend, there were no 8 incidents, and we managed to now deal with the problem 9 as we know it. So we would ask for some consideration 10 with regard to that. 11 Now, I then thought that this meeting was 12 for the -- Well, let me skip to something else. I 13 did get a copy of an e-mail from Mr. McGuire, Alderman 14 Witkowiak's aide, which I would ask to be made part of 15 the record. This is an e-mail which Alderman 16 Witkowiak did not produce from his aide sent Friday, 17 April 16th, and I would ask that that -- 18 CHAIRMAN BOHL: One moment. Hold on. First 19 off, we need some housekeeping here. I don't like to 20 get things built up on us here for stuff. First off, 21 we have a series of Facebook chatter -- I don't know 22 what else to call it -- 23 ALDERMAN KOVAC: That must be the new word 24 for it. 25 CHAIRMAN BOHL: -- provided by Mr. 00014 1 Halbrooks, and Alderman Kovac would move to make this 2 part of the official record in this proceeding, and 3 hearing no objections, so ordered. What is this 4 e-mail here that you wish to pass out? 5 MR. HALBROOKS: This is an e-mail from 6 Alderman Witkowiak's aide, which I am disturbed by. 7 I'm disturbed by the fact that Alderman Witkowiak's 8 office didn't produce it, but also with regard to what 9 I believe was a legitimate concern from Alderman 10 Witkowiak about him not putting pressure on the 11 police. It is clear from this e-mail who was putting 12 pressure on the police. Then I came to understand 13 that it was Mr. McGuire who asked for additional time 14 for people to make testimony tonight and that some 15 people had whatever, intimidated, wanted to come down 16 and talk, still no one shows up. I do some additional 17 investigation into how this meeting got noticed, and I 18 find out that far beyond the amount of the licensing 19 office that does its normal due diligence to send 20 people notice within 250 feet, that they did not send 21 out the notice, that it was sent out by the Alderman's 22 Office. 23 And I have two additional e-mails from Mr. 24 McGuire, one dated May 13th and one dated May 20th, 25 indicating cards going for notice from Scott, Madison, 00015 1 Washington, Mineral, Walker, National, Pierce, Bruce, 2 Virginia, Florida, Clark, Wright, South 1st, South 3 2nd, South 3rd, South 4th, South 5th. 4 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Mr. Halbrooks, if I just may 5 interject here. From time to time, there are bars in 6 my district that I send out a mailing and a notice to 7 above and beyond the 250 feet that the License 8 Division can send out to -- doesn't always -- but can, 9 and that's because 250 feet is oftentimes not 10 sufficient. If there's a local alderman who has some 11 concern, it's their due diligence, they're doing a 12 good job to do that. Let me ask is there a desire to 13 make this part of the record? Alderman Kovac? 14 ALDERMAN KOVAC: Yes. 15 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Alderman Kovac would move to 16 make the Friday, April 16th, 2010 e-mail part of the 17 official record in this proceeding. Before we take 18 that, were there any comments? 19 ALDERMAN WITKOWIAK: Just one, Mr. Chairman. 20 I did not author that, but let me say that we're 21 talking about the areas where the cruising complaints 22 came in from. That covers that area. 23 CHAIRMAN BOHL: In term of the mailing that 24 was sent out. 25 ALDERMAN WITKOWIAK: In terms of the mailing 00016 1 that was sent out. That's where the complaints came 2 in from the cruising. I'll defend it as saying that 3 that's what a responsive alderman does. 4 MR. HALBROOKS: That wasn't my point for 5 bringing that up. My point was out of the 540 cards 6 that went out from Alderman Witkowiak's office, 7 additional e-mails from Ms. Kaufmann, nobody is here. 8 And so Mr. McGuire -- So I have these two additional 9 e-mails I'd like to ask to be made part of the record. 10 I'm not sure that Alderman Witkowiak realizes that you 11 were pointing to the e-mail from Mr. McGuire clearly 12 pressuring the police to get busy on Club Sugar. If I 13 may have these two last e-mails. 14 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Is there a motion to accept 15 the email? The motion by Alderman Kovac would be to 16 recommend accepting the two additional documents as 17 part of the official record in this proceeding. Are 18 there any objections to that motion? Hearing none, so 19 ordered. If you could wind it down here. 20 MR. HALBROOKS: Thank you, Mr. Chair. A 21 problem cropped up, Sugar dealt with it as part of the 22 neighborhood meeting, as part of the dialogue that 23 occurred here last time, and Mr. Pliss, he would like 24 to make statement. He's prepared a statement. He has 25 made himself available and made arrangements for 00017 1 people to contact him. 2 CHAIRMAN BOHL: I'm going to give you two 3 minutes, and then that's going to be it. 4 MR. PLISS: I'll try to shorten it up as 5 much as I can. After our last hearing, I kind of went 6 through and did a little bit of research and watched 7 past hearings, probably about 15 to 20 hours worth of 8 hearings, and seeing what people had, I mean laundry 9 lists of police reports, batteries, gunshots, 10 shootings. We have nothing, no police reports, no 11 nothing. We have one or two neighbors, actually 12 three, I think, that spoke, none that were credible. 13 Our Alderman spoke about one night that he 14 was there. Time frame is murky because -- And 15 there's nothing. Citations, we haven't gotten any. 16 We got one for a burnt out light bulb or a light bulb 17 that was out in the back. That was it. The Easter 18 Sunday that Alderman Witkowiak testified about, said 19 he was there about 8:30, a security guard that he seen 20 wasn't there until 9:30. So I'm not disputing that he 21 wasn't there, I'm just maybe disputing the time frame 22 that he was there. Then when he left, he said he 23 parked a block north. Our door faces south, so it's 24 hard to imagine him being able to see the people 25 coming out, getting in their cars and going. No doubt 00018 1 that he seen cars, but I'm not sure that the cars that 2 he seen were all coming from Sugar. So I had a 3 problem with that. 4 The video that was shown from Fox 6 News 5 truck. Paul was outside. The news truck pulled up at 6 quarter after nine, set up their camera immediately to 7 the east of us, and it went live at 10:00. So the 8 footage that you've seen from that night was between 9 the hours of 9:00 and then 10:00. It was the second 10 story on the news that night. Actually, I think it 11 led the news that night. It was the lead story. 12 And again, we showed the Facebook messages 13 from the people with the lake. So this isn't 14 something that just happens to us, I guess, with the 15 Facebook stuff. I want to address the the 11th hour 16 issue. 17 CHAIRMAN BOHL: I'm going to ask you to wrap 18 up. 19 MR. PLISS: The 11th hour is not really 20 relevant because we were made known about any issues 21 in the 11th hour, that's when we found out about them. 22 So we dealt with them immediately. Alderman said he 23 had complaints for about six weeks. We found out 24 about them, immediately we dealt with them. That's 25 it. I think we've shown we're responsible owners. We 00019 1 don't have issues inside the club, we don't have 2 issues outside the club, they're just not. There was 3 a cruising issue. That we dealt with. I think we 4 clearly showed that it wasn't coming from us. We 5 dealt with it nonetheless, and we reacted immediately. 6 And immediately after this hearing I reached 7 out to the neighbors. That's the first time we knew 8 about the Walker's Point Association, or at least how 9 to get in contact with somebody. I had been doing my 10 due diligence, me and the rest of the owners, and we 11 feel we're responsible owners. We feel like we should 12 honestly get a stern verbal warning at most. 13 MR. HALBROOKS: If I may, I do have the 14 citations I wanted to just put in the record, if I 15 could, that were written by the police. We discussed 16 them last time. I've had a chance to look at them. 17 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Citations for what, Mr. 18 Halbrooks? 19 MR. HALBROOKS: Citations written to Sugar, 20 which they haven't had court dates on yet. But with 21 regard to the police targeting the club and coming 22 there to write these tickets for burned out light 23 bulbs and for changing the name on the night when they 24 had a promotion on a radio station Web site. These 25 tickets that were written by the police are Chapter 90 00020 1 violations. 2 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Mr. Halbrooks. 3 MR. HALBROOKS: One more sentence. 4 CHAIRMAN BOHL: No, no. I think you've 5 already overstated your opportunity here at this 6 point. Take me to court. Go to court, subpoena me, 7 and you probably will already. I'll say hello to the 8 judge in advance if they're reading the transcripts. 9 You know what, I have the ability -- You had a full 10 hearing last time. I've given you additional due 11 diligence here. If any judge wants to sit in my seat 12 here, I'll welcome them doing that, and as I said, 13 I've already said right now, I think these judges are 14 frankly going above and beyond themselves in the jobs 15 that they are doing in handling these in court. But 16 you've had an opportunity. 17 You had a full hearing last time. You've 18 had more than that here. Some judge, let him declare 19 this city ordinance unconstitutional. I'll make this 20 part of the record. Your time is done. That's what 21 I'm saying. You can object, and I will override your 22 objection right now, and we're done, unless the 23 Committee -- The motion by Alderman Kovac is to make 24 the document provided by Mr. Halbrooks part of our 25 official record in this proceeding. Hearing no 00021 1 objections, so ordered. Did you want to provide 2 additional closing? 3 ALDERMAN WITKOWIAK: Just about what time I 4 was there. I had not planned on -- My intent on 5 driving through there that evening, I didn't plan on 6 I'm going to go get some evidence so I can testify 7 against them. Otherwise, I would have wrote it down, 8 it's like I know exactly what time this is, number 9 one. 10 Number two, I did, in fact, personally 11 observe at closing time the mayhem what occurred, and 12 I did see people come out of Sugar and get in their 13 cars and join into this cruising action. I originally 14 was south of the building where you can see the whole 15 front, but then when I went to park, I parked -- and I 16 didn't park a block north, I parked one lot to the 17 north, which is about 40 feet off the corner -- but I 18 did actually observe this stuff. So I don't want to 19 give the impression that I've somehow falsely 20 testified to something here is not true. 21 CHAIRMAN BOHL: We're in committee, a 22 committee of three. We start high, or we start low. 23 ALDERMAN KOVAC: We did that last time, and 24 I was on the losing side. I believe last time the 25 last deadlock was on a 30-day vote. I think I maybe 00022 1 even voted for that one. 2 MR. SCHRIMPF: I can check the transcript. 3 CHAIRMAN BOHL: No, I believe you did not. 4 It was a tie and hold. You need not, Mr. Schrimpf. 5 I'm certain of this. I believe initially you made a 6 motion for nonrenewal that failed one to three. It 7 was a 90-day that was deadlocked 2-2, we made our down 8 45, 30, and 30 was the last tie at 2-2. 9 MR. SCHRIMPF: That comports with my 10 recollection, Mr. Chair. 11 ALDERMAN KOVAC: I'll make a motion for 12 renewal with a 45-day suspension, based on the 13 aldermanic testimony. 14 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Motion by Alderman Kovac is 15 to recommend approval of the renewal of the license 16 with the issuance of a 45-day suspension, based on the 17 neighborhood testimony -- 18 ALDERMAN KOVAC: Yeah. 19 CHAIRMAN BOHL: -- and we'll call it 20 aldermanic testimony, but firsthand. That would still 21 be considered neighborhood testimony. 22 ALDERMAN KOVAC: And the police report. 23 CHAIRMAN BOHL: There was no police report. 24 ALDERMAN KOVAC: There was none, that's 25 right. 00023 1 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Are there objections to that 2 motion? 3 ALDERWOMAN COGGS: Objection. 4 CHAIRMAN BOHL: What I'll just have to say 5 on the motion os that I don't know that there was 6 anything more that was provided in terms of testimony 7 here today to indicate a change in the vote otherwise, 8 so I will object, also. The motion will fail on a 9 1-to-2 vote. 10 ALDERMAN KOVAC: Same motion, 30 days. 11 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Motion by Alderman Kovac is 12 to recommend approval of the renewal of the 13 application with the issuance of a 30-day suspension, 14 based on neighborhood testimony. Are there any 15 objections to that motion? 16 ALDERWOMAN COGGS: Objection. 17 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Hearing one objection, the 18 motion will prevail on a 2-to-1 vote. Mr. Schrimpf. 19 MR. SCHRIMPF: The Committee will do 20 Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law recommending 21 renewal of your license with a 30-day suspension. 22 You'll receive a copy of that. You may file written 23 objections. If so, they must be filed by 4:45 p.m. 24 June 10, 2010 in Room 205 of this building. If you 25 submit written objections, then you'll also have the 00024 1 opportunity to appear before the Milwaukee Common 2 Council when it considers this matter on the morning 3 of June 15th, 2010 in the Council Chambers at 4 approximately 9:00 a.m. 5 * * * 00025 1 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) 2 ) 3 MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) 4 5 I, TERESE M. SCHIEBENES, of Milwaukee 6 Reporters Associated, Inc., 5124 West Blue Mound Road, 7 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208, certify that the 8 foregoing proceedings is a full and complete 9 transcript of my stenographic notes taken in the 10 foregoing proceedings. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TERESE M. SCHIEBENES 18 Certified Shorthand Reporter 19 20 21 Dated this day of , 2010. 22 23 24 25