00001 1 2 CITY OF MILWAUKEE 3 UTILITIES & LICENSES COMMITTEE 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 In the Matter of a Class "B" Tavern and Tavern Dance Renewal Applications for: 6 Theresa A. Tucker 7 "Leden's Villard Inn" 4923 W. Villard Avenue 8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9 COMMITTEE MEMBERS 10 ALD. JAMES BOHL - Chairman ALD. FREDERICK GORDON - Vice Chairman 11 ALD. JEFFREY PAWLINSKI ALD. JOSEPH A. DUDZIK 12 LICENSING DIVISION by JAMES COPELAND 13 NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES by KAREN JACOBS HEALTH DEPARTMENT by KEVIN HULBERT 14 POLICE DEPARTMENT by SEARGENT JOHN HOGAN OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY by ATTORNEY BRUCE SCHRIMPF 15 16 17 Proceedings had and testimony given in 18 the above-entitled matter, before the UTILITIES & 19 LICENSES COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE, on 20 the 29th day of April, 2003. 00002 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 CHAIRMAN BOHL: On the 11:00 agenda at 3 11:55, Theresa A. Tucker, Agent for "L and T, 4 Inc." Class 'B' Tavern and Tavern Dance renewal 5 applications for "Leden's Villard Inn" at 4923 6 West Villard Avenue in the First Aldermanic 7 District. This is in Council President Pratt's 8 district, and he's here with us. If you could 9 raise your right hands, anyone who is here - - 10 here to testify. 11 MS. ELMER: Do you solemnly swear to 12 tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but 13 the truth, so help you God? 14 THOSE PRESENT: I do. 15 CHAIRMAN BOHL: And do you, Ms. Tucker, 16 acknowledge receiving notice of today's meeting 17 with the possibility that your application could 18 be denied due to neighborhood objections to 19 litter, loitering, traffic problems, noisy 20 patrons, public drinking by patrons of the 21 establishment, and conduct which is detrimental 22 to the health, safety and welfare of the 23 neighborhood? 24 THE APPLICANT: Yes. 25 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Going around the horn, 00003 1 Health Department? 2 HEALTH DEPARTMENT: No objections. 3 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Neighborhood Services? 4 DNS: No objections. 5 CHAIRMAN BOHL: There is no police 6 report. Alderman Pratt's here with us. Alderman 7 Pratt? 8 ALDERMAN PRATT: Thank you very much, 9 Mr. Chairman, members of the committee. The - - 10 I think the licensee is here based on the fact 11 that - - that there was one neighbor who did have 12 an objection, and the objection is really based 13 on noise. 14 MR. COPELAND: It's stated in the 15 notice. 16 ALDERMAN PRATT: Oh, okay. She isn't 17 here, I don't believe. So - - So just based on 18 that, I thought it was important that she be 19 afforded an opportunity to voice her objections. 20 Thinking the - - In the five year - six years - - 21 THE APPLICANT: Six. 22 ALDERMAN PRATT: In the six years that 23 Leden's has been at this location, I probably 24 received maybe in the last year a couple of 25 objections, the year before that, a couple of 00004 1 objections. And it's always been for the most 2 part to - - to music - - to loud music. I've 3 gone over to Leden's on a Sunday, and, you know, 4 actually stood outside and went on another block 5 to hear if I - - see if I heard the music, which 6 I didn't. But it has been a problem, the music 7 primarily. I cannot testify to any of the calls 8 that I've gotten relative to rowdy patrons or 9 anything like that, but I have gotten, I would 10 say on average maybe two - three calls a year 11 about the music being loud. 12 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Thank you, Alderman 13 Pratt. Questions by committee? 14 Ms. McDade is here. Ms. McDade if you 15 want to come forward here? Could you please 16 raise your right hand? 17 MS. ELMER: Do you solemnly swear to 18 tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but 19 the truth, so help you God? 20 THE WITNESS: I do. 21 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Ms. McDade, could you 22 just clarify your name and your - - your address 23 for the record, please? 24 THE WITNESS: My name is Kimberly F. 25 McDade. My address is 5171 North 49th Street. 00005 1 CHAIRMAN BOHL: And whatever testimony 2 you would like to provide, please. 3 THE WITNESS: My house is directly 4 behind the area of concern. It's approximately 5 85 feet east of the building. I have a picture 6 here, a Polaroid picture here showing how close 7 my house is to the building. 8 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. Could you - - 9 Alderman Pratt, do you want to just at least show 10 it to the applicant before we bring it around? 11 And Alderman Gordon will move to make that photo 12 part of our record. Hearing no objections, so 13 ordered. I'm sorry. Go ahead, Ms. McDade. 14 THE WITNESS: Like Alderman Pratt said 15 - - Excuse me - - Council President Pratt, that 16 it is primarily the noise. I spoke with him in 17 2001. He sent a letter to me. Sent a letter to 18 the establishment about the loud noise. My 19 concern is the fact that I can hear the music, 20 the bass of the music, sometimes the actual music 21 in my house, being that close in proximity. I 22 work at St. Joseph's Hospital. I work various 23 shifts. Sometimes I have to be at work at 6:30 24 in the morning, and I do not appreciate the fact 25 that I have to hear music in my house until two 00006 1 o'clock in the morning, or I have to move to 2 different areas of the house until they are 3 finished spinning their records. I've never had 4 any problems with them establishing their 5 business - - where they're, you know, where 6 they're located, but they have to work with the 7 neighbors. 8 I am the only one that is affected, 9 from what I understand. I've never met the 10 Tuckers. They have never come to my house. 11 They've - - We've never discussed this issue. 12 They've gone to my neighbors south of me. 13 They've gone to my neighbors north of me, as 14 recent as Sunday. I saw the husband walking down 15 the street. He went past my house. He went to 16 my neighbor south of me and went to my neighbor 17 north of me. And they know my house is right 18 behind their establishment. All I ask is that 19 you turn down the music. Turn the bass down. 20 Move the speakers. Last year, 2001, on April 21 20th my husband and I did go to the 22 establishment, and I noticed that they have two 23 speakers in the area. And one of the speakers is 24 up against a door. That door is right where that 25 wall is that's facing my house. All I ask is 00007 1 that you turn down the music. That's it. And 2 I've talked to Alderman Pratt. He's done his 3 part. Then again, in - - Towards the end of 4 summer the - - the noise came up again. So I 5 decided to take it to the Department of 6 Neighborhood Services. They sent a letter out to 7 me. They sent a letter out to - - to the 8 establishment in December. And the noise still 9 continues. Then in - - Then in January, Theresa 10 Tucker wanted to speak with - - with me. This 11 has been a month after the - - the letter was 12 sent. Now, next week - - Next week on the 6th we 13 go to court for a ticket. There was a ticket 14 that was issued against them for noise. And she 15 pled not guilty. So now it's - - it's taking 16 time out, you know, from my life. All I need, 17 all I want is for them to turn the noise down. 18 That's it. 19 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Mrs. McDade - - 20 DNS: Excuse me. For the record, there 21 are two noise complaints, January 7th of this 22 year and February 13th of this year. Complaints 23 to our department. 24 CHAIRMAN BOHL: To - - To DNS. 25 DNS: Correct. 00008 1 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. Let me just ask 2 you. If - - If the noise problem were adequately 3 rectified, would you have any opposition to - - 4 to this establishment? 5 THE WITNESS: No. They - - All I ask 6 is that they take into consideration that there 7 is a neighborhood that surrounds them. My house 8 being the closest to their establishment. My 9 neighbor on the south of me, there - -there is a 10 empty field. My neighbor to the north of me, 11 that's where the bar is. That's not where the 12 noise is. The noise is in the area where they 13 spin the records three nights a week. I have a 14 problem with that three nights a week. 15 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Questions by committee. 16 ALDERMAN PAWLINSKI: Mr. Chairman. 17 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Alderman Pawlinski. 18 ALDERMAN PAWLINSKI: Ms. Tucker, do you 19 have a speaker as Ms. McDade testified, do you 20 have a speaker up against that - - 21 THE APPLICANT: We have two speakers. 22 ALDERMAN PAWLINSKI: Do you have one up 23 against the door? 24 THE APPLICANT: They're both on the 25 south wall to the building. Yes. 00009 1 ALDERMAN PAWLINSKI: One up against the 2 door? 3 THE APPLICANT: They're not close to 4 the door. The DJ is closer to the door. They're 5 not as close to the door where she's speaking. 6 But in January of this year the room was 7 soundproofed. So I don't know how she still 8 hears the music out there. It's not that loud 9 for one. The DJ did turn it down after we got 10 the first complaint. And the room has been 11 soundproofed. 12 ALDERMAN PAWLINSKI: Well, I - - I 13 guess I just bring it up for two reasons. Number 14 one, if it's blocking the door, I think that's a 15 violation of the city's fire code. 16 THE APPLICANT: It's not blocking the 17 door. 18 ALDERMAN PAWLINSKI: Okay. Well, I 19 mean, I just want to make sure that you know 20 that. 21 THE APPLICANT: Building inspection was 22 there. So they know it's not blocking the door. 23 ALDERMAN PAWLINSKI: Okay. And, Ms. 24 McDade, one second. And then the other thing I 25 was going to say, is because I've done - - I've 00010 1 had these issues in my district as well. I'm 2 sure we all have. I would suggest you move the 3 speakers to the other side of the building to 4 avoid the issue that Ms. McDade is - - 5 THE APPLICANT: One is on the other - - 6 They're both on - - One is on the other side of 7 the building, and one is, I think he said, like 8 six or ten feet from the door. So we moved the 9 speaker. 10 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Ms. - - Ms. McDade, you 11 had - - 12 THE WITNESS: Yes. Ms. Tucker had said 13 in January she had soundproofed the 14 establishment. I have a running log here of the 15 times that I called the police, and May 5th of 16 2001 Alderman Pratt paid a visit to the tavern, 17 informed again about noise. Owner said that they 18 were going to soundproof walls. They said that 19 in 2001, they were going to. So how many times 20 do you have to soundproof the walls? 21 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Ms. Tucker, do you have 22 a response to that? 23 THE APPLICANT: We just - - We just did 24 that in 2003. We just did the soundproofing of 25 the walls. We did not do it in 2001. 00011 1 CHAIRMAN BOHL: What month did you do 2 it in? 3 THE APPLICANT: January. 4 CHAIRMAN BOHL: In January. 5 THE APPLICANT: Yes. 6 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Now, Mrs. McDade is 7 saying that she still had some problems with 8 noise, are you saying in - - in May - - 9 THE WITNESS: This is 2001. I spoke 10 with Alderman Pratt. 11 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. 12 THE WITNESS: And he paid a visit to 13 the tavern, informed them again about noise. The 14 owner said that they were going to soundproof the 15 walls. They told him this in May of 2001. So 16 how many times have they soundproofed the walls? 17 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Have you since - - 18 since January - - 19 THE WITNESS: Yes. 20 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Have you noticed 21 diminishing problems or are there still 22 continuing problems? 23 THE WITNESS: It's still the same. 24 It's still the same. And - - And I - - 25 CHAIRMAN BOHL: When - - When were the 00012 1 - - When were the - - When were the two noise 2 items? 3 DNS: The first one's January 7th of 4 '03, one complaint, and the second one was 5 February 13th by a totally different complainant. 6 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. 7 MR. SCHRIMPF: Mr. Chairman, I have a 8 question. 9 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Mr. Schrimpf. 10 MR. SCHRIMPF: Of DNS. 11 DNS: Mr. Chair. Excuse me. Both 12 complaints indicate that they had exterior 13 speakers on the building. 14 MR. SCHRIMPF: Exterior speakers. 15 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Exterior. 16 DNS: Right. That was the complaint. 17 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. 18 DNS: That, however, was not verified. 19 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Mr. Schrimpf. 20 MR. SCHRIMPF: I just wanted to find 21 out from DNS if there were any permits taken out 22 for any construction with respect to 23 soundproofing? Because that would be the type of 24 construction that would require a permit, would 25 it not? 00013 1 DNS: As the media has demonstrated 2 with soundproofing in recent months, it would 3 definitely have to meet fireproofing 4 requirements. 5 MR. SCHRIMPF: Right. So any permits 6 taken out? 7 DNS: I see none. 8 MR. SCHRIMPF: Okay. Thank you. 9 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Any other questions by 10 committee of Ms. McDade? 11 ALDERMAN GORDON: Well, I have a 12 question of the applicant. 13 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Go ahead, Alderman 14 Gordon. 15 ALDERMAN GORDON: What kind of 16 soundproofing did you do, if, in fact, you did 17 not take out a permit with the Department of 18 Neighborhood Services? 19 MR. TUCKER: My name is Leden Tucker. 20 I'm the President. We do have, well, it's like, 21 three windows, you know, on the - - on this - - 22 THE APPLICANT: On her side. 23 MR. TUCKER: On her side, the east 24 window. Yes, it was - - We got three windows on 25 the east side of the building on her side, where 00014 1 she, you know. So we soundproofed those. I got 2 a contractor came in and soundproofed those 3 windows. 4 ALDERMAN GORDON: Well, again, what did 5 - - What did the contractor do that he did not 6 take out a permit with the Department of 7 Neighborhood Services, given that you've already 8 indicated in prior testimony that you were going 9 to soundproof the building, and you've had two 10 sound - - or noise complaints in January and 11 February of this year? See, my concern is is 12 that your statement about soundproofing does not 13 comply with the original statement, which is back 14 in 2001, that you made on the record, and you 15 didn't take out the permit for soundproofing with 16 the Department of Neighborhood Services who 17 received sound - - or noise complaints within the 18 last two or three months. So what kind of 19 soundproofing did you do? 20 MR. TUCKER: Well, I - - I gave the job 21 to a contractor. I didn't bring the paperwork 22 with me. And he came in and he - - he did the 23 work. 24 ALDERMAN GORDON: Did you observe him 25 doing the work? 00015 1 MR. TUCKER: Yes. 2 ALDERMAN GORDON: And what did he do? 3 MR. TUCKER: He put in some - - he 4 bought some material from Home Depot - - Home 5 Depot, they call soundproofing material, and - - 6 and that's what we did. And after we got the 7 work done, we went out - - We turned the music 8 up. We went outside - - outside, and I used my - 9 - my phone with the - - with the guys inside with 10 his phone, and I have him turn the music up. And 11 when I would go up next to the fence, I couldn't 12 hear it. I go over to - - to her fence, you 13 know, to her garage. I couldn't hear the music. 14 And when I come back inside - - When I come back 15 inside the building, the way the music was 16 playing, you could - - you could never stand the 17 music anymore. It was too loud, you know, for 18 the people inside to hear it. But we - - The way 19 it was turned, I couldn't hear it outside. But 20 at that time it was too loud for anybody to, you 21 know, to stand the music inside. So we - - So 22 when she - - she told the - - I think it was the 23 inspector about it, you know, for the ticket, we 24 wanted to speak to her. She said no. I went to 25 all - - all the neighborhood, and - - and all the 00016 1 houses over there. And I talked to all the 2 neighborhood if they have any problem with the 3 music. They said no. I went to her house like 4 twice. When I ring the doorbell, I get no 5 answer. Nobody come to the door. I talked to 6 her husband like about two years ago. We was 7 talking just, you know, by the fence. Her 8 husband never complained to me about any loud 9 music. We just, you know, just talking about 10 sport, truck, whatever, and he never mentioned 11 anything like, you know, Lee - - They call me 12 Lee. Lee, it's too loud. You know. So it was a 13 surprise to me when she made a complaint when her 14 husband never tell me about it, and we do talk, I 15 mean, we didn't talk recently, but me and her 16 husband do talk, you know, about sports, 17 whatever, you know, just chit-chat. 18 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Mrs. McDade, I - - I 19 don't want to get into a he said/she said here, 20 but very briefly, you - - 21 THE APPLICANT: The bottom line is 22 this. The music's too loud. And I've been a 23 resident in my home for eight years, and like I 24 said, I don't have a problem with them doing 25 their business, but I don't need to hear their 00017 1 business in my house, bottom line. 2 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, I 3 mean, we can cut to the chase, and I think what 4 it boils down to is she's not objecting to your 5 license, per se, but there are some concerns, and 6 - - and I think still out - - outstanding 7 concerns, even, you know, that - - that you 8 indicate you've - - you've taken some measures to 9 do soundproofing. There - - There is record of-- 10 of multiple complaints. I don't think that it's 11 adequate. And so, I mean, what are you going to 12 try to - - to do here or profess here that you're 13 going to do to - - to rectify the matter? 14 MR. TUCKER: We - - We turn the music 15 down a whole lot. I talked to the D - - the DJ. 16 And we only have really open three days a week. 17 He's Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Our records spin 18 start like from, you know, nine o'clock on 19 Fridays to 12:30. 20 CHAIRMAN BOHL: And so you're saying 21 here at the committee that your intention is to 22 turn the music down. 23 MR. TUCKER: Turn the music down. I 24 - - I want to work with her, like I do with the, 25 you know, the rest of the neighbor. 00018 1 CHAIRMAN BOHL: But - - But the concern 2 is is that you've been - - 3 MR. TUCKER: Yeah. 4 CHAIRMAN BOHL: - - here on - - on 5 multiple occasions and you've indicated on 6 multiple occasions that you want to work with the 7 neighbors, and we still have issues. And that's 8 - - that's problematic. Are there questions by 9 committee at this time? Alderman Pratt, is there 10 anything else that you'd like to add? 11 ALDERMAN PRATT: No. 12 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. All right. 13 ALDERMAN PRATT: There's one other 14 gentleman that's here. I want to - - 15 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Sir, did you - - Did - 16 - 17 THE WITNESS: I'm just the bartender 18 there, and like, we close up at 12 o'clock on 19 Sundays. 20 CHAIRMAN BOHL: And, sir, what is - - 21 What is your name and address? 22 THE WITNESS: Cornell Johnson. 23 CHAIRMAN BOHL: And - - And your 24 address for the record? 25 THE WITNESS: 5045 North Hopkins. 00019 1 CHAIRMAN BOHL: And you said, what time 2 did you close? 3 THE WITNESS: On Sundays we close up at 4 12:30. 5 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. 6 THE WITNESS: Sir, that's not true. 7 MR. TUCKER: The record spin stop at 8 12:30. 9 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. 10 THE WITNESS: At 12:30, I closes up. 11 At one o'clock everybody's out of the building. 12 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. On Sundays - - 13 THE WITNESS: On Sundays. 14 CHAIRMAN BOHL: - - but not the other 15 two days. Okay. 16 THE WITNESS: Fridays and Saturdays, 17 2:30 everybody's out of the building. 18 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. 19 THE WITNESS: Ten minutes after that, 20 parking lot is empty. 21 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. Thank you. This 22 item is in committee. Is there a motion? 23 ALDERMAN GORDON: Mr. Chairman. 24 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Alderman Gordon. 25 ALDERMAN GORDON: Thank you. I've 00020 1 frequented this establishment many times. It's 2 one of the few establishments on the north side 3 where people our age can go and dance, and I must 4 say that I've had a good time at your 5 establishment. But my concern is is that we have 6 some conflicting issues here, and the 7 soundproofing aspect is all that Mrs. McDade 8 wants you to comply with. And if there is a way 9 to soundproof this establishment that meets our 10 recommendations and our codes and ordinances, 11 then that's the way that it should be dealt with. 12 If we're still getting complaints about the sound 13 as recently as two months ago, then there's a 14 problem. So my motion is going to be to renew 15 this application with a ten day suspension, and I 16 want you to work with Mrs. McDade and to get a 17 contractor that will do the soundproofing and do 18 it by our standards, the City of Milwaukee's 19 Department of Neighborhood standards - - Services 20 standards, so that this situation can be 21 rectified. Because it's obvious that it hasn't 22 been, and whatever you did is not sufficient. So 23 that's my motion. 24 ALDERMAN PAWLINSKI: Mr. Chairman. 25 CHAIRMAN BOHL: The motion before us is 00021 1 for renewal of the Class 'B' Tavern and Tavern 2 Dance with a ten day suspension. On the motion, 3 Alderman Pawlinski. 4 ALDERMAN PAWLINSKI: Mr. Chairman, 5 thank you. I was giving some thought to this, as 6 well. I think Alderman Gordon is moving in the 7 right direction. What I was going to suggest, 8 however, was that we make a motion for renewal 9 with a ten day suspension, specifically because 10 of the issues that Alderman Gordon raised. But 11 with the caveat that if the operators between now 12 and the date of the Council meeting can provide 13 receipts, permits, and all the other ancillary 14 paperwork to prove that they did the 15 soundproofing, and that they're intention then in 16 writing is to further upgrade that soundproofing 17 to avoid this kind of problem in the future, that 18 the committee then would reserve the right to 19 amend the ten day suspension at the Council on 20 the 13th, because I think then we're forcing 21 their hand, so to speak, to provide better and 22 more accurate soundproofing and to get those 23 permits. But we're also providing an insurance 24 to Ms. McDade that she's going to be able to 25 sleep at night. 00022 1 ALDERMAN GORDON: I would accept that 2 as a friendly amendment, and I would also add 3 that in regard to Mrs. McDade's concern that once 4 this work is completed, that you contact Ms. 5 McDade and have her find out for herself and have 6 the music played, so that she's satisfied with 7 whatever work that you've done. And if that's 8 done by the 13th of May, which is our next 9 Council meeting, then I certainly would consider 10 rescinding the ten day suspension before it's 11 voted on by the entire Council. 12 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Okay. Mr. and Mrs. 13 Tucker, I - - I think that you know where we're 14 going on this here. I certainly hope that you- - 15 you work with this and try to rectify that. 16 The motion before us, again, is for the 17 renewal of the Class 'B' Tavern and Tavern Dance 18 with a ten day suspension. Is there any 19 objection from the committee? Hearing none, so 20 ordered. 21 We encourage you, you have a couple 22 weeks time here now to try to rectify those 23 issues, pull the permits, and - - and get that 24 rectified to Mrs. McDade's liking. I encourage 25 you to act on that in a - - and if you do, I 00023 1 think we would look very friendly upon that to- - 2 to ameliorating and - - and taking away the 3 suspension at that time, so. 4 ALDERMAN PAWLINSKI: Mr. Chairman, if I 5 could just add, I think that the paperwork that 6 we're asking for should be submitted to you as 7 Chairman of this committee, so that you can make 8 a decision. And I would suggest that it not 9 appear in Alderman Bohl's the morning of the 10 13th, but that it get there at least a couple 11 days before. 12 MR. TUCKER: Before. 13 CHAIRMAN BOHL: If you could - - If you 14 could get that to me preferably - - our Council 15 meeting is on a Tuesday. If you could get me 16 something by the previous Friday, that would be 17 preferable. It would be, I'm going to guess, 18 Friday, the 9th. Is that correct? If - - If 19 you'd like to - - to listen to the advice here of 20 - - of Alderman Pawlinski and - - and Alderman 21 Gordon, we'd appreciate if you could get some - - 22 some indication that you've - - you've rectified 23 those matters by - - by the 9th. If you could 24 get that to me on the second floor of the Common 25 Council. 00024 1 MR. TUCKER: The paperwork that I have 2 now is not sufficient? 3 CHAIRMAN BOHL: The permits were not 4 properly pulled, and I think that - - I think 5 that you're better off having those issues 6 rectified and insuring that it's properly done. 7 It's obvious that you said that you did work in 8 January and - - and we're hearing from multiple 9 neighbors that the problem is still occurring. I 10 think there's more that has to be done, so. 11 DNS: Mr. Chair. 12 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Yes, Ms. Jacobs. 13 DNS: The permits, they would be pulled 14 from the Department of City Development's 15 Development Center, and they would have to be 16 inspected and approved on any of the fireproofing 17 that's installed. 18 CHAIRMAN BOHL: There - - There are 19 other issues besides just the soundproofing. 20 There are fire and other issues where those items 21 have to be inspected, so. Okay. 22 MR. SCHRIMPF: Ms. Tucker, the 23 committee is going to be doing findings of fact 24 and conclusions of law recommending renewal of 25 this license with a ten day suspension. You will 00025 1 receive a copy of those findings of fact and 2 conclusions of law. They will be addressed to 3 you. 4 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Thank you very much. 5 MR. SCHRIMPF: Just a minute. At "L 6 and T, Inc.," 6469 North 73rd Street, Milwaukee 7 53223. Is that the correct address? 8 THE APPLICANT: Yes. 9 MR. SCHRIMPF: You'll have an 10 opportunity to submit written objections to those 11 findings of fact, as well as to appear before the 12 Common Council when it takes this matter up on 13 May 13th at nine a.m. in the Common Council 14 chambers in this building which is on this floor 15 but the opposite end of this building. Okay. 16 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. 17 Tucker. 18 ALDERMAN PRATT: Mr. Chairman. 19 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Yes, Alderman Pratt. 20 ALDERMAN PRATT: Actually, I thought 21 that was a very positive potential resolution to 22 this. 23 CHAIRMAN BOHL: Let's hope it is a 24 resolution. 25 * * * * * * 00026 1 STATE OF WISCONSIN) 2 MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) 3 4 I, JEAN M. BARINA, of Milwaukee Reporters 5 Associated, Inc., do certify that the foregoing 6 transcript was reduced to writing under my direction 7 and that it is a true and accurate transcription of 8 the Utilties and Licenses Hearing held on April 29, 9 2003. 10 11 12 JEAN M. BARINA - COURT REPORTER 13 Dated this day of May, 2003. 14