From: Bohl, James
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 1:38 PM
To: Lee, Chris
Subject: FW: Malcolm X



From: Larry Miller []
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 11:34 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: Malcolm X


Dear Alderman:

I am asking for your support on the sale of the Malcolm X facility, voted on by the MPS Board of School Directors on Friday. Malcolm X is located in my district and I have been working on a plan for over 2 years for its best use to serve the Harambee community, the education community and taxpayers.

Over the past week, the MPS administration and I have been working closely with the Department of City Development to strengthen the agreement and meet the expectations of the Common Council. I feel we have constructed a very strong proposal.

The urgency we face is due to a number of deadlines including applications for tax credits. But clouding the process is the pressure from the State legislature concerning MPS facilities. This has put undue burden on a process that should have a natural course.

I ask for your support for quick action on the Malcolm X sale.


Thank you for your consideration


Larry Miller- MPS Board of School Directors, District 5