From: Judith Miller Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 9:06 AM To: Elmer, Linda Subject: In support of HPC file #220279 St. Mark's Church Certificate of Appropriateness You don't often get email from Learn why this is important I’m a member of St Marks, east side resident, and former Vestry member. I strongly support this plan. As Ian Burch noted, the current parish hall was built 70+ years ago, is not ADA compliant, was intended for a much larger congregation, and requires substantial ongoing maintenance every year. It is a money-pit and investing large amounts of money in rehabilitation makes no sense with the next 70 years in mind. For a parish of our size to finance new construction requires we use the proceeds from the sale of our land. Without sale of the land we would be left with an aging building that requires throwing more “good money after bad” which diverts resources from our larger ministry and community service activities. The proposed structures, both parish hall and apartment building are in keeping with the overall feel of Hackett and the larger neighborhood. The architects have shown a great deal of sensitivity to existing structures. The apartments also will serve to support the retail base on Downer and the employment expansion of Columbia St Mary’s. Judith Miller Judith: 608-274-9288