1 CITY OF MILWAUKEE COMMON COUNCIL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * In the Matter of: PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Proceedings had and testimony given in the above-entitled matter before the COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE on the 22nd day of December, 2009. 2 1 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 2 CITY CLERK: The Public Safety Committee 3 recommends approval of Item No. 1, File No. 4 090864, motion to approve the recommendations of 5 the Public Safety Committee relative to licenses. 6 PRESIDENT HINES: The chair recognizes 7 Alderman Jim Bohl. 8 ALDERMAN BOHL: Thank you, Mr. 9 President. Mr. President, there is a procedural 10 motion that should be at members' desks, and at 11 this time, I would move to recommend that the 12 following items in the Public Safety Committee 13 under this file here be held in council. 14 PRESIDENT HINES: Alderman Bohl, before 15 we proceed, it doesn't have to be passed out. So 16 it might not be at your desks, so I see members 17 looking for it. But it's an appropriate motion, 18 Alderman. 19 ALDERMAN BOHL: Okay. Thank you, Mr. 20 President. At this time, I would move that the 21 following public alarm system license application 22 be held in council: 23 The license for Jonathan Baxter, agent 24 for APX Alarm Security Solutions Incorporated, 25 Private Alarm System Business Application for APX 3 1 Alarm Security Solutions at 4931 North 300 West, 2 Provo, Utah. 3 Aaron Wahrsager, agent for Nationwide 4 Digital Monitoring Company, Private Alarm System 5 Business Renewal Application with change of 6 officer for Nationwide Digital Monitoring Company 7 at 75 West Merrick Road in Freeport, New York. 8 Steven P. Zolman, agent for Pinnacle 9 Security, LLC, Private Alarm System Business 10 Renewal Application with the change of member for 11 Pinnacle Security at 1290 South Sandhill Road in 12 Orem, Utah. 13 Robert Sherman, agent for Monitronics 14 International Incorporated, Private Alarm System 15 Business Renewal Application with a change of 16 officer for Monitronics International at 2350 17 Valley View Lane in Dallas, Texas, and Robert 18 Sherman, agent for Monitronics Security LP, 19 Private Alarm System Business Renewal Application 20 with a change of officer for Monitronics Security, 21 LP, at 2350 Valley View Lane in Dallas, Texas. 22 Mr. President, it is, I think, the 23 intent -- it is the intention that these items 24 will be taken up at a special Common Council 25 committee meeting that should be scheduled for 4 1 January 5th in the new year. 2 PRESIDENT HINES: Thank you. That's an 3 appropriate motion. Any discussion on the motion? 4 The chair recognizes Alderwoman Coggs. 5 ALDERWOMAN COGGS: When do the licenses 6 expire for these entities? 7 PRESIDENT HINES: Well, because of our 8 schedule and our calendar and the furlough days 9 and days that we'll be off, it appears one day, 10 the possibility of January 4th. But, however, 11 it's anticipated that, as we've handled these 12 licenses similarly in times past, that they will 13 not be in violation of city policy. 14 So the people also understand what is 15 also happening today is that we will be, I will be 16 introducing a file that will pull together a 17 committee to deal with these particular licenses. 18 It will be -- the body will consist of 19 representatives from the City Clerk's Office, the 20 City Attorney's Office, representatives from the 21 industry, the Public Safety Committee, the police 22 department as well, so we can modify our system to 23 be more responsive to this situation. 24 ALDERWOMAN COGGS: So what happens to 25 the service for that day lapse for citizens? What 5 1 happens to the services for that day? 2 PRESIDENT HINES: They will be -- it is 3 anticipated, as it has occurred in times past, 4 that services will not be interrupted. 5 ALDERWOMAN COGGS: Okay, thank you. 6 PRESIDENT HINES: Thank you. Is there 7 any additional questions or comments? The chair 8 recognizes Alderman Davis. 9 ALDERMAN DAVIS: Thank you, Mr. 10 President. I would be remiss as a member of the 11 Public Safety Committee to at least elaborate my 12 position on this file. It was unfortunate when 13 this file came before the Public Safety Committee 14 to find out -- 15 PRESIDENT HINES: Alderman Davis, if I 16 may, the motion right before us now is to hold in 17 council and to be heard on January 5th at a 18 special meeting. I want to keep the verbiage 19 relative to the motion. So with that said, you 20 have the floor, Alderman. 21 ALDERMAN DAVIS: That's correct, and 22 this is the comment on the motion. 23 It's unfortunate that these particular 24 companies all are not located in the state of 25 Wisconsin and on behalf of the constituents in 6 1 which we represent. And item that's contained in 2 the file, I'm glad to see that at least we're 3 putting together a comprehensive evaluation on how 4 we best can serve the customers, and so, the 5 constituents in which we represent. 6 It was very unfortunate to find out the 7 amount of complaints -- now that we know that the 8 Milwaukee Police Department has taken a position 9 not to respond, that consumers are protected. And 10 that is the main thrust in which I think the 11 Public Safety Committee took this issue and 12 decided on the factors that were before us. So I 13 want to commend members of the committee on doing 14 their due diligence and really protecting the 15 consumer and also, in addition, the constituents 16 in which we represent to make sure that they 17 deserve good service. And they deserve service 18 that is going to be responsive if, in fact, there 19 are complaints that are filed with these 20 particular companies, whether they're here in the 21 state or whether they are out of state. Thank you, 22 Mr. President. 23 PRESIDENT HINES: Thank you, Alderman. 24 Any additional comments relative to the motion put 25 forth by Alderman Bohl? Any objection? 7 1 ALDERMAN DONOVAN: I object. One 2 objection. 3 PRESIDENT HINES: There is one 4 objection. The motion carries. With that said, 5 are there any other -- there was one objection, 6 for the court reporter, the person objecting was 7 Alderman Donovan for the record. 8 Are there any other motions relative to 9 this matter? Any other discussion? So we're 10 going to take a roll call on Alderman Bohl's 11 motion, is that the case? No. On adopting the 12 file as amended. The file was before us, Alderman 13 Bohl put forth a motion to hold so that amended 14 the file. There are other licenses in the file 15 differently than the alarm licenses issue. And so 16 with that being the case, the first question is, 17 are there any motions relative to the other items 18 in that file? Recognizing that there are no 19 additional motions relative to the additional 20 items that was in that file, we will now take a 21 roll call vote on the file as amended. With that 22 being the case, Mr. City Clerk, please call the 23 roll. 24 CITY CLERK: Alderman Hamilton. 25 ALDERMAN HAMILTON: Aye. 8 1 CITY CLERK: Davis. 2 ALDERMAN DAVIS: Aye. 3 CITY CLERK: Kovac. 4 ALDERMAN KOVAC: Aye. 5 CITY CLERK: Bauman. 6 ALDERMAN BAUMAN: Aye. 7 CITY CLERK: Bohl. 8 ALDERMAN BOHL: Aye. 9 CITY CLERK: Coggs. 10 ALDERWOMAN COGGS: Aye. 11 CITY CLERK: Donovan. 12 ALDERMAN DONOVAN: Aye. 13 CITY CLERK: Puente. 14 ALDERMAN PUENTE: Aye. 15 CITY CLERK: Murphy. 16 ALDERMAN MURPHY: Aye. 17 CITY CLERK: Dudzik. 18 ALDERMAN DUDZIK: Aye. 19 CITY CLERK: Witkowiak. 20 ALDERMAN WITKOWIAK: Aye. 21 CITY CLERK: Witkowski. 22 ALDERMAN WITKOWSKI: Aye. 23 CITY CLERK: Zielinski. 24 ALDERMAN ZIELINSKI: Aye. 25 CITY CLERK: Mr. President. 9 1 PRESIDENT HINES: Aye. 2 CITY CLERK: 14 ayes, 1 excused. 3 PRESIDENT HINES: 14 ayes, 1 excused. 4 The file is adopted as amended. The court 5 reporter is dismissed. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 1 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) SS: 2 COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE ) 3 4 5 I, KAREN RENEE, Court Reporter and 6 Notary Public in and for the State of Wisconsin, do 7 hereby certify that the above hearing was recorded by 8 me on December 22, 2009, and reduced to writing under 9 my personal direction. 10 I further certify that I am not a 11 relative or employee or attorney or counsel of any of 12 the parties, or a relative or employee of such attorney 13 or counsel, or financially interested directly or 14 indirectly in this action. 15 In witness whereof I have hereunder set 16 my hand and affixed my seal of office at Milwaukee, 17 Wisconsin, this 1st day of January, 2010. 18 19 20 _________________________________ Notary Public 21 In and for the State of Wisconsin 22 23 My Commission Expires: March 11, 2012. 24 25