Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 8:00 AM
To:; Willie Wade;; Ashanti Hamilton; Robert Bauman
Cc: Linda Elmer
Subject: File #060705 February 21 Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development Committee Meeting
I respectfully urge you to oppose substitute ordinance #060705 for the following reasons:
From WTLT January 3, 2007 minutes:
While the changes contemplated in the Plan fall outside of WTLT’s boundaries, the proposed bank building on the parking lot at Belleview and Downer abuts homes within our boundaries.
Motion:           Adrienne Houck moved, second by Lloyd Dickenson
Water Tower Landmark Trust supports, via a deed restriction or other appropriate mechanism, a permanent green space buffer of reasonable width (but in no event less than than 10 feet), between the lot line of 2623 E. Belleview and the proposed building at the corner of Belleview and Downer.
Vote:               Approved unanimously

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