54-715, 001699, 010631, 180339, 181772
Substitute resolution relating to the adoption of a new City flag.
This resolution adopts the Robert Lenz flag design titled “Sunrise Over the Lake” as the official flag of the City and establishes the official adoption day of the new flag as January 31, 2025.
Whereas, The current City flag was accepted by the Common Council on January 25, 1955; and
Whereas, In 2001, Common Council Files 001699 and 010631 established and amended a flag design competition which did not result in the selection of a winning design; and
Whereas, Common Council File 180339 adopted July 31, 2018, directed the Milwaukee Arts Board to develop a process to determine whether a new flag is necessary, establish and implement a process for the development and adoption or a new official flag, and develop an estimate of the cost of adopting a new official flag; and
Whereas, On September 25, 2018, the Milwaukee Arts Board determined that a new flag is necessary; and
Whereas, On November 13, 2018, the Milwaukee Arts Board determined that the process for considering, reviewing and recommending design for a new official City flag should be to issue a Request for Qualifications or a Request for Proposals; and
Whereas, Common Council File Number 181772, a resolution directing the City Clerk to issue a Request for Qualifications and Request for Proposals for designing and adopting a new official City flag, was adopted on May 7, 2019; and
Whereas, The City received no responses to the 2019 RFP; and
Whereas, In the nearly 5 years since the unsuccessful RFP, the Common Council has declined to take further action on the Milwaukee Arts Board’s recommendations; and
Whereas, The winning design from the People’s Flag competition, “Sunrise Over the Lake”, has been organically adopted and is widely used on homes, businesses and local products in every ZIP Code a...
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