00001 1 2 CITY OF MILWAUKEE 3 LICENSES COMMITTEE 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 In the Matter of: the Class "B" Tavern and Tavern 6 Amusement (Cabaret/NiteClub) applications for: 7 Agent: SAMAR L. ASAD 8 "LOUNGING AROUND, INC." 9 "ENVY LOUNGE & NIGHTCLUB" 715-717 South 5th Street 10 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 11 COMMITTEE MEMBERS 12 ALD. JAMES WITKOWIAK ALD. ROBERT PUENTE- Vice Chair 13 ALD. MICHAEL D'AMATO 14 LICENSING DIVISION by REBECCA GRILL POLICE DEPARTMENT by P.O. PAUL MACGILLIS 15 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY by ATTORNEY BRUCE SCHRIMPF 16 17 Proceedings had and testimony given in 18 the above-entitled matter, before the LICENSES 19 COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF MILWAUKEE, on 20 the 25th day of March, 2008. 00002 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: In the 12th 3 District, Samer L. Asad, Agent for "Lounging 4 Around, Inc.", Class "B" Tavern and Tavern 5 Amusement (Cabaret/Nite Club) applications for 6 "Envy Lounge & Nightclub" at 715-717 South 5th 7 Street. 8 THE APPLICANT: Good evening. 9 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Good evening. 10 Please raise your right hand so we can swear you 11 in. 12 (Whereupon those present were sworn.) 13 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Name and address 14 for the record, please. 15 THE APPLICANT: Samir Asad. 7015 West 16 Bennett Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53219. 17 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Mr. Asad, do you 18 admit to receiving notice in the mail there's a 19 possibility your application could be denied 20 because of neighborhood objections? 21 THE APPLICANT: Yes. 22 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Anything from 23 Health Department or Neighborhood Services? 24 MS. GRILL: A certificate of occupancy 25 from Neighborhood Services and inspection from 00003 1 the Health Department. 2 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: And I'll ask if 3 there is anyone present from the neighborhood 4 that wishes to speak on the application of 715- 5 717 South 5th Street? Let the record show no one 6 acknowledges. Just want to gaze at your plan of 7 operation here. 8 Mr. Asad, if you're granted this 9 license, why don't you tell the committee what 10 you plan to do there? 11 THE APPLICANT: Basically, what we plan 12 on doing is appealing to the target market that's 13 already in the area. The demographics of the 14 area currently have a lot of restaurant patrons 15 that are leaving the current - - the existing 16 restaurants of La Fuente's and La Perla and 17 heading downtown for their nightclub/lounge 18 needs. We're trying to stop them from driving 19 downtown and open up a spot that's a lot closer, 20 and can, you know, take advantage of the target 21 market that's already in the area. 22 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: What type of 23 entertainment do you plan? 24 THE APPLICANT: It's going to be - - 25 The lower level will be a lounge area with an 00004 1 upscale - - an upscale area where people can 2 come. We're looking for a target market of 23 to 3 35, but we're not going to limit ourselves to 4 that. Basically, we want patrons to come in 5 after they're done eating at the two restaurants 6 or, you know, if they're just in the 7 neighborhood, and we plan on offering good 8 drinks, great service, and, also, a dance club 9 upstairs so they can choose what they want to do. 10 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Okay. I'm very 11 sensitive to what's going on in that area over 12 there, and we - - you can control what happens 13 there basically by the - - by the content of your 14 - - your music entertainment. 15 THE APPLICANT: Absolutely. 16 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: And you know that 17 we've talked about that? 18 THE APPLICANT: Yes. 19 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: And you've gave me 20 your assurances that - - that you're going to run 21 an upscale place in an orderly fashion. 22 THE APPLICANT: Absolutely. 23 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Any questions by 24 members of the committee? 25 ALDERMAN PUENTE: Mr. Chair. 00005 1 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Alderman Puente. 2 ALDERMAN PUENTE: What experience do 3 you have in this? 4 THE APPLICANT: Sir, I currently own a 5 property on the east side. I have - - And we 6 also have other businesses that we own in the 7 City of Milwaukee. I'm actually an accountant. 8 This is going to be my first go at a bar. But 9 from my experiences in all of our other 10 businesses - - Currently my - - I've been 11 involved in the management, operation of rental 12 properties, our family's laundromat, grocery 13 store, which holds a Class "A" liquor license. 14 Our restaurant, a gas station, and like I said, 15 I'm also a tax accountant by trade. So, I have 16 lots of experience in different areas that can 17 help me to guide me in - - in this venture. 18 ALDERMAN PUENTE: Because I see just 19 about every day except Friday you close 15 20 minutes before legal closing time. And I find 21 that quite unique that you have that vision that 22 probably a lot of problems occur right before 23 closing time, and it looks like you're taking a 24 proactive approach to avoid those. 25 THE APPLICANT: Um-hnh. 00006 1 ALDERMAN PUENTE: And then I see on 2 Friday you're actually - - you're closing an hour 3 - - Well, let's see here. 45 minutes earlier 4 than you need to. So, I don't know if that's 5 your strategy or not, but whether intentional or 6 not, I think that's a good strategy. 7 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: And just for the 8 benefit of the other members of this committee, 9 this is the former CO2. 10 THE APPLICANT: Correct. 11 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: And that - - We 12 actually, this committee actually renewed that 13 license not too long ago, probably a month or two 14 ago. They decided not to continue and - - and 15 looked to sell the business to someone else. And 16 - - And that the - - the activity there was 17 borderline, I can - - You know, I can tell you 18 that. So we're - - This applicant has convinced 19 me that this will be a vast improvement. 20 THE APPLICANT: Absolutely. 21 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Over what was 22 there before. And for now we will take you on 23 your word. So you - - 24 THE APPLICANT: I appreciate that. I 25 promise, you won't be disappointed. 00007 1 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: It appears that 2 you will get to create your - - your record here. 3 This matter is in committee. 4 ALDERMAN D'AMATO: Mr. Chair. 5 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Alderman D'Amato? 6 ALDERMAN D'AMATO: You had mentioned 7 other establishments that you've worked at that 8 your family owns. What are those? 9 THE APPLICANT: Like I said, we own a 10 grocery store. 11 ALDERMAN D'AMATO: What is that? 12 THE APPLICANT: Alma Foods on the north 13 side. Milwaukee. 14 ALDERMAN D'AMATO: Where is that? 15 THE APPLICANT: 27th and Vliet. 16 ALDERMAN D'AMATO: Okay. And - - 17 THE APPLICANT: That's the only one 18 that holds a Class "A" license. Everything else 19 is just a restaurant, a grocery store, which is 20 the one I just discussed, and other businesses 21 that I mentioned prior. 22 ALDERMAN D'AMATO: What do you own the 23 east side? You had mentioned. 24 THE APPLICANT: I own a property right 25 off of campus at UWM Campus on the 3200 block of 00008 1 Bartlett, that I maintain. 2 ALDERMAN D'AMATO: Have you ever got a 3 nasty letter from me? 4 THE APPLICANT: No. 5 ALDERMAN D'AMATO: That's a good thing. 6 ALDERMAN PUENTE: Good answer. 7 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: That's amazing. 8 ALDERMAN D'AMATO: That's the - - The 9 rule of thumb on the east side is if I don't know 10 you and you're a landlord, you must be a good 11 one. Because we know all the bad ones. 12 I - - Let me say this about - - about 13 that stretch of street. I think that stretch is 14 right on the edge. It can be really a great 15 stretch and be, you know, south side's version of 16 Milwaukee Street, or it could go to hell. And - 17 - And I'm afraid that without - - without the 18 business owners there understanding that together 19 they could create an entertainment district that 20 does appeal to a - - an older, less rambunctious 21 crowd, there's money to be made for everybody. 22 And if everybody goes for the quick buck, I'm 23 afraid it's going to go the way of some of the 24 other places that we've seen that have started up 25 and shut down. And so, it's really on - - it's 00009 1 at the tipping point now where - - where you 2 could make or break that. And I think it's 3 really important for South 5th Street and 4 certainly for the businesses around there, and 5 I'm sure Alderman Witkowiak knows this better 6 than I, that - - that together you band together 7 to create a certain atmosphere that you all abide 8 by in order to create an entertainment district 9 that's safe and attractive and, at least, 10 something unique for - - for that side of town. 11 THE APPLICANT: I completely agree with 12 you. And, you know, the promise that I had to 13 Alderman Witkowiak is there will be no Hip-Hop 14 music, absolutely none, and, you know, we're 15 going to stick by that, and even if - - even if 16 times are rough, it doesn't matter. We're not 17 going to - - We're not going to go for that last 18 string, you know, just, oh God, we're holding on 19 by a thread, we need to Hip-Hop. No, we're not 20 going to do that. If that's the case, we'll 21 close, but no - - no Hip-Hop, whatsoever. 22 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Alderman D'Amato, 23 you have assessed the - - the situation there on 24 5th Street very well. It's - - It's - - It's 25 attractive to the point that everybody wants in 00010 1 on it, and - - and it could go in one direction 2 or another. And we - - We just want to stock 3 that street with good quality tenants that are 4 going to run good quality businesses, and - - and 5 then we will have very little problem in the 6 future. And we - - And that's - - Hopefully, you 7 are one of those. Your track record will - - 8 Your track record will show. 9 THE APPLICANT: Yes, sir. 10 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Okay. This matter 11 is in committee. 12 ALDERMAN PUENTE: Move approval. 13 CHAIRMAN WITKOWIAK: Motion by Alderman 14 Puente is to recommend approval despite items 15 contained in the notice. Are there any 16 objections to that motion? Hearing none, so 17 ordered. Okay. Good luck with everything. 18 THE APPLICANT: Thank you, gentlemen 19 and lady. 20 * * * * 21 00011 1 2 3 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) 4 ) 5 MILWAUKEE COUNTY ) 6 7 I, JEAN M. BARINA, of Milwaukee Reporters 8 Associated, Inc., 5124 West Blue Mound Road, 9 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208, certify that the foregoing 10 proceedings is a full and complete transcript of "Envy 11 Lounge & Nightclub"" taken in the foregoing 12 proceedings. 13 14 15 16 17 18 JEAN M. BARINA 19 Court Reporter 20 21 22 Dated this day of April, 2010. 23 24 25 00012 1