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File #: 070034    Version: 0
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
On agenda: Final action: 5/30/2007
Effective date: 6/16/2007    
Title: Ordinance relating to the change in zoning from General Planned Development to a Detailed Planned Development known as Downer Avenue Redevelopment, Phase 1, on land located on the Southeast Corner of East Belleview Place and North Downer Avenue, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.
Sponsors: THE CHAIR
Attachments: 1. City Plan Commission Hearing Notice, 2. City Plan Commission Letter.pdf, 3. National Trust OPPOSE.pdf, 4. Wisconsin Historical Society Letter.PDF, 5. Wisconsin Historical Society 2nd letter.pdf, 6. DCD Memo Regarding Chip Brown Letter.pdf, 7. Cheri Briscoe SUPPORT.pdf, 8. Exhibit A-Phase I as of 5-14-07.pdf, 9. Exhibit A-Phase I Continued as of 5-14-07.pdf, 10. Phase I Site Context Photos.pdf, 11. Proposed Zoning Change Map.jpg, 12. View South on Downer.jpg, 13. View West on Belleview.jpg, 14. Ann Baer OPPOSE.pdf, 15. Barbara Collignon OPPOSE.pdf, 16. Barbara Lewczyk OPPOSE.pdf, 17. Debbie Roy OPPOSE.pdf, 18. Delia Kovac OPPOSE.pdf, 19. Denise Schmitt OPPOSE.pdf, 20. Donna Burdge OPPOSE.pdf, 21. Donna J. Neal OPPOSE.pdf, 22. Donna J. Neal OPPOSE 2nd letter.pdf, 23. Dori Knoff Roselle OPPOSE.pdf, 24. Greta Fayle OPPOSE.pdf, 25. Heide Planey OPPOSE.pdf, 26. James Godsil OPPOSE.pdf, 27. Jayne Holland OPPOSE.pdf, 28. Jean Berens OPPOSE.pdf, 29. Jean Casper OPPOSE.pdf, 30. Jody Ranbarger OPPOSE.pdf, 31. Olson Committee for Balanced Development OPPOSE.pdf, 32. Olson Committee for Balanced Development OPPOSE 2nd letter.pdf, 33. Joelle Worm OPPOSE.pdf, 34. John and Judith Worm OPPOSE.pdf, 35. Judy and Mike Broderick OPPOSE.pdf, 36. Judy Grochowski OPPOSE.pdf, 37. Katherine Schwarz OPPOSE.pdf, 38. Linda Nieft OPPOSE.pdf, 39. Lucia Lozano OPPOSE.pdf, 40. Lynn OPPOSE.pdf, 41. Monica Sirimarco OPPOSE.pdf, 42. Monica Van Lieshout OPPOSE.pdf, 43. Nancy Davis OPPOSE.pdf, 44. Pamela Dorris OPPOSE.pdf, 45. Sally Holt OPPOSE.pdf, 46. Sandra Hays OPPOSE.pdf, 47. Shirley Ferguson OPPOSE.pdf, 48. Suzy Webb OPPOSE.pdf, 49. Virginia Stocker OPPOSE.pdf, 50. Christian and Doris Hansen OPPOSE.pdf, 51. Ellen Blank OPPOSE.pdf, 52. Ellen Blank OPPOSE 2nd letter.pdf, 53. Julie Hugg OPPOSE.pdf, 54. Julie Hugg OPPOSE 2.pdf, 55. Mary and Don Boettcher OPPOSE.pdf, 56. Dawn McCarthy OPPOSE.pdf, 57. Dawn McCarthy OPPOSE 2nd letter.pdf, 58. Statement of Dawn McCarthy, 59. Susan Shimshak OPPOSE.pdf, 60. Mike Lulloff OPPOSE.pdf, 61. Howard Roth OPPOSE.pdf, 62. Jennifer Bickel OPPOSE.pdf, 63. Larry Shupe OPPOSE.pdf, 64. Lonni Mueller OPPOSE.pdf, 65. Mark Thompson OPPOSE.pdf, 66. Mark Volk OPPOSE.pdf, 67. Thea Kovac OPPOSE.pdf, 68. Vivian Corres OPPOSE.pdf, 69. Kari Backes OPPOSE.pdf, 70. Weusts OPPOSE.pdf, 71. Martins OPPOSE.pdf, 72. Mary Harrison OPPOSE.pdf, 73. Elizabeth Ames OPPOSE.pdf, 74. Statement by Pamela Frautschi provided at the 2/22/07 ZND meeting, 75. Letter of April 22nd provided by Mr. Kovacs at the ZND meeting of 5/22/07, 76. Letter of Feb. 3rd provided by Mr. Kovacs at the ZND meeting of 2/22/07, 77. Exhibit 1, 78. Exhibit 2, 79. Registration Forms, 80. Protest Petitions, 81. Department of City Development Response to Protest Petition.PDF, 82. Notice Published on 4-16-07 and 4-23-07.PDF, 83. Notice Published on 5-07-07 and 5-14-07.PDF, 84. Mayor's Letter.pdf
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultTallyAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
6/15/20070 CITY CLERK PUBLISHED   Action details Meeting details Not available
6/8/20070 MAYOR SIGNED   Action details Meeting details Not available
5/30/20070 COMMON COUNCIL PASSEDPass13:1 Action details Meeting details Not available

Minutes note: Individuals present: Vanessa Koster and Dan Casanova - Dept. of City Development Scott Kindness - Workshop Architects Boris Gokhman - New Land Enterprises Bob Greenstreet - Dept. of City Development Mixed Support: Elaine Schwartz - 2585 N. Summit Ave. Opponents: Jim Stearns - 2605 N. Summit Ave. Alan Chapin - 2551 N. Prospect Ave. Peter Kovac - 2623 E. Belleview Two pictures of his house and tree provided by Mr. Kovac (Exhibit 1) Two pictures of his house and garbage carts provided by Mr. Kovac (Exhibit 2) Statement of Dawn McCarthy provided by Mr. Kovac Letters of Feb. 3 and April 22 provided by Mr. Kovac Linda May - 2651 N. Summit Ave. Nik Kovac - 2911 N. Fratney St. Gail Fitch - 1733 N. Cambridge Ave., #109 David Tojek -2656 N. Summit Ave. Marjorie Maguire - 2712 E. Bradford Ave. Pamela Frautschi - 3430 E. Newberry Donna Schlieman - 1300 N. Prospect Madeline Norton - grew up at 2608 N. Prospect Ave.
Pass3:0 Action details Meeting details Not available
5/15/20070 ZONING, NEIGHBORHOODS & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE HEARING NOTICES SENT   Action details Meeting details Not available
5/15/20070 ZONING, NEIGHBORHOODS & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE HEARING NOTICES SENT   Action details Meeting details Not available
5/14/20070 ZONING, NEIGHBORHOODS & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE HEARING NOTICES SENT   Action details Meeting details Not available

Minutes note: This file is being published 5-7-07 and 5-14-07 for a ZND Mtg. on 5-22-07 at 9:00 a.m.
   Action details Meeting details Not available

Minutes note: This file is being published 4-16-07 and 4-23-07 for a ZND Mtg. on 5-1-07 at 9:00 a.m.
   Action details Meeting details Not available
4/18/20070 ZONING, NEIGHBORHOODS & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REFERRED TO   Action details Meeting details Not available
4/17/20070 COMMON COUNCIL ASSIGNED TO   Action details Meeting details Not available

Ordinance relating to the change in zoning from General Planned Development to a Detailed Planned Development known as Downer Avenue Redevelopment, Phase 1, on land located on the Southeast Corner of East Belleview Place and North Downer Avenue, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.
This ordinance approves the site plan and building design for a 4-story parking structure with bank and retail tenant space for property located at 2574-90 North Downer Avenue.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee (“Common Council”), do ordain as follows:

Part 1. There is added to the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances (“Code”) a new section to read as follows:

Section 295-907(2)(b).0107.

(1) In accordance with the provisions of Section 295-907 of the Code relating to the establishment of planned development districts, the Common Council approves the subject Detailed Planned Development, a copy of which is attached to this Common Council File as Exhibit A which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and made a part as though fully set forth herein.

(2) The zoning map is amended to change the zoning for the area described and bounded by the zoning line within North Downer Avenue, the zoning line within East Belleview Place, a line 150 feet Northwest and parallel to the northwest line of North Summit Avenue, and a line 167.56 feet Southwest and parallel to the southwest line of East Belleview Place, from General Planned Development (GPD) to Detailed Planned Development (DPD).

(3) The requirements set forth in said detailed plan attached to this Common Council File as Exhibit A, constitute the zoning regulations for the area contained in such planned development district described, provided further, that the effect of the approval of such detailed plan is that such plan shall limit and control construction, location, use and operation of all land and structures included within the det...

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